Way: he's slightly taller than you, so he will gently place his hands on your cheeks and bring you in that way.
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Kind of like this but the roles are reversed.
Place: cheek
Way: he'll come up behind you and wrap his arms around your shoulders and lean forward over your shoulders to kiss your cheek.
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Like this.
Place: neck
Way: with one hand in your hair, you get the hint and tilt your head to expose your neck to him, leaning into his hand so he can get to your neck.
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Kind of like this.
Place: forehead
Way: standing on his tip toes and putting his hands on your shoulders to bring you in for the kiss. You tilt your head down slightly so he can get a good place to kiss.
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Like this but with his hands on your shoulders.
Place: hand
Way: even if he kills bitches, he's a gentleman. He'll take your hand in his and bring it up while leaning down like a noble to royalty and gently kiss the back of your hand so you end up feeling like a princess.
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Like this
Place: just the face in general
Way: he'll wrap his arms around you and slightly lift you off your feet before showing you with kisses on your cheeks, forehead, lips, your whole face.
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