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The four adults froze. "Voldemort's real name is Tom Riddle?" Sirius suddenly blurted, making James let out a strained laugh. "Yes, but I fear the great man he once has been lost." Walburga nodded sadly. "Tom was the perfect leader when we were in school. He had such great goals. He wished to open up orphanages for magical children and create a wizarding world where everyone could use magic freely. He even wanted to pass legislation that would protect squibs and muggleborns." "Yes, Lady Black. He even approached us in the summer of his fifth year asking what we would like to see changed about creature rights." The others looked between the two confused. "If he wanted all that, what the Hell happened to him?" James asked. "At the beginning of sixth year, Tom went missing for two weeks. No one knows what happened to him, not even himself. After that Tom began to lose time. He would show up in the common room hours after curfew without a single memory of where he'd been. His seventh year was the same, but we remained loyal to the great man and leader we had come to love. After graduation Tom disappeared again, only to return years later as Lord Voldemort." Lily stared at the paperwork before her. "Dumbledore. Wasn't he a teacher?" Walburga nodded. "Yes, and he hated Tom with a burning passion. He took every opportunity to try and get him expelled or in trouble. We always thought that he did something, but Tom refused to let us try and help." Lily nodded. "It seems we have gone off track. We are here to discuss Harry's placement." Irongrip said. "Wait, I have one more question. How did Harry even get here? I mean you said he has been with muggles for the fifteen years, right?" Everyone turned to Irongrip, wanting to know exactly that. "Well, from what I heard it was somewhat of a calculated yet impulsive escape. Harry explained that he had been planning his escape for months and had everything planned out. He had even gotten some kids his age to agree to help. But according to Harry, for some reason his "prison guards" became particularly careless on the night of September first. So he took his chances and made a run for it. Those kids who agreed to help him gave him money to get by and he took off with only the clothes on his back and his pet owl. All the food and resources he had gathered were left behind. But it seemed luck was on Harry's side. Mr. Sallow's house elf, Dobby, had gone looking for it's new Master after his death. They found each other soon after the escape. Harry sent the elf back to get all of his belongings and enough food and water to last them awhile. Dobby did just that before bringing Harry here. We explained everything to Harry and even gave him a few books to read, before sending him off with some galleons to the Leaky Cauldron. The next day he came back and we got him fixed up before sending him out with that elf of his to do some shopping. And here we are today." "He has a pet owl?" James asked suddenly. Irongrip laughed and nodded. "Yes, she is his familiar. I believe she found him when he was eleven. Hedwig is her name. He said something about finding her name in an old book he found in the attic. And that it meant something akin to warrior. Let me tell you, that bird definitely possesses a fighting spirit. She nearly took out the eye of a wizard who tried hitting on Harry in front of the building." Both Sirius and James started laughing. Lily only smiled. "Hush boys, let's get back on topic. James and I will adopt Harry as our son, so there is no confusion as to what he calls us. Can you please add him to our will and put that under no circumstances are Harry and Henry to be separated? I think since only one of his godparents is alive we should add both Sirius and Remus. If anything happens to us I want both boys to be raised by them. Since Harry is almost a legal adult, please put him as the next in line to take Henry if something happens to Sirius. I know that legally Remus isn't allowed to take either of the boys in so it's best in the long run. Since all of this about Dumbledore has come to light, I would like to move. Are there any heavily warded properties that we own?" As he had done with Walburga, Irongrip adjusted and filled out paperwork as Lily spoke. "Here, I need the four of you to sign these. I will pull the Potter property list and see what your options are." While they were signing the adoption papers that would make Harry, Lily and James' oldest child in the eyes of the law, Irongrip found a property that would suit their needs. "I don't think we can move Lils." James said cautiously. Lily frowned at him. "Why not?" Sighing, James ran a hand through his hair. "The spell Dumbledore cast on our house. It's tied to us. If we move than he'll know." Lily looked over at the boys. "Then what do we do, James? You know what Dumbledore did to Harry and I don't want Henry near that man." James looked over at the boys as well. "We can't move, but that doesn't mean the boys can't." Lily's head snapped around to him. "Are you saying that we should send them off to live on their own?" James gave Lily a pained look. "Harry is old enough to watch over both himself and Henry. He has a house elf that can aid him. We will be able to visit the boys as often as we wish, they only difference is Sirius wouldn't be able to know where they are and we would have to spend at least 12 hours at the house a day. This way maybe the boys will be safer from both Dumbledore and Voldemort." Lily looked at the boys and then Sirius. "If we do this Sirius, you won't be able to see either of them until the war ends." Sirius gave Lily a sad smile. "I'd rather have Harry and Henry somewhere safe. That way I can focus on fighting." Lily gave a nod and turned back to Irongrip. "How soon can you have the place set up for the boys?" "I can have it set up by the end of today. Because of how the wards are set up, only those of Potter blood can locate or enter the property. This of course includes any spouses as long as they do not intend to harm a person with Potter blood. I as your account manager and any house elf belonging to a Potter can also enter the property with permission. If you wish for Dumbledore to remain ignorant of this, I think it is in your best interest if you pretend Harry doesn't exist and only send your most valuable possessions with the boys. Make it look like Henry is still in the house. I can aid you by warding the boys room against anyone who isn't you. I may even be able to add in a curse that vaporizes intruders." Lily nodded. "Yes, I think that will be for the best." Walburga sat forward suddenly. "If this is going to work, Sirius and I can not keep the memories we have to Harry." "What do you mean, Lady Black?" Irongrip asked the woman with a frown. "Dumbledore is very talented when it comes to the mind arts. I'm saying you should bind our memories of Harry and this meeting, so that we will only remember him if something happens to Lily and James or the war ends."

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