Cold pt 1 • L, Near, Mello

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You sat on the sofa as you shivered madly, you were watching TV but it got quite cold suddenly. You didn't want to get up, since your room as no heating, it'd be colder. Suddenly you felt something warm be draped over your shoulders, you turned to see no-one. When you turned back to ave the TV, you saw L, pulling a blanket around you, making you jump out of your skin.

"AH! Oh god L..."

"Sorry" he giggled.

He sat on the sofa next to you and wrapped an arm around you.

"You seemed cold" he said.

"I was, thanks honey"

You leaned against his shoulder and snuggled into the blanket, felling warm and fuzzy all over.


Your heating had broken so it was absolutely freezing. You sat on your bed and shivered as you curled up in a little ball under the blankets. No matter how many blankets you piled on, it was still insanely cold. Getting fed up with it, you got up and walked down the hall, rubbing your hands together in the process.

You knocked on Nears door and walked inside.

"Are you ok?" He asked, turning from his laptop to you.

"I'm cold and I can't sleep, can I stay with you?"

He put his laptop away and nodded, a slight pink dusted over his cheeks.

You smiled and dashed over to him, you slipped under the blankets and wrapped your arms around his warm body. He slid his arms around you and you instantly felt the coldness turn to warmth.

"You're so warm!" You said.

"If you ever get cold you can come stay with me ok?"


You walked down the sidewalk with Mello, you were in your way to the shops when it suddenly got quite windy. You didn't bring a jacket and you only had a short-sleeves shirt on, so it was freezing to you. You hugged yourself in an attempt to keep warm as you began to shiver.

Noticing you were cold, Mello took off his black trench coat and draped it over your shoulders. You quickly pulled it on properly and felt Mello put an arm around you.

"Thanks" you said.

"Just looking out for you..."

You smiled, felling warm and a sense of protection as you walked along next to him.

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