The Truth

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After six hours of rituals, potions, and the odd elixir Harry felt brand new. All his scars had been removed, except the lightning bolt one. Without the glamor the scar was a lot larger, starting at his hair line then ending just past his nose. His hair was raven black and brushed the base of his neck. Instead of a bird's nest it was an array of gently tousled and slightly wild curls. The kinda hair you'd get if you asked the barber for the wind blown look. He was only four inches taller now, standing at 5'9". From what he knew of his parents, his father was a good 6'3" and his mother was 6 foot. The healer had told him that this was as tall as he could get with what happened in the past. The blocks on his magic had been extensive. Due to this his magic had attempted to find different ways to be released causing it to revive many old family abilities and creature blood that had been passed down. That's not to say he was a creature, he wasn't. He had just developed different abilities related to the creatures that had married into his family. Some of which were enhanced vision and healing. As soon as the blocks were removed he no longer needed his glasses and his body went to work healing what was left. The healer had already removed the scars and fixed all breaks and bruises. All that had been left was to take vitamin and nutrient potions to get him to peak condition. With this new healing ability all his excess magic from having the blocks removed was immediately put to work erasing years of malnutrition. By the time he was done he was completely healed, only the scar Voldemort gave him remained. It was like with his new name, came a new body, in other words he was a completely different person. All that remained was to sort out his memories and emotions. This is why the goblins provided him with books about the mind arts. While he was healing Walburga had been summoned. Irongrip had tried to tell her the story they had come up with but she saw through his lies and demanded the truth. Instead of saying anything, Irongrip simply handed her the tests. She had been in tears by the time she had finished reading. "Lady Black, Mr. Potter-Black came to us today and explained how he had spent everyday of his life since his parents death in one prison or another. Not that he was actually in a prison. Even in Hogwarts his every move was monitored and dictated by Albus Dumbledore. We fear your own son Sirius and Mr. Potter-Black's parents are under numerous potions and spells. Mr. Potter-Black took his chance to escape using a time turner and ended up here. We have done our best to help him and have created this new identity for him. All we ask is that you allow him to retain his last name." Irongrip stated and gave her the paperwork for Harry's new identity. She looked it over and nodded. "I was very close to my aunt Dorea. Make my husband and I his godparents and grant him the name Black. While we are here let's adjust my will so he is heir Black with Sirius in line to inherit after him, and Harry's younger self after Sirius. I will not let our family fortune fall to the Malfoy's. Make sure you have transferred everything of my aunt's and her husband over to the boy. Where will he be staying?" Irongrip moved quickly adjusting and filling out the proper paperwork as she spoke. She was already signing everything by the time she asked her question. "We do not know, yet. Once Mr. Potter-Black is fully healed and has had the rest of the day to prepare we will be sending out the official letters to all those who are blood related early tomorrow morning. This will include his half-siblings James and Lily Potter. If you wish to make it look like you and your late husband also blood adopted him, a letter will be sent to Sirius Black. And of course one will be sent to you." Walburga nodded. "I wish for it to look like we blood adopted the boy. As he is already my grandchild that won't be hard to do, will it?" Irongrip smiled at the woman. "Only a little wand waving to adjust Mr. Potter-Black's papers. This will give him a total of five parents, which is hardly that uncommon." Walburga smiled. "Well I look forward to meeting him tomorrow then." With that she returned home and adjusted everything so that no one could ever question Harry's place in the family tree. She also decided she would no longer put up with the black marks on the tree. Because Sirius had been burned off she hadn't known about her grandson. After the family tree was completely restored both Harry and his younger self appeared where they were supposed to. She smiled and set about restoring 12 Grimmauld Place to it's former glory. Meanwhile Harry had finished his dealings with the bank, after he had claimed every Lordship and heir ship available to him. Before he left Dragonheart, the leader of the Goblin nation and indecently the teller he had first spoken to, granted him the friendship of the Goblin nation. Apparently he got bored and sometimes pretended to be a teller, Harry was the first wizard to actually approach his station in all these years and treat him respectfully. Once everything was sorted at Gringotts, Harry went on a shopping trip. He bought himself a new trunk and a whole new wardrobe. He also ended up getting an entire library and an untraceable wand from Knockturn Alley while he was at it. He spent the next few hours until dinner organizing his belongings. He had learned that objects he had brought with him merged when he arrived. For example, his holly wand and his invisibility cloak merged so now he had them in this time period and memories of them coming into his possession were placed into the minds of others. For example, James now believed he had given his invisibility cloak to his uncle for safe keeping and Ollivander remembered selling the holly wand, but he couldn't remember to who. It also looked like Harry had been being tutored at home. He was after all an illegitimate child who could bring shame on the family. Though it was made to look like Charlus graciously adopted him before he was hidden away from the world, like any other illegitimate child would have been. Once everything was organized and Harry had eaten supper he fell into a blissful sleep.

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