Loud? • All [NSFW]

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A/n: when you got that one friend who constantly feeds kinky ideas. This is thanks to her.

How loud are they in bed?


He always starts quiet, shy to let himself go. But the more you work away at him, the more he looses control and the louder he gets. By the end of a session he'll be shamelessly loud and very vocal.


He's a shy shy boy. He's quiet but not silent, he's more on the whimpering side. He lets out small sounds when you managed to hit the right places and get him riled up but he's petty shy about it. He relies more of actions speaking louder than words.


This boy has zero shame. He's vocal but not the loudest there is. He's definitely a dirty talker though, he doesn't mind getting wild in that sense. He dirty talks more than he moans but he doesn't try to hide them when he does.


This man LOVES aural play, so he has zero problems letting it all out. He and his partner must be loud for him to really get riled up. So you better make sure no one is close by or they'll be hearing some shit. He will not hide anything and be screaming like crazy when you touch the right spots.


Pretty neutral. Not silent but not screaming, somewhere in the middle. He prefers hearing it from you but isn't afraid to give back. Give him the right touches in the right spots and he's not going to hide anything.


More on the quieter end, not silent, but quiet. You can work him up to be a bit louder but he won't be screaming. If you say you want to hear him it'll take a little for him to build up the confidence but you can get him there.

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