To Hogwarts or Not to Hogwarts?

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After the four of them finished breakfast they went right back to that letter. "So, this came trough the goblin's mailbox, right?" "Yes, Harry, just like all our other mail." "Just wanted to be sure it didn't have any spells on it,but I'm going to check anyway just in case someone bought a goblin." To their surprise the scans came back positive for compulsions. Harry frowned and stood. "Give me an hour. I will have to notify Irongrip about this. You can discuss how you feel about Hogwarts while I'm away." Harry said and immediately apparated to the steps of Gringotts. With a smooth stride, Harry easily made it to Dragonheart's teller station. "Greetings Dragonheart. I have some news concerning my account manager and possibly a long time friend." Harry said sending the King a significant look. "Greetings Mr. Potter. Please follow me and I shall take you to your account manager." When they arrived at the Irongrip's office Dragonheart knocked in a pattern before opening the door. "My King, Mr. Potter, greetings. What may I do for you?" Harry and the King both took a seat infront of Irongrip. "Greetings, Irongrip." Harry said switching over to gobbledygook. "It would seem that my mail has been tampered with." He said laying the letter on the table. Irongrip ran the letter through scans and it came back positive for compulsions. "This can mean either one of two things. Someone has bought off one of our kin or someone has managed to poison one of us." Dragonheart said with a deadly look on his face. "Which do you think it is My King?" "We won't know until it's investigated. For now let's remove these compulsions from the letter. Harry from now on check all your mail before opening it and send any letters to us with Dobby. Do we have permission to call upon him to deliver letters as well?" Harry nodded his consent. "Very well, is there anything else we can do for you Harry?" Irongrip asked. "Yes, I was actually wondering if you could buy a cottage for us in Hogsmeade and if you know a way for us to send Henry to Hogwarts without having to worry about him being poisoned." "From my records you already own the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade. Do you still wish to buy a new cottage?" "No, can you set it up like all our other homes, but add an illusion to make it look like it hasn't changed?" "Yes, I can have it finished by tomorrow morning. As for Henry attending Hogwarts. He should be brought in to claim his heirships. Those will prevent him from unknowingly taking potions and prevent him from having compulsions placed on him. As for blocks and such we can have a bracelet made that will prevent any manipulation magic, blocks included. We could also make it a built in portkey and it will notify you of his location and any and all potions/spells used on Henry. We can't do anything against legilimency or other similar mind magic."  Harry nodded. "I'll bring him tomorrow, whether we send him to Hogwarts or not he needs to claim his heirships. Please have that bracelet ready as soon as you can. Also I think it's best if you are also notified of any magic used on him and his location. Don't forget to blood wad the bracelet so that only Henry and I can remove it. We've already made it a point to make sure all of us are trained in the mind arts, so that's covered. The only other thing I think I would request are knives. Ones that can't be seen or summoned by anyone but the user. One for each of us should do. We have all trained in all types of martial Arts and hand to hand combat we could find, so you don't have to worry about us not knowing how to use them."  Irongrip nodded along and filled out forms as Harry spoke. "We will have everything ready by tomorrow. Many your gold flow freely, Goblin-Friend Harry." Irongrip said finally switching back to english. "And may you stand tall over your enemies." Drangonheart added on. "May the blood of those who stand against you stain the ground on which you walk. Farewell, Irongrip, King Dragonheart. I shall see you tomorrow." Harry said before returning home with the cleansed letter. Sirius, Remus, and Henry were all still seated at the table. "Harry we're glad you're back. We've discussed it and decided that Hogwarts may be the best option for Henry. He already knows the mind arts and we have been training him in hand to hand combat. He already has a extensive education on different magics around the world and Remus as already go through the Hogwarts curriculum with him. He doesn't really need to go to school at all, but if he is going to go to one. I personally would prefer the one we have a map to." Harry nodded. "I have made arrangements with the goblins. The Shrieking Shack is actually an older Potter cottage that fell into disrepair. The goblins are fixing it to match our other homes. Tomorrow Henry will claim his heirships, a bracelet to protect him against manipulative magic, and a knife. I think it's best if we get him several different wands and other foci in case of. We should probably do the same. I have arranged for each of us to receive a knife as well. After that the only thing left to do is buy school supplies and have Henry look at mum and dad's memories." Remus and Sirius nodded. "Are you absolutely sure you want to go to Hogwarts?" Henry nodded giving Sirius a determined look. "Alright boys, let's get started. I'll pen the response letter and Harry can take Henry into the memories. Once I've finished with the letter Sirius and I will go shopping for everything you need except your foci and familiar. We will of course be doing the shopping outside of England so we won't be back for a few days. When we get back we expect you to have finished everything else. Ok?" "Yes, we'll get everything wrapped up. We will most likely already have moved into the Shrieking Shack by the time you get back so just floo there." Harry responded as both boys hugged Remus and Sirius. "Bye Abba. Bye Papa. Love you." The boys said in unison as the two men got ready to floo. "Bye, pups. Love you too." Once they were gone Harry turned towards Henry. "Come on Henry there is a lot I have to tell you."

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