Solicitors and Redheads

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September 1st was approaching quickly. Everything was already set up for Henry to attend Hogwarts. The only thing left for them to do was discuss what to do about Quirrelmort and to sue the people who started the Boy-Who-Lived books and merchandise. Henry was all for suing anyone he could. In fact he was still trying to get Harry to sue the Ministry for vandalism because of what they did to the cottage in Godric's Hollow. Harry would simple shake his head and smile. "We've already had the place completely restored and renamed like we did this one. Just sit back and wait for all those people to freak out when they realize they can no longer find it." Henry sighed. "I guess. What did you rename the cottage and the Shrieking Shack anyway? I don't remember you telling us." "Oh, did I really not tell you?" Harry asked his small family. "Nope son, we've been waiting for you to come clean." Sirius said putting his arm around Harry. "Really Papa, It's not like I was hiding it. I have renamed the cottage Lily's Meadow and the Shrieking Shack has been renamed The Marauders Den. What do you think?" "I think it's wonderful Harry." Remus said and pulled Harry into a hug. "Thanks Abba. I'm glad you like it." "I like it, too." Both Sirius and Henry shouted and joined the hug. Harry laughed and pulled his family closer. "Anyway let's go get our solicitor to take a look at this Boy-Who-Lived stuff." "Yes! We get to sue someone!!" Henry cheered. "I fear we have created a vindictive monster." Harry said solemnly making his two father figures laugh. "Don't worry I am excited about this too. It's been so long since we sued someone." Sirius said, slapping Harry on the back. Harry and Remus shared a look before following Sirius and Henry into the floo room. It turns out Sirius and Henry weren't the only ones excited about the new case. Their solicitor, a man by the name of Stan Stevenson, was over the moon at the prospect of suing the people who created the Boy-Who-Lived brand. "We have a wonderful case. Not only did they use your name multiple times in their books and on their merchandise, but they also used the names of your parents and other relatives. They have also somehow found out about your scar but they got it wrong and on top of that they think you're 11. I couldn't be more happy about the stupidity of people. Oh, we are going to have so much fun." Stan said excitedly as he bounced around the room. "That's great Stan. Can you tell me exactly who they used in the book?" Stan nodded and pulled out a file. "They used the names of your siblings James and Huhgo Potter, along with James wife Lily. And the talked about both Charlus and Fleamont Potter along with their wives. They used your name, Harry Potter, several times and they talked about your grandfather Henry (Harry) Potter. They claim that you were named after him, this has lead me to believe that they have you confused with your nephew. Though I am unsure as to why they keep calling you the Boy-Who-Lived or how they came up with the idea that either of you defeated You-Know-Who." Harry shrugged. "Who knows Stan. How long do you think it will take you to get this stuff off the selves?" "Not long. The person who's doing this has been writing these book for a while and saving them. They started releasing everything last year while you were in China. They have 50 books out and 3 different Harry Potter toys. They also have been creating promotion posters and selling them to companies on your name. Due to the fact you had already placed protections on your family name all of this was illegal the moment it was released. Not even newspapers can write about your family without permission. According to my records you have only allowed the papers to publish a single story about the death of your brother James and his wife. From what I have gathered, the reporter Rita Skeeter has also been writing articles using your name for five years now and a column called Potter Spotter was started about you in Witch Weekly around the same time. Do you wish for me to go after them as well?" Harry nodded. "It seems we have spent so much time traveling that we haven't paid much attention to what was happing here in Britain. Please take them to court and have the a restraining order made for the reporter. I don't want her anywhere near my family." "Very well Mr. Potter. Have a nice day." Stan said with barely concealed joy. Remus and Sirius laughed and they picked up the now sleeping Henry and left the room. "Have fun." Harry called back as he followed his small family out of Stan's office. On their way to the Leaky Cauldron their path was again blocked by a herd of redheads. Harry groaned softly and took Henry from Remus. "I'm going to go to Flourish and Blotts. You and Sirius can deal with them." Harry said and attempted to make a run for it. Sirius grabbed his arm and dragged him back. "You are not going to leave us here with them Theocharis Deneb Celandine Potter-Black." Sirius whisper yelled at him. "Fine, but you two do the talking." Harry grumbled and turned around to follow Sirius and Remus. "Remus! Sirius! I didn't know you were going to be here today." Molly called out as they attempted to get around her family. "Hi, Molly it's lovely to see you, but unfortunately we are in a hurry." Remus said with a kind smile. "Oh nonsense, come I would like to introduce you to my children." She waved him off his comment and dragged him over to where Arthur and the rest of the Weasleys stood. Harry noticed that it was in fact all of them. Even Charlie and Bill were with their family. Sirius and Harry looked at each other and then back over to where Remus had been dragged off. "Should we follow or make a run for it?" Sirius asked looking at Harry hopefully. "Nope. You're the one who refused to let me go to the bookstore so you are the one whose gonna go save Moony." "But..." "No buts, go." "Fine, but your coming with me." Sirius mumbled and they followed Remus and Molly at a slow pace. "I'm really starting to dislike redheads." Harry mumbled and Sirius laughed.

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