Serial Kidnapping Is Not A Real Crime

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"So we are gonna become serial kidnappers?" Sirius asked his husband later that night. Remus rounded on him so fast Sirius couldn't hold in his yelp. "That is not a real crime. No one in their right mind would come up with such a stupid crime name. No Padfoot we will not be 'serial kidnappers'. We will be charged for multiple counts of kidnapping. Serial kidnapper, you're and idiot." Remus snarled before bursting into tears. Sirius looked over at Harry in confusion. His only response was the mouthing of the word 'hormones'. Sirius nodded, that seemed like a good explanation. After putting Remus to bed Harry and Sirius pulled out their map to search of Crouch Jr. They found him sneaking into Snape's potion stores and snuck out to capture him. When he slipped past them after tripping Snape's alarm, they knocked him out and flooed him to the Marauders Den before flooing him to their private island where they locked him in a comfortable one bedroom hut that would only open for them. They left had Ari, a Potter family house elf, stock the hut with enough food to last for a week. They place wards around the hut so he wouldn't be able to escape and then went apparated to Riddle manor. They tested the wards and were able to create an opening large enough to slip through. Once inside they stunned the rat and then Nagini, before stunning Tom's temporary body. They took the snake and Tom to the private island and placed them in the same hut as Crouch Jr. Ari had to add extra food and move in supplies for the snake. Harry expanded the study so that Tom could have his own room and added a lot of books from their collections. They of course made sure both their 'prisoners' were unarmed before adding to the wards to prevent the snake from getting to far away from the hut and to prevent any animaguses from entering or exiting. Once they were done they went back to Hogwarts to sleep. The next day they got with the Founders to discuss the ritual. "It'll take a few weeks to prepare and the ritual must take place at midnight on Yule." Rowena explained. So, Harry took the boys on a trip to explore Australia while Remus and Sirius stayed behind to prepare the ritual. Harry call Ari to make sure she was taking care of their 'prisoners'. Ari reported that after two days of trying they gave up their escape attempts. She complained that Crouch had attempted to kidnap her for information and that Tom had tried to get Nagini to eat her when she defended herself. Because of this Harry decided to pay a visit to Tom. He flooed to Hogwarts and asked  Sirius to watch the kids while he went to check everything out. Remus agreed it was best if Harry was the one to check on them and told Sirius to take the kids to France to check out their shopping district and to buy Christmas gifts. "But it's only December first Moony." Remus just glared at his husband until the man caved. When Sirius was gone Remus got up and cheerfully sent Harry on his way. It was roughly three in the morning when Harry left. When he arrived outside the hut the sun was already high in the sky. He immediately spotted Nagini sunbathing on a rock not far from the hut. 'Hello beautiful.' He called catching the snake's attention. 'How are you liking the weather?' Nagini slithered to the edge of the wards to study him. 'The weather is nice here and Master enjoys the books, but Master is upset. He does not know how we came to be here or what happened to his pet rat. Are you the reason we are here little speaker?' Harry laughed. 'All snakes seem to enjoy calling me little speaker. Last I checked I was an average height. Yes, Nagini it was I who brought you here. The pet rat as you say had his memories wiped of his encounter with your Master and returned to his cage. Though I am quite certain he was feed to a dementor shortly after his return.' Harry studied the wards and adjusted them to match the ones on the Bronagh's tunnel. Though it would only allow Harry and Sirius to pass through it. Then he sat down and sent a pulse of magic to open the hut's door. Their was a shout and Crouch Jr. came running out with Tom and a knife in either hand. He saw Harry and charged, bouncing clean off the wards and landing next to Nagini. Nagini broke out into a weird snake laugh that reminded Harry of Bronagh. "Imbecile. Help me up so I may question the man." Tom snapped. Crouch Jr. obeyed without question once the both were seated in front of Harry, Tom began to demand answers. Harry ignored both Tom and Crouch as they began to shout and rave at him from behind the wards. 'Little speaker, do you have a mate?' Nagini suddenly asked. Studied the snake before answering. 'Why yes I do. His name is Tom, and he is a speaker as well. You can say that I am much like you in a sense. My mate and I are soul linked. I can not look at another nor can he. He is currently indisposed due to the meddling of an old coot and doesn't know about me yet. What about you, beautiful?' Crouch and Tom were stunned into silence. 'No, I have not found a suitable mate yet but I much desire hatchlings. Do you think I can have a hatchling without a mate?' Harry frowned before nodding. 'I think that can be done my lady. All we need do is try.' Nagini hissed happily before slithering away. "Ready to listen now, Tom?" Harry asked when she was no longer in sight. A few minutes later they reached an understanding. Tom and Crouch would be good little boys and stay in the hut and not attack Ari, while Harry went through the trouble of preparing a ritual to get Tom's body back. And Harry would also bring books that would help Tom make Nagini some hatchlings using her own eggs, if that failed Harry suggested transfiguring Crouch into a snake to get the job done. Tom seemed to like this idea, but for some reason Crouch was very much against it. In the end the situation was a win win for everyone. Well, maybe not Crouch, but he wasn't a snake yet so he had no right to complain.

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