What their instagram is like • All

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Username: probably something simple like ryuzaki_

It would be literally just pictures of candy and food. Basically a food porn account with the occasional picture of you. He'd never to selfies or show his face of course since it would reveal his identity. If there was a special occasion between you and him there's be a picture of you both holding hands or something that didn't involve showing his face. Captions would be short and sweet. He has a big following of foodies, he follows the whammy's boys and you, as well as cooking and baking accounts.
Account would be set to: public, who in the world would think this guy posting pictures of cake is L?


Username: probably something simple like _Near_
Mostly pictures of collectable toys. Like L he's rational and doesn't show his face. Makes big paragraphs under pictures of you to show how much she loves you. Captions and short and sweet, of the picture is of a toy, they'd be a bit longer about all the information and details about the collectors item toy in the picture. His following is mainly figure collectors and vintage toy collectors. He follows the whammy's boys and you, as well as figure collectors.
Account would be set to: private, only lets people he knows follow him or figure collectors he likes.


Username: something like xxMelloxx
He's EDGY AF. Posts pictures with a dark theme to them, like a grunge tumblr page. Captions are all emo song lyrics. Pictures are usually of cars, guns, aesthetic half eaten chocolate and you of course. Does take selfies and will post pictures that show his face, mainly if they're with you though. Definitely posts stuff about 'boys night'. If there's a special occasion involving you the caption is always about 10 paragraphs long. His following is usually emos and edgy teens. He follows the whammy's boys, except near because he's salty, and you, as well as other edgy accounts.
Account would be set to: public, everyone can see the account he doesn't care.


Username: lordandsaviourjeevas because he's punny like that.
No particular theme, no filters just a pain account with the occasion selfie and video game high score. If a picture of you is posted it's usually captioned with a heart emoji and a running joke. Has a small following of people he knows and friends. Follows gamers and you, as well as the whammy's boys.
Account would be set to: public, he doesn't care who sees his account.


Username: something basic like Light_Yagami
SUPER aesthetic account theme. Won't post things that don't fit his theme. Captions are usually inspirational quotes. Posts photography, pictures of you, and the occasional selfie. His following is mainly family and friends, he follows family, friends and a very small number of Kira news pages to make sure he's doing his job well. Will go all out and make a whole row of pictures of you for any special occasion.
Account would be set to: private. Only let's friends and family follow him.

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