There Are Two of Them

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Remus didn't have wait long. Not even 15 minutes after the letter was sent a house elf appeared. "Dobby is to bring Master's Paddyfeet and Moonzies to Master. Dobby warns that Master is very sad." Sirius smiled sadly and stood. "Come on, Moony. Let's go. Thank you for your help Irongrip." "You are welcome Mr. Black. May I say that us here at Gringotts will miss the late Mr. and Mrs. Potter terribly." Sirius nodded at the goblin before Dobby popped away with him and Remus. They soon found themselves in a warm but spacious kitchen. At a kitchen table not far away, Harry sat feeding Henry with silent tears streaming down his face. It looked like Harry was barely holding it together enough to actually function normally. In front of him Henry was also distressed. His face seemed to mirror Harry's exactly but without the tears. See both boys like this made Sirius' own grief claw it's way to the surface. Suddenly Harry took a deep breath and with a look of determination, seemed to put himself back together piece by piece. It was the exact same thing he had seen Lily do a few days after she found out her own parents had passed, when she thought she didn't have anyone to rely on but herself. A realization hit Sirius so hard it reminded him of the time Lily had slapped him. Harry didn't think he had anyone to rely on. Shaking himself out of his depressed state, Sirius stepped forward and wrapped Harry in a bone crushing hug. He had promised James and Lily he would after their sons and he would do just that. For a long moment Harry just stared at Sirius with wide eyes, but then like a switch was flipped he broke down. Henry also started to cry and was immediately brought into the hug. Remus who at this point was still confused joined in a short time later. After what felt like hours, everyone had calmed down enough to end the hug. "Thanks Siri I needed that." "I think we all needed that kiddo." Sirius said ruffling Harry's hair. Henry had cried himself to sleep, so Harry gently stood and went to the sink where he proceeded to clean Henry's face with a damp washcloth. "Can you take him while I clean my face, Siri?" Sirius smiled and gently took the baby from Harry. After all three men had washed away their tears, Harry asked Dobby to prepare a late breakfast. Harry left men in the kitchen while he went to put Henry down for a nap. "There are two of them." Remus said after Harry left. Sirius laughed and shook his head. "That was what we first thought, too. It was very confusing. Turns out that along with sharing Henry as a son, James, Lily, and I all shared a little brother. He was the result of a drunken affair between Dorea Potter neé Black and James' father Fleamont. He was then blood adopted by Lily's biological father and my parents. When he was a year old he was kidnapped and placed with muggles. You should have seen his medical report, Moony. That poor boy lived through hell. On September 1st he escaped and came to the wizarding world. He spent the next day healing and on September 3rd we were called in to discuss who got custody of him. Lily and James became his legal parents and we were made his godparents. We came up with a plan to hide him and Henry away. I had my memory bound and was sent off to play decoy, while James and Lily moved everything from the cottage to here. The only thing they couldn't move was themselves. The spell Dumbledore used on the cottage prevented them from moving. And after all he did they didn't want to alert him in any way." Remus frowned. "What do you mean?" Before Sirius could respond Harry re-entered the Kitchen. "We have a pensive. You can't add any memories because it's full but you can view them." "How am I going to show him if I can't add a memory?" "Mum and Dad connected themselves to the pensive before they died. Every memory from their first breath to their last are all recorded in that pensive. To select a certain memory focus on it when you place your wand in the pensive, otherwise it will take you through their entire lives, starting with Dad. You can use it as long as you like. But you two have to eat something first." After breakfast Harry showed them to the pensive and left them there alone. At dinner time the two men finally emerged. They joined Harry and Henry at the dinner table, looking much better than they had that morning. "We looked through it all. Every memory of both James and Lily. Thank you Harry." Harry smiled at the two men. "Do you know when the funeral is?" Both men nodded. "Tommorow. We will meet you and Henry at Gringotts." "No, I think you two should spend the night. You will be moving in with us soon anyway." Sirius nodded, but Remus was uncertain. "Don't worry about your furry little problem. There is a place specifically designed for you to spend the moons with Padfoot." Harry sent Remus a grin that made him do a double take. He'd only ever seen that grin on one person, Sirius Black. "If I am able to check this place out then I will think about moving in." Remus reluctantly agreed. "I think we should travel." Sirius suggested suddenly. "I've never traveled before." Harry responded with wide eyes. "I think after the funeral and the two week grieving period, we should start traveling. Last I checked the Potter family had properties all around the world. This may give us a chance to heal as well as give us a chance to teach Henry that England isn't the only country in the world." Remus smiled widely at Sirius. "That sounds like a great plan, as long as we include your mother and a lot of time is spent planning ways to destroy Albus Dumbledore." Remus agreed happily. Harry wholeheartedly agreed and Sirius laughed. This time Sirius put Henry to bed, while Remus and Harry talked. When Sirius returned the rest of the evening was spent getting to know each other better. They turned in early, so they were prepared for the funeral the next day.

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