Floofy • L and Near

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"Your hair is so poofy!" You said playing with L's hair.

"What is so fascinating about my hair?" L asked.

"It's fluffy!"

"I thought it was poofy"

Psh, smart ass.

"Fine, its floofy"


"Yes floofy, now give me that hair tie"

L passed you a hair tie and watched in the mirror as you played with his hair, you ties it into a bun that sat on the top of his head and put a clip with a bow on it, making you both laugh.

"Alright it's my turn" L said grabbing a hairbrush and staring to brush your hair.


"Can I play with your hair?" You asked Near.


"It looks fluffy"

"Yeah whatever go ahead" he said.

You crawled over to him and started to mess around with his hair, putting it in small buns and plats.

"You're hair is to poofy for a normal bun, it's floofy" you said.


"Fluffy and poofy, damn. I was hoping to make you a unicorn"

Near laughed at your childish behaviour passed you another hair tie.

"Give it a go I dare you"

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