Their Baby Pictures • All

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You had dug out some old photo albums when you came across one you hadn't seen before. You pulled it out of the box it was sitting in and opened it to be blinded with cuteness. Inside were old pictures of L. Baby pictures to be exact. You smiled uncontrollably as you flipped through the pictures of your boyfriend learning how to walk and learning about his love for sugar.

"Love what are you looking at?"

You looked up to see L.

"YOU'RE SO CUTE!" Was all you could say.

Instantly knowing what you'd found, he rushed over and took the album off you.

"Aww you're no fun"

"It's embarrassing..."


"Near?" You said out of the blue.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"What did you look like as a kid?"

He got up and went over to a shelf, scanned it down and pulled out a black album. He flipped through it and walked over to you, placing it in front of you. To me completely honest, he didn't look much different.

"Awww! You're so tiny!" You cooed as you looked at the pictures of little Near playing with his toys.

"I didn't change much" he said.

"No you really didn't"


"What is that book?" You said as Mello hugged a black book to his chest.

"Nothing!" He said.

You jumped on him and tackled the book out of his hands, running off and locking yourself in a room so he couldn't get it off you.

You opened to book and saw photos fall out, you picked them up and squeaked in happiness. They were all baby pictures.

"AHH!" You squeaked.

"What?" Mello said from the other side of the door.


"Shut up!"


You were cleaning out Matts room when you came across a small book, you dropped everything to open it and when you did you didn't regret it at all. It was all pictures of tiny Matt in onesies, with toys and sleeping in cribs. You smiled at the pictures and decided to take one for yourself, you stuffed it in your pocket and walked back out to see Matt playing on his DS.

"Find anything interesting?" He asked.

"Not at all..."


You were having dinner at Lights place when his parents bought up his childhood and pulled out some old photos of his primary school days. You watched as his mum bought out another book and opened it, inside were tons of baby pictures, often playing with toys and wearing funny Halloween costumes.

"Oh my god you're so cute! But what is this bowl hair cut?"

Light leapt over the table and snatched the book away.

"MUM! I thought we weren't going to bring up baby pictures!"

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