Canon DN things [a reminder]

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I've seen a few purpose forget these things in your fics. These are canon facts, if you want to make the fic closer to canon, remember these.

•after LABB, B would have been severely and permanently burned from the fire he tried to set himself on.

•there was once a successor called A. Nothing is known about them but we do know they died, most likely to suicide.

•once someone earns their letter, they keep it. If they die, then and only then can someone else take that letter.

•Matt was never technically an official successor but he was considered to be one. He turned the offer down, so technically he isn't the second M after Mello that's just what the fandom calls him. But since he went after Mello to help with Kira anyway he probably would have still helped successor wise even if he wasn't officially one.

•L can pilot a helicopter

•Mello was 14 when he left wammys.

•Light did have a moment of shock and regret in the first few weeks using the Death Note, but soon got over it because of his damn god complex.

•Watari owns multiple orphanages, wammys is the one with the successor program though. He was also an inventor.

•wammys has a private email system.

•Misa was the one to get Higuchi to confess we was the yotsuba kira. She isn't completely useless.

•the "foot massage" scene is symbolic of something from the bible. It symbolises betrayal.

•after the fall of Kira, literal cults arose to honour him.

•when L says a low percentage, he's lying. If he says a percentage at all, it means he's certain.

•Near was ok with working with Mello, it was Mello that held the big part of the grudge that caused their rivalry.

•L had previous contact with Naomi during LABB... and was kicked down the stairs by her.

•B canonly proclaims to be a top. He's "never been submissive, not even to a traffic light"
... he's a strange man.

•while having a major rivalry, and toxic relationship, L and Light could bring themselves to admit the other was smart. They acknowledged the fact they were almost equal in brain power, while still manipulating and deceiving each other.

•the ONLY canon ships were Misa x Light and Takada x Light. ((That doesn't means you can't ship other things though))

•Mello was said to be part Russian. L was said to be a mix of English, Japanese, Italian and French (I think it was French, it may have been German).

•Misa is a singer as well as an actress and model. When she first met Light she showed him her CDs ((why does no one mention this??))

•the entrance exams and the entrance ceremony were a full month apart, so the taskforce probably weren't doing much during that time.

•In the second half of the show, Aizawa was the first to suspect L may have been right about Light all along.

•Mellos last words were "Matt, I had no idea you'd be killed, I'm sorry" suggesting that outside of Matts little screen time, they were close.

•Matt was actually not an offical successor, but considered the third smartest as wammys, so he would have been offered the place as L if Mello, Near and L were to die anyway.

•L wore actual shoes to university, but, didn't tie his laces.

•Ryuk was technically not neutral, as he wrote the 13 day rule for light. And told him he was being followed by Raye.

•L would try to fight off other kids at the orphanage when they tried to touch him as a kid.

•in the year 2019 (the newest oneshot for the never complete exhibition) Near grew out his hair and its now about hip length. And it's fucking majestic.

Ok yeah that's all I got. I just thought I'd mention those because I never see them in fics and they could make fics more accurate.

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