What they do for your bithday • all

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L likes to make you feel special, he'll spoil you rotten all day and you'll stay inside doing whatever you like, or he'll take you out somewhere nice and make it fancy. He'll try to keep things special yet  simple has you like them. He also lets you sleep in as long as you like which is a huge plus.


Near will ask what you want to do and then do exactly that, he'll always give you small presents throughout the day and before dinner he'll give you your last present, usually something precious and expensive. This is the only day he'll ever be forward so have fun while it lasts.


Two words. Surprised party. The night usually end with your present and anything you desire from him. Anything.


He'll pamper you all day, acting as a butler. He'll bring you food and do all your work. He'll usually give you the most expensive thing you want and never leaves your side all day.


He'll organise a party for you and invite your family, friends and himself of course. He'll always be the one to give you the biggest present and he makes all the cakes and food himself with the help of his mum and sister. He will stay by your side the whole day and make sure you're having fun.

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