New Identity

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The morning came far sooner than Harry wished. He had spent the better part of the night staring at the ceiling. Harry couldn't believe it. He had traveled all the way back to September of 1981. What was he going to do? Could he possibly save his parents? Or at the very least save Sirius from Azkaban? And on a different note, why the fuck does the Ministry need a time turner that goes back three years at a time? Shaking his head, Harry sat up. First things first, he needed to visit the Goblins. A gurgling sound made him freeze. The Goblins could wait, but it seemed like his stomach couldn't. After a wonderful breakfast, courtesy of Dobby, Harry got ready for the day. Making sure no one would recognize him, he made his way into Diagon Ally. The bank looked just as intimidating as he remembered. He nodded politely to the guards as he went to the nearest unoccupied teller. "Good morning, Master Goblin. I wish to receive an inheritance test." The Goblin in front of him froze. The Goblin looked him over. "Follow me, Mr. Potter." The Goblin said softly so no one else heard. Harry was dumbfounded, how did this goblin recognize him? Did he not, travel back in time? Was it all in his head? "Relax, Mr. Potter. We at Gringotts possess magic vastly different to that of your kind. We are used to accommodating many time travelers. I am leading you to your account manager, Irongrip, he will be able to aid you and give you that inheritance test you requested." Harry could only nod as he did his best to keep up with the fast moving goblin. Soon they arrived at a door at the very end of a hallway. Potter was inscribed on a metal plaque next to the door. The Goblin knocked once and shouted something in a different language. A shout from inside the room answered him. The Goblin turned back to Harry. "You may go in now, Mr. Potter." "Thank you, Master Goblin and may your gold flow freely." Harry said quickly remembering what he had heard Bill say. The Goblin smiled at Harry. "You are welcome, Mr. Potter and may your enemies fall at your feet." Harry smiled shakily before entering the office. Inside a fierce looking goblin sat behind a large desk. "Ah, Mr. Potter. Come take a seat and we will see what we can do with you. Let's start with that test you requested first, shall we?" Harry soon found himself staring at a paper written in his blood. Henry James Celandine Potter-Black was his full name. Below it listed three people as his biological parents, James Potter, Sirius Black and Lily Potter neé Evans. Then there was a list of his godparents, which much to his surprise listed Remus, Snape, and the Longbottoms. The page under that listed everything he would inherit and all transactions since his parents had died. Under that was a list of potions, compulsions, blocks, and spells that had been administered since he was dropped off at the Dursley's. Lastly there was an extensive medical report listing every injury and illness he had ever had along with it's cause. He even listed when he had his memories modified or erased, which seemed to happen a lot when he was a kid. Harry handed the papers back to Irongrip. "So, what now?" Harry asked the horrified goblin after he had finished reading the paperwork himself. "Well Mr. Potter-Black, first we need to create a new place for you in your family tree. There were rumors about Dorea Potter, your great-aunt having and affair with Fleamont Potter, your grandfather, shortly after her son, Huhgo, died in November of 1965. She wasn't heard from again until her death in 1977 and both your grandparents and Charlus Potter have already passed. We can make it look like you were blood adopted by your mother's biological, father, a wizard by the name of Admon Sallow. He passed about two weeks ago in Scotland." Harry stopped the goblin. "Won't this make me a pure-blood? Don't they have tests to confirm blood status?" Irongrip waved off Harry's concern. "Your maternal grandmother was a squib so you are a pure-blood anyway. This will keep all your blood the same and allow you to keep all your features. We just have to tweak your blood a bit. Don't worry they have potions for that. Now we need a name. Have anything in mind?" Harry frowned. "I want to keep Celandine. It's flower name that connects me to my mother's family. Heck even my mum's biological father's name meant red peony. So I want to keep it and say it was a weird coincidence. I'll need to be named after a star as a Black and I'm too used to being called Harry to not answer to it." Irongrip nodded. "How about Deneb. In is the brightest star in the Cygnus constellation which would honor Dorea's father and is closely related to her name. As for your first name, Harry can be a nickname for many names. There is Henry, Harvey, Harrison, Harold, Harris or Haris, Charis, Harilaos, Charilaos, Hari, Harri, Theoharry, Theoharis, and even Theocharis. My favorites are the three Greek ones, Harilaos meaning joy of the people, Charilaos meaning grace of the people, and Theocharis meaning grace of God." Harry blinked. "Wow, I didn't now their were so many. Umm I think the last on sounds cool, if I remember how to pronounce it." Irongrip laughed. "It is pronounced The-o-chá-rees. Say it with me. The-oh-cha-rees. Did you get it?" Harry repeated the name a couple times until he found he could pronounce it perfectly. "So I will become Theocharis Deneb Celandine Potter? Or is it still Potter-Black? Or is it Potter-Sallow?" Irongrip chuckled again. "I think we can arrange something with Walburga so it stays Potter-Black. We will put that Mr. Sallow blood adopted you as your godfather but refused to change your name as he believed his family name had been cursed. Let's just finalize your new identity and then I will send you back to have a healer attend to your needs. While your healing I will contact Walburga." Harry nodded his agreement and they got to work.

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