Head-canons • Near

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•he is a very cuddly person and absolutely loves it when you cuddle with him.

•he's scared that you'll want to go all the way when he's nowhere near ready.

•he finds your laugh adorable.

•he hates seeing you sick, hurt or upset.

•he thinks of you as his missing puzzle piece that completes the puzzle of his life.

•likes to have you around at work but is scared something will happen to you.

•he finds your sleepy state adorable.

•he can't watch horror movies at all, if there's one on TV you happen to be watching he'll wait until it's over.

•he likes to play with your hair.

•he's a cat person but finds dogs ok.

•he can only cook pasta and cake because their easy to make.

•he's absolutely terrified he'll say Le do something that makes you hate him.

•he's shy, so every rim he goes to kiss you he gets butterflies in his stomach.

•he will happily drop everything to come and sleep next to you.

•he almost never swears and when he does he find it funny how you make a big deal out of it.

•he loves that you accept his toy collecting habit.

•he would like to see you him his clothes.

•he his kind of scared about what you could be capable of when you're on your period, so he always baby's you when you're on it.

•he likes your cooking

•he often wonders what you dream about.

•he can't drive

•he likes dancing around with you.

•he loves your taste I music and sense of style.

•he can't be turned on easily, but he finds that whenever you wear really short clothes he does feel a little strange.

•he gets frustrated when you won't hug him because you're busy or in a rush to go out.

•he wants to adopt a kitten or puppy with you.

•he enjoys the same anime you do

•he's ready to marry you but he's still a little young for that and will only do it when you're ready.

•he loves to baby you

•he likes how you take care of him.

•he loves when you call him cute.

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