Their reactions too... • All {crack}

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A/n: here's a bit more of a fun-meme one for you all.

Their reactions to the first 'I love you'

L: *stunned silence*
Light: who doesn't
Mello: a horrible decision really
Near: cool?
Matt: *finger guns*
Matsuda: Thanks??

Can I copy your homework?

L: *read 5:55pm*
Light: I'll help you with it!
Matt: bold of you to assume I did the homework
Near: sure
Mello: lol nope
Matsuda: Wait we had homework??

I'd die for you

L: then perish
Light: you will
Matt: please don't
Mello, Near: sick
Matsuda: I'd die for you first

This is so sad:

Matt, Mello: F in the chat
L, Light: Alexa play despacito
Near, Matsuda: can we get 100 likes?

Can we get McDonald's?

Matsuda, Matt: *the ones asking*
Mello, Near: we have food at home
L, Light: *orders a single black coffee and leaves*

When a bag gets stuck in the vending machine:

Tries to get it by sticking their arm in the slot: L
Shakes the machine: Matt
Punches or kicks the glass: Mello
Asks someone for help: Near, Matsuda, Light
*Bonus* All, in that order: Beyond.

"Can you buy me some pads?"

Gets every brand just in case: L
Got distracted and bought everything but pads: Matt
Sends pic of something else and asks "is this it?": Near
Asks what pussy size they wear: Mello
"Babe said she's on her period so I am too, it's uterUS": Light
Buys them buy swears the cashier to secrecy: Matsuda

Class having a substitute teacher:

Tries to maintain order: Light
"The teacher lets us do this": Near
Switches names with friends and pretends to be them: Matt, Mello
Sleeps in the back of the class: L
Actually does the work: Matsuda

"Help someone just got stabbed in my living room!"

Calls the police: L, Light
"I WANNA SEE!": Mello
Panics: Matsuda
"Guess it's not a LIVING room anymore": Matt
Actually trieS to help and get everyone away while cops arrive: Near

Getting stabbed with a sword:

Screams: Matsuda
"Rude": Light
"Not again": Mello
"That's fair": L
"Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?": Matt
"On my white shirt? Really?": Near

"I want a baby"

L: give me a week, what colour?
Light: like... for lunch?
Near: I'm baby
Matt: oh? Just to hang out with?
Mello: no... wait don't ask another guy I'll do it
Matsuda: Wait- really? (Y/n) don't fuck with me are you serious

"What are you on main?"

L: sleepy bitch on main
Light: god on main
Near: depressed on main
Matt: kinnie on main lolol
Mello: horny on main
Matsuda: what does 'on main' mean?

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