Onlyfans • all [NSFW]

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Boys with an S/o that works in sex work. Only fans/ patreon style.


•He never really had a problem with it. After all, you sell lewds not nudes. That's for him.

•he picks out your lingerie because he secretly has a great eye for fashion.

•he went out of his way to make the process as safe as possible for you. No creeps in the DMs, no one ripping you off, no stalkers. He's got it all under control.

•has the mindset of "my s/o is SO pretty and everyone has to know so I'm ok with them doing this line of work because she makes money AND people get to be blessed by the sheer BEAUTY of them"


•when he asked what you did for a living and you responded with onlyfans, he was a little caught off guard. Not because it was bad, because he wasn't expecting it

•always gets kind of shy when you ask for his help with taking the photos. You're too pretty it intimidates him.

•he supports it because when you told him, he looked into the amount of effort that goes into it and now knows how demanding and draining it can be. He's got you 100%

•he has pretty hands so occasionally his hand holding a prop shows up in photos.


•when you told him he was like "FUCK THATS SO COOL-"

•he literally is part of the mafia, they are known for being involved in sex work. He's down 100% and supports it totally.

• if ANYONE that buys your pictures tries ANYTHING creepy. The mafia will be at his door thanks to Mello.

•you convinced him to appear in a few photos. He looks GREAT in leather.


•it's because of him you got into the cosplay side of selling lewds. He convinced you to do a set as his fav character and it was down the cosplay hole from there.

•if you say "hey I'm taking photos right now" he's like "hollup babe lemme get the camera I'm helping" And proceeds to hype you the FUCK up through the whole shoot.

•he shouts you out on all his socials. Anytime you post a new set he's retweeted it like "LOOK AT THEM THATS MY BABY GO BUY THEIR SHIT"

•has considered taking your offer of doing a photoshoot with you before. Maybe with a bit further convincing he'd do it.


•he gave you the idea to do a religious symbolism photoshoot. Recreating poses from paintings and statues.

•"I mean you're gonna be the goddess of the new world. People seeing you are being quite literally blessed aren't they?"

•anyone who does sketchy stuff when trying to buy your photos? Death note.

•your subscribers are mainly Kira followers, all here from the Kira themed photo set. Because you know, gotta worship the god of the new world in any way possible so why not make some lewds out of it?


• you told him and for a moment he was silent, processing it. But then because he's the most positive supporting person ever he said it was cool and offered to help with cameras and stuff.

•he gives you theme ideas. He likes to be involved.

•you can pull the "don't get creepy my boyfriend is a cop" card with him as your boyfriend.

•he offers to help edit where he can.


• even though all of them get this stuff for free, since they're dating you, they're all still subscribed and paying full price because they want to support you.

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