Sub, Dom or switch • All + BB [NSFW]

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A/n: thanks to my kinky ass group chat for this idea. And thanks to them for helping pick who's what.



Switch leaning more toward submissive. While he can take the lead, it's nice to have someone else be the one in change for once. Also partly because he's still a little naive in the world on love.


Submissive. Near is quite the innocent bean, he needs some guidance to help him out as sinful thoughts barely ever go through his head.


Dominant. He likes to be the one in change and strives to have the relationship where there's enough trust his partner is willing to give themselves completely to him.


Switch. It really depends on what his partner wants, if they want him to take control he will, if they want to do sinful things to him, he's down.


Dominant. He likes the power, maybe it's a side effect of the death note, or becoming god of the new world, but he just loves to be the one in charge.


Switch. While he's not too involved in the world of sex he's willing to try anything (within reason) for you. And if that means you have to take charge, he's willing to try.


Switch leaning toward dominant. He's a little freaky, while he prefers to be in control, if you want to do some kinky shit to him, he's willing to give it a shot, who knows? Me might like it.

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