Remus and His Baby Craze

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The next morning Henry woke up at 5:30 and began his warm ups. At six he took a change of clothes and went for a run around the Black Lake. When he returned he practiced his kong fu forms before running all the way back to the dorms to shower. At 7:30 the Henry got Neville, Lee, and the Twins up for breakfast. At breakfast Henry taught Neville and Lee how to check for potions in their food and drinks like he had promised. Soon after that Henry discovered that he hated school. His first class was Transfiguration. They were told to turn matches into needles. This was something Harry and Remus had begun teaching him when he was 5. Henry sighed and turned his match into a beautifully decorated needle in the first five minutes of class. He then spent a few minutes coaching Neville through the process until he succeeded and then spent he spent the better part of class ignoring the hateful glares the Granger girl aimed his way. For the entire day every class felt like a review because he had already learned everything when his Uncles taught him. The next two days passed like this and Henry was very close to visiting his uncles to demand he be withdrawn. Maybe I should visit soon. Remus is probably demanding a new baby by now. Henry thought to himself as he stared into the fireplace. Next to him, the twins were telling Neville horror stories about potions class. Suddenly the door opened and Padfoot walked in carrying Bagheera on his back with Moony in his dog form trailing behind. Remus definitely started demanding a baby. Henry thought with a grin.
It had been three whole days since Henry started school and Sirius was already foaming at the mouth. Remus had taken to randomly pacing throughout the day mumbling about making bentos for his precious cub. Harry, on the other hand, was taking things much better. The only thing that proved something was wrong was the way his right eye twitched violently when someone said the name Henry. "THAT'S IT!! I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS!! I THINK WE SHOULD HAVE ANOTHER BABY!!" Remus suddenly snapped during dinner that evening. Sirius immediately leaped from his chair and pulled Remus into a searing kiss. "My thoughts exactly. Where should we get one? We can't make our own, that would take to long. Unless you want to try anyway before we go get a ready-made one." Sirius babbled excitedly. Harry shook his head and pulled them apart. "Guys we can't just go get a baby and no one is going to be making one until Henry approves the idea of having a sibling or being an uncle. So, since the baby idea is off the table, let's sneak into Hogwarts to visit him." "So... we can't get a new baby?" "No Remus. Maybe next time, ok?" "Okay, but we have to sneak in right after dinner." Harry smiled and got Sirius and Remus to sit back down and eat. "I wonder if all parents get like this when their kids go off to school." Harry mumbled to himself as he sat down to finish his dinner. "What was that?" "Nothing Remus, just finish your meal." After dinner they each transformed into their animal forms before gradually changing them. Harry's black panther slowly became a black turkish angora kitten. Sirius' large grim form slowly shrunk into the smaller form of a black flat-coat retriever, while Remus went from being a large brown wolf to a brown shiba inu. Moony gently picked up Bagheera's kitten form and placed him on Padfoot's back. Once Bagheera was secure they made their way through the secret passage underneath the Whomping Willow. From there the made their way into the courtyard where a false wall led them into the dungeons near the Hufflepuff common room. It didn't take them long to make their way to the bottom of Gryffindor tower. Padfoot nudged Moony up the staircase first and followed closely behind. At the portrait Moony gently removed Bagheera from Padfoot's back and sat him in front of the Fat Lady. Before the Fat Lady could make a comment, her portrait swung open. Moony picked Bagheera back up and returned him to his previous spot. When they entered the common room they came face to face with a large group of curious gryffindors. Henry was sitting on a couch with Neville and the Weasley twins. When he saw them Henry immediately leaped out of his seat and made his way across the room. He gently picked up Bagheera and led them to a bookcase off to the side of the room. Henry's friends followed closely behind, wondering how Henry's kitsune would react to his new pets. As soon as the bookcase closed behind him the kitten jumped down and slowly turned into a panther before becoming human. The dog's bodies shifted as well. Henry's friends stared in wonder as Henry lead his uncles into the sitting room. "How do you like going to school?" Harry asked as he took a seat in front of Henry. "To be honest it's sooooo boring. I've already learned everything they are teaching here. Actually I walked by a 7th year yesterday and ended up helping him with his homework. After that all the upper years come to me for homework help. It's kinda weird." Remus and Sirius began laughing at their adoptive son's predicament. Harry on the other hand looked thoughtful. "How about we take you to get your O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S at the International Testing Center for all the classes offered here at Hogwarts? Once that is done we can make a deal that Sirius, Remus, and I will stay here at the school and begin tutoring you for any extra O.W.L.S or N.E.W.T.S you wish to take and you can take those over the summer. After that we can start you on getting your Masteries. Though I'm sure you'll be the youngest person ever to receive an O.W.L. let alone start a Mastery. This will keep you in school and you won't be bored anymore, so everyone will be happy." Henry's eyes lit up and he nodded rapidly. "That's a great idea. We can even bring in teachers from other countries to help out. Though this will mean that technically you would no longer be a Hogwarts student. You'd just be a kid that lived here with his teachers." Remus said. "Plus side is you could wear and do whatever you wanted as long as you followed our rules and we could even help your friends here study to get their O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S earlier as well." Sirius said with a mischievous grin. "Also, how do you feel about being an older brother?" Remus cut in at the end. "I'd love to be an older brother." Henry said happily and Remus and Sirius cheered. "Well, we'll go get you tested tomorrow so for now let's play a game."

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