The End of Quirrellmort

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By Monday Henry was back at school and Harry, Remus, and Sirius were back at the Marauder's Den. They had to wait until November for Henry's test results. In the mean time Henry would be doing work sent to him by Remus during classes whenever he had free time. In Snape's class Henry would coach Neville through the potions and often helped his other class mates as well. On Halloween Ronald Weasley once again made Hermione cry. So when Hermione didn't show up for potions class Henry waited to inform Professor Snape. "Professor Snape, sir?" "Yes, Mr. Potter." "That Granger girl from Gryffindor has been crying in the first floor girls bathroom since charms class because Weasley made her cry." Snape raised his eyebrow at Henry. "Why are you telling me this?" "Because I have a feeling she will be in there for the rest of the day and probably into the feast. That weird teacher with the glasses that smells like cooking sherry suddenly went into a trance a few days ago in the hallway, she said something about a girl in a bathroom on Halloween and a troll. Thought you should know in case a troll attacks the first floor girls bathroom tonight. I don't much like the girl, but I don't want her to die either." Henry finished with a shrug. Snape gave Henry a calculating look before nodding. "Also Professor, Uncle Harry said something about the Slytherin and Hufflepuff common rooms being in the dungeon and sending students to their common rooms during an attack when they are already gathered in the Great Hall is the dumbest thing he had ever heard. I don't know what all this has to do with anything but he said I had to tell you before the feast." Snape was bewildered as the first year left his classroom. Later on his way to the Great Hall he found himself walking beside Minerva. "Minerva, I have been informed that one of your cubs is crying in the first floor girls bathroom because the youngest Mr. Weasley was exceptionally cruel to her and that Trelawney made a prophecy about a girl in a bathroom on Halloween being attacked by a troll. After that I was informed that the Slytherin and Hufflepuff common rooms are both located in the dungeons and that it is illogical to usher students to their common rooms during an attack if they are already gathered in the Great Hall." Mcgonagall blinked and looked at him in confusion. "I'm not sure I understand, Severus." "Nor am I but I was informed of all this today by a student who said I had to be informed before the feast because they did not wish for your cub to die. It seems to me that this student or someone close to them is a seer and are attempting to misdirect me by including Trelawney." Mcgonagall nodded in understanding. "If a troll attacks tonight, then we are to keep all the students in the Great Hall and head immediately to the first floor girls bathroom." Snape nodded in agreement. Later during the feast Quirrell burst in announcing a troll was in the dungeons. Before Dumbledore could utter a word Mcgonagall was already up ordering the prefects to remain here with their house and to make sure everyone was there. Quirrell and Sprout were ordered to stay and watch the students while the rest were ordered to follow her. They made it to the bathroom just in time to hear the scream and from inside. The troll was dispatched immediately and Hermione was sent to led to the Great Hall. When they came back only Professor Sprout was their with the students. Mcgonagall sent Snape, Sprout, and Flitwick to check on the 3rd floor corridor. There they found the remains of Professor Quirrell. It appeared Fluffy wasn't just a sweet and innocent puppy like Hagrid claimed if the maimed body was anything to go by. Professor Sprout sent a patronus to Amelia Bones immediately after they discovered the body. When they returned all the students were being escorted to their common rooms and Mcgonagall was discussing Quirrell's absence with Dumbledore. "You do not have to send out another search party. We have located Professor Quirrell. It would seem he tried to sneak past Hagrid's beast and didn't make it." This was said just as Amelia Bones and a group of aurors entered the Great Hall with professor Sprout following behind. "You can't mean..." Mcgonagall gasped in horror. "I am afraid so Minerva." Flitwick squeaked. "I called the aurors and let them in through my floo." Sprout said making everyone turn to her and Amelia. "What exactly happened here?"  Ameila asked and the professors began explaining everything that happen at dinner. Snape and Mcgonagall were careful to leave out their conversation before they arrived at dinner, only saying that they had been notified of Hermione crying in the bathroom. Amelia's investigation lasted three weeks. During that time classes were canceled and both Hagrid and Dumbledore were fined a large sum of money for keeping an illegal ceberus in an improper environment. Another fine was added for animal cruelty when they discovered the ceberus had not been feed since it was locked up causing it to attack. About a week into the investigation Henry's results from the IWTC arrived. They read as follows:


Core Classes
Potions:      O
Astronomy:   O
Charms:  O
Defence Against the Dark Arts:   O
Herbology:   O
History of Magic:   O
Transfiguration:   O

Elective Classes
Alchemy:   O
Arithmancy:  O
Care of Magical Creatures:  O
Divination:  EE
Muggle Studies:  O
Study of Ancient Runes:O


Core Classes
Potions:      O
Astronomy:   EE
Charms:  O
Defence Against the Dark Arts:   O
Herbology:   O
History of Magic:   O
Transfiguration:   O

Elective Classes
Alchemy:   EE
Arithmancy:  O
Care of Magical Creatures:  O
Divination:  A
Muggle Studies:  O
Study of Ancient Runes:O

Since all his scores were passing Henry's name was automatically placed in the hall of graduates and a Hogwarts diploma appeared in his hand. As per agreement with the DME (Department of Magical Education) Henry's uncles moved into the castle. Specifically a hidden set of rooms located in the Astronomy Tower where the founders and their families used to stay. They ended up finding the founders' portraits and talking with them through the night. Slytherin told them about a classroom used specifically to educate the heirs that held their portraits as well. It was hidden so that they could teach Henry without being spied on by the Headmaster. They ended up talking about Tom Riddle and what happened to him. Salazar helped them plan out a way to capture the Dark Lord's soul and piece him back together. Godric was very upset when Harry explained that he was also a had a piece of Tom's soul in him as well as what the Headmaster did as a result. It was Helga who explained that Harry could not remove the soul piece from himself without dying. Rowena went on to explain that Harry could not love someone in a romantic way because Tom was in basically his soulmate and the soul shard within him would not allow it. "Well, at least you know why you don't want to go on dates. I had always thought it had something to do with your childhood trauma." Sirius said with a mocking smile. Remus laughed as the two began to play fight. A few hours later they all bid the portraits goodnight and went to bed in Gryffindor wing of the rooms.

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