They get shy Pt 1 • L, Near, Mello.

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You were introducing L to your sister who hadn't stopped bugging you to meet him ever since she found out you were dating him.

Your sister was a very out there person, always cheery, really loud and a huge crowd pleaser. So when the shy little introverted L found this out, he began to worry. You drove down to your sisters house early one morning, planning to stay there for a few days with L. You pulled your bags out of the back of the car and walked up to the door.

"But what is she doesn't like me?" L said.

"She'll love you" you replied.

You knocked on the door and instantly heard a dog bark. That must have been her new puppy. L moved slightly so he was behind you. You saw him do this and giggled at him.

"Is someone getting shy?"

"Well yeah! You've made me out to be so cool and I'm just an awkward potato..." he said.

"You're not that awkward, you really are amazing you know"

Suddenly the door opened and you felt a tiny dog start to jump at you. You looked down to see a little Jack Russell at your feet.

"AWWWW!" You cooed.

"Hello to you to (y/n)" (s/n) said.

"Sorry but you know I love puppies"

"This must be L"

"Yeah, this is L" you said stepping to the side, revealing him.

He just awkwardly stood there.

"Say hi dufous!" You laughed.

"Hi..." L said.

"Oh my god so precious..." (s/n) cooed.

"He's only ever shy like this when he meets my friends or family" you said.

"C-can we not talk about me?" L said.


You decided to pair high-waisted shorts with a (fav band) shirt today. It was a little short but oh well, it was summer anyway it was getting hotter. Once you were ready to go out you skipped down the hall and into Nears room.


He spun around in his chair and began to speak.


He cut himself off and looked at you, he'd never really seen you in clothes that short. You looked great in them. Near felt his cheeks go pink as he stayed at you.

"You alright?" You asked.

"Uh... yeah"

He wanted to tell you how amazing you looked but he just froze up, and went all shy for some reason. He stood up and walked over to you, you followed him out the door and you both began to walk to the shops. In Nears perspective, you looked like a super model compared to him, that was part of the reason he had gotten all shy.

You grabbed his hand and continued to walk down the street. Near just kind of watched cars pass by as he walked with you, trying to work up the courage to tell you how amazing you looked. It took the entire shopping trip for him to work up the courage.

"What's up honey? You seem tense" you said.

"It's just... umm- you... you look amazing..." he managed to stutter out, his ace turning pink.

"Aw, thank you"

You pulled him into your arms and he his is pink face in your shirt, he felt good that he told you, but he was still shy about it.


Whammy's house had caught up with Mello's whereabouts since he walked out a few years ago. They came to an agreement, Mello was free to roam around, he is technically old enough to move out now. But he had to come back and visit for all the new kids. The new kids had to meet L's successors at some point. Near was currently on a case and unable to attend but Mello had to go. You had to come with him since Whammy's is really far away and Mello didn't want to leave you alone.

But the thing was, Mello was shy about introducing you. To everyone at the orphanage he was the tough guy, the independent one that left when he was 15, he was shy about the fact he knew he wasn't. Deep down he didn't want to disappoint anyone.

You both rolled up at the orphanage at around lunch that day. All the kids were either eating in groups or in their rooms as you both walked down the halls and to rogers office.

Mello walked in first and said hello.

"It's nice to see you again Mello" roger said.

"You too... I guess"

"And who's this?"

He turned to you and pulled you forward a little.

"She's m-my girlfriend..." Mello said, his face turning pink.

You noticed this and instantly grew a smile on your face.

"Awww! Are you shy about this?!" You exclaimed.

"N-NO! S-shut up..."

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