Phrases they say too often • All + B

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"I'm too tired for this shit"
"There's a __% chance"
"I understand... buuutt"
"Sleep? Who's she?"


"They're figurines not toys"
"Hey, don't diss the train sets-"
"I'm too baby for this"
"L's gonna kill me"
"I'm just going to put my pyjamas back on at the end of the day so why take them off?"


"Ah shit- oh fuck-"
"Yooo is that a *insert exact motorcycle model here*"
"Don't tell L"
"Who do I gotta punch?"
"Almost just died but it's fiiinneee"


"Chill I'm behind like 14 firewalls and 6 VPNs"
*upon hearing the time is 4:20* "Ha- blaze it"
"It's all good man"
"L's gonna burst a blood vessel if he finds out about what I just did..."
"That's dooopppeee"


"Who does he think he is? Talking to a god like that?"
"I'm only on a 97%? Not good enough"
"Ryuk I swear to god-"
"Where did all the apples I just bought g- you know why am I even asking?"
"Who names their kid *insert dumb name here*? No wonder they're a criminal..."


"Sorry sir..."
"Woah this guys pretty messed up huh?"
"Wait... what was it?"
"Ok, ok, I can fix this... I think"
"I need a coffee and some of my mums homemade cookies..."


"Oh... shit- yeah L's gonna have my head"
"Just burn it, problem solved"
"Some people call it arson, I call it adding some light to the place"
"I cannot speak to you, I'm a corpse, I am dead"
"Ugghhhh do I have to?"

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