For Their Sake

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Everyone stared at Walburga. "That makes sense." Sirius said suddenly. "What? Pads, don't be...." "Prongs, stop. If you and Lils are the only ones who can remember this whole thing, then no one will be able to get to either of the boys. It's the best course of action to insure their safety. We bind our memories and then I have to stop visiting." James froze. "What do you mean stop visiting?" Sirius gave James a stern look. "If we do this I have to stop visiting. When I come over the first thing I do is greet Henry. Do you honestly think I won't notice our son is missing?" James blinked and then frowned. "I honestly never thought of it like that. I never thought of Henry as our son. I mean I knew he was mine and Lily's, but I forgot that he was your son too. I am so sorry, Padfoot." Sirius smiled sadly and wrapped his arms around two of his best friends. "It's alright, Prongs. I understand. But that is exactly why we need to do this. In order to protect our son and our little brother, I have to forget. We can make it look like I decided to play decoy. You know, I can pretend to be your secret keeper and run around shaking my arse in the face of every Death Eater I can find." Sirius grinned at James and Lily. "For their sake." Lily said softly tightening her hold on both men. "For their sake." Sirius and James agreed in solemn voices. "Ugh, now I'm crying." Lily said swatting at both men. Sirius laughed. "Yeah, I don't know why the mood in here got so somber all the sudden. It's not like this is the last time I'll ever see you guys." James gave Sirius a pained look. "You don't know that Pads." He said softly. Sirius froze. "Prongs?" "I don't know, Pads. I just have a feeling. If this is the last time I see you, I just want you to know that I love you. You're the best friend and brother I could have ever asked for and I am so proud to have been able to fight by your side. Never stop fighting, ok? Even if we never see each other again, I want you to know that Lily and and I will always be with and the boys. Take care of them for us ok?" By the time James' was done everyone in the room was in tears. Lily turned to Sirius and gently took his face in her hands. "James is right. There is a war raging outside these walls and I don't know when we will ever see you or Remus again. I want you to know that you, James, and Remus are one of the best things that have ever happened to me. When I agreed to marry James, I knew I wasn't just marrying him. I was marrying all The Marauders and I wouldn't change it for the world. You guys were with me through everything. My parents death, and even Henry's birth. I just want to know that I am so grateful to have you all in my life and that you guys are the closest thing to family I have. I love you dearly and I want you take good care of Remus and our boys if something happens to us. Like James said we will always be with you, even in death, so you have absolutely nothing to worry about, ok?" Sirius nodded and clutched his family to his chest, praying this was not their final goodbye. "I love you guys too. " He whispered, knowing there was no way he could voice exactly what these to people meant to him. "Don't worry Pads, me and Lils will write to you everyday we don't see you. By the time the war is over you'll have a book." The three friends laughed shakily. "I think you two had better write letters for Remus and Alice too. I wouldn't want them to miss out on anything." Sirius tried his best to joke as the three friends broke apart. "I think it's best if you woke the boys up and said goodbye before we do this." Walburga spoke softly making everyone turn to her. Sirius nodded and did just that. Twenty minutes and a few last minute hugs later, Sirius found himself standing in his flat with false memories of a day spent planning ways for him to act as a decoy. Walburga on the other hand believed she had spent the day mourning  her youngest son, Regulus. Meanwhile Lily and James spent the rest of the day helping Irongrip set up the safe house for their sons. It had been a little awkward at first when they explained everything to Harry, but he understood and agreed to everything. Once everything was set up and Harry and Henry were safe, they fell into a nice routine. During the first week after the adoption, James and Lily found it weird when Harry called them mum and dad, but it soon came to feel natural. Everyday after breakfast, Lily and James would visit the boys. They'd spend hours getting to know each other. Sometimes Lily and James would show both boys different types of magic. Then they would return to Godric's Hollow in time for dinner. After dinner Lily and James spent their time writing letters like they had promised. Instead of sending the letters they were given to Harry's house elf, Dobby, and taken to the safe house. Due to Harry's lack of education both James and Lily took it upon themselves to teach him all they knew of magic. They gave him all their old school supplies and notes. And to help him study they filled the Potter family pensive with memories of classes and their school days. James suggested that as a safe guard they should put all their memories into the pensive and Lily agreed. Everything of value was moved to the safe house where Harry and Henry stayed. Only the necessities remained in the house at Godric's Hollow and if anything happened to them, Dobby was under orders to gather everything left in the house and deliver it to Harry and Henry. As the weeks passed it was quite easy for the happy little family to almost forget about the war raging in the world around. Before they knew it October was almost over. On October 31th Harry begged them not to return to Godric's Hollow. "Please, I have a bad feeling something is going to happen. Please, don't leave." Lily gently took the boy into her arms. "I have a bad feeling too, Harry. That's why James has asked Dobby to pack all our things and bring them here. He's even bringing the furniture. Our cottage will soon be nothing, but a shell. James and I have written goodbye letters for everyone, even you and Henry. We have set up the pensive, so that all our memories will be transferred there if we die. We have done everything to ensure that you and Henry will have wonderful lives and remember every little thing about us. I know that you wish it didn't have to be this way, but I'm afraid there is nothing we can do to change this. There are just some things that are meant to happen. James and I love you Harry, both of you. We want nothing more than for you two to be safe and happy, but I fear you won't be unless we return to Godric's Hollow. Please take good care of your brother for us and know that we will always love you. Ok, Harry?" Harry clutched his mother close and cried into her shirt. "I am sorry my son. I wish we could have had more time together." James said pulling his wife and son into a tight hug. "We love you so much." Lily said after a bit. Both parents hugged and kissed their children for the last time, before leaving.

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