Rich Slytherins

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He pulled them into the room, which had taken the shape of a comfortable common room. Hedwig sat perched on on of the chairs. Quickly, Harry shoved the slytherins onto a couch across from him. "Look you three I don't have time to explain anything. The reason I asked you for help is because I didn't think I'd have the opportunity to slip away. That and you need to inform Voldemort that Dumbledore is after his horcuxes. Oh and give this back to him." Harry said pulling out Tom Riddle's diary. "Tell him that he doesn't need to worry about me. I'm leaving. Hogwarts, this country, hell, if I can manage it, I'm gonna shoot myself backwards in time so he won't even have to deal me coming to Hogwarts at all. I'll figure out something. From now on Harry Potter doesn't exist. You understand?" The slytherins nodded. "Umm Potter?" Zabini asked tentatively after Malfoy slipped the diary into his bag. "Yes?" "Do you even have money? I understand that the Potters were and probably are one of the richest families in the wizarding world, but from the looks of your trunk you haven't seen any of that money. And more importantly what will happen to your past self when you travel back in time?" "Yes, I have a little money. My magical guardian, who ever the fuck that is, blocked access to all my family accounts and I'm only allowed the exact amount needed to buy secondhand school supplies. Which is exactly why I didn't buy school supplies this year. I have all my things from the last five years in my trunk so I am hoping to actually study those, but that's it. As for my past self, I just don't know yet." The slytherins looked at each other, having a silent conversation. "Look, I don't have..." Harry was cut off by Parkinson. "Potter we will help you. We know you don't have much time so we will give you our allowances for this month. Our parents are used to us owl ordering extra  books and stuff so we are each given a large sum every month. Mine is only 1500 galleons. I'm sure the boys get more. This should help you with your escape." Harry stared wide-eyed as Parkinson offered him money pouch. With shaking hands Harry gently took the money pouch. "Here Potter mine is only 1500 galleons, maybe you could live off of this for a couple of days." Harry looked at him as if he was speaking another language. Before he could comment another money pouch was thrust into his face. "3000. All together it's 6000 galleons. That should last you about a week living off it. I'll send this book to my father along with a letter explaining and the memories of everything I have seen and now know. We wish you luck." Malfoy finished just as Dobby popped back into the room with a box. "You guys must be insanely rich. 6000 galleons is almost 29,880 pounds in muggle money. That's enough to last an average muggle living in London an entire year. And believe me muggle London is an expensive place to live." Harry said looking at Malfoy like he was crazy. "Well then good luck in muggle London." "Fuck you. I'm moving to some place like Shildon. It's one of the cheapest places to live in England right now or at least that's what they said on the telly. Anyway, I have to go. Bye and thank you so much for your help." Harry said hurriedly before escorting them out of the room. "If you see Ron, Hermione, or Ginny looking for me curse them or something." The three slytherins laughed before saying goodbye one last time. Harry immediately ran over to Dobby. "How far?" Dobby shook his head. "Dobby is not knowing Great Master Harry Potter Sir. The ones who no speak, say that it is an experimental. It supposed to take you back years." Harry nodded not caring how far back it went, he just needed to get out of here. Placing Hedwig on his shoulder, he put the chain around his and her neck before bending down to include Dobby. Then he turned the turned the dial 5 times hoping it was enough to get him back in time to save Sirius or even to start over and save himself. Soon, Harry, Hedwig, and Dobby were pulled through time. They landed in same exact room they had left. Harry put the time turner back in it's box and asked the room to give him a copy of the current Daily Prophet. One appeared on the couch the three slytherins had been sitting on not to long ago. The date in the corner was September 1, 1981. In a few short months Harry's parents would be murdered and he would be placed in the care of the Dursley's. Once he'd seen the date he tossed the paper aside. Casting a quick tempus, Harry discovered that it was almost midnight. He quickly pulled out his trunk and changed into some regular clothes. Once he'd finished he had Dobby take the three of them to The Leaky Calderon. He bought a room for the night and vowed to figure out what to do in the morning.

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