Homes Around The World

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Once Remus, Walburga, and Sirius had moved into 34 Potterow things seemed to calm down. They finalized their travel plans and Irongrip informed them that he was currently buying small houses in every country he could. Each were unplotable and had the same ward scheme as 34 Potterow. The goblins had also adjusted 12 Grimmauld Place and 9 Sallow's Road to match all the other homes. The two weeks they spent in mourning were very healing for the small family and each day seemed to bring them closer. Even Walburga and Sirius seemed to connect in a way they had never before. At the end of the mourning period it was time for them to travel. Everything had already been arranged and Harry's dream of having homes around the world was already well on it's way to being a reality. It would seem that goblins could work much faster than anyone, including themselves, realized. From then on, the little family would spend two weeks in a country and move on to the next. They learned anything and everything they could from the places they traveled to, so that Henry would know the ways of the world. Despite the near constant travel, every holiday or birthday was spent back at 34 Potterow. They also spent the entirety of October in the townhouse, wishing to honor Lily and James and visit their graves. Four years passed like this before Walburga could no longer handle the strains of constant travel. They spent the rest of their time with Walburga in France. She died later that year and she was buried in the Black family cemetery in France. Henry was distraught for a while, they all were, but eventually Harry was able to pull every back together. They continued their traveling and by the time Henry and Harry had reached 10 and 25 respectively they could speak 50 languages. More importantly, the boys learned about the culture and Magic used in all the places they lived. Sirius once joked that the two boys could blend in anywhere do to their education. Instead of laughing like Sirius expected, Remus turned to him and nodded. "They have been educated in the languages and traditions of both muggles and wizards in 50 countries and are still learning. I am sure by the time he is an adult their will be no place Henry doesn't feel at home." Harry just nodded from behind Remus and continued eating. On Henry's 11th birthday and Harry's 26th a Hogwarts letter for one Harry Potter arrived. Sirius took one look at it and laughed. "Look Henry they finally decided to invite your big brother to Hogwarts." Henry looked at the letter with wide eyes and shook his head. "Harry is not allowed anywhere near that old man. He is not allowed to go to Hogwarts." Remus burst out laughing at the stern mothering look on Henry's face. "It's probably not actually for me, you know." Harry said smiling at his brother. "But you're the only one named Harry." "Did we never tell you?" "Tell me what?" Henry frowned at Sirius. "Henry love, my full name is Theocharis. Harry is just a nickname I had because the muggles couldn't pronounce my name. Though I was not aware of this fact until I was 16. Actually, I thought my name was Freak Boy until I was 7 so it didn't make much difference in the long run." Both Sirius and Henry stared at their brother in horror. Remus turned away so no one see his pained face. "By the way, did we ever really explain how I came to be your big brother?" Henry looked started and shook his head. "Very well, I guess it's time to explain. I am not actually your brother. If I was that would have made our parents 5 years old when they had me. Anyway, my mother's name was Dorea Potter neé Black. She and your grandfather Fleamont Potter had a drunken affair where I was conceived." Harry Began summoning a family tree to show Henry. "I was blood adopted by your grandparents Orion and Walburga Black and then I was blood adopted by your mother's father Admon Sallow. This made me the younger brother of all three of your parents. That's the reason we look so much alike. When I escaped the muggles, Siri, your parents, and Walburga came to discuss my custody. In the beginning we kept getting confused because I looked so much like you and at that point we were both called Harry." "We were both called Harry?" "Yeah, cub. Your dad wanted to call to name you Harry but your mother was dead set on Henry so they compromised. You were named Henry but went by Harry as a nickname." Sirius nodded along to Remus' explanation. "Oh ok. What happened next?" Sirius grinned and took over. "Well James got so confused he called Lily Harry's mother. This in turn confused Harry so much that he called Lily mum. Me and your grandma thought the whole this was hilarious. While we were laughing both you and Harry ended up sitting in a corner where you later fell asleep. Once everything calmed down we found out your grandma was sick. You see your uncle Regulus just died and she wasn't in any condition to be a mother to a teenager. So your parents decided to adopt him. In order to not get confused we started calling you Henry and Harry started calling them mum and dad. He had been adopted as their son anyway so it made sense." "So, you're really my uncle?" Harry opened his mouth to agree, but stopped and frowned. "Biologically I am your uncle. In a legal sense I am both your older brother and father." Henry went cross-eyed at this explanation. "Don't get too confused. I am your uncle, who was adopted as your brother. Then when your parents died I adopted you as my son so that no one would find you. No one but the three of us actually know I exist." "So what do I call you? Do I call you uncle, brother, or father?" Harry frowned. "If you wish to call anyone Abba or Papa, I think you should call Sirius and Remus that. Sirius is your biological father and Remus is his husband. As for me, you probably should call me uncle when we are in England. Everyone there knows how old your parents where when they died so they may try and start an argument. I personally am used to being your brother. Your parents and Remus and Sirius are the ones who really took care of me so in my head I consider them my parents." Henry nodded with a serious look on his face. "So how about in private I call you big brother and we both call Remy and Siri Abba and Papa? Then in public you are all uncle, so no one gets confused." Harry looked at the two men at the other end of the table for confirmation. "I CALL DIBS ON PAPA!!" Sirius suddenly shouted. Remus shook his head as the boys burst out laughing. "I think it's nice that you cubs see us as parents and I wouldn't mind being called Abba." Remus smiled gently. "Huh, what do you think Henry? Homes around the world and two sets of great parents. We really are living the dream, aren't we?" "Yep!" Henry agreed cheerfully.

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