Snape's Realization

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As Snape poured over the logs, Henry and Harry went back to discussing their new home. "You're right. Dumbledore didn't enter the house until after the aurors searched the place and it says you two had not been there since September 4th." Snape said in astonishment. "Really?! I had no idea." Harry said giving Snape a mock surprised look. Henry and Irongrip laughed as Snape glared at Harry. "Anyway, we should go. Thanks for your help with the new house Irongrip, may your riches continue rising." "I will see that your house in Godric's Hollow is restored. Farewell Harry and may you always raise above your enemies." Harry nodded and looked to Henry who raised his arms in acceptance. "Bye Irongrip, may your gold flow freely." Henry called as he was picked up by his brother. "Bye little one, may you always gain the upper hand when facing enemies." Snape shot up and grabbed Harry's arm. "Wait, where are you going?" "Japan. Can I have those logs back?" Snape handed them back without a second thought. "Why would you go to Japan?" "To shop." Harry responded as he returned the logs to Irongrip and made his way out of the door. "What are you planning on buying in Japan?" Snape asked as he followed them closely. Harry stopped and turned back to Snape. "Mr. I don't even know your name, what makes you think that you have any right to demand answers from me?" Harry snapped making Snape stop short. "My name is Severus Snape and I will be your nephew's potions professor at Hogwarts." Harry shook his head. "You sire assume a lot Mr. Snape." Harry said before walking off. Snape stood frozen in the hallway wondering exactly what Harry meant by that. Harry and Henry had made it half way out of the bank before Snape called out after them. "Wait, Mr. Potter." He called making every head in the bank turn to look in Harry's direction. "So much for not causing a scene. And he was doing so well." Harry said softly shaking his head. "Ignore him big brother. We have to go get my wand and see about an owl that I can take with me to school." Henry whispered back. "True. Let's go." The two of them ignored Snape and made their way out of the bank. All those who had been in the bank watching for Henry followed behind them. Harry sighed in exasperation. "Thanks a lot Snape." Harry grumbled making Henry laugh. They made their way to Ollivanders at a slow pace. Harry made sure to keep an eye on their stalkers the whole time. The only people not actively following them were Dumbledore himself, Snape and Hagrid. Those three were far too noticeable in the crowd unlike the three family units Dumbledore sent to follow them around. Henry ended up having to have a wand made specifically for him as there were none in the store that matched him. Much like Harry's his core was phoenix feather bit his wood was a combination of holly and elder wood. After Ollivanders they stopped by Eeylops Owl Emporium. When they entered a hoot was heard and an owl landed on Henry's shoulder. "Oh my. We've been trying to catch him since yesterday when he escaped his cage." A shop assistant said rushing forward to grab the bird. Harry held a hand up to stop her and looked over the male snowy owl. He was larger and had more white than Hedwig. "We'll take him and we won't need the cage." The shop assistant looked stunned. "Alright, will you be buying a perch and other supplies for him?" Harry nodded and the lady gathered everything together before ringing him up at the register. Harry shrunk the bag of supplies and placed it in his pocket. Turning he looked at Henry with his new owl on his shoulder and smiled. "Come on Henry." He said gently picking Henry up again. The owl hopped from Henry's shoulder onto Harry's. "What will you name him?" Henry frowned as he thought hard about names. "Ludwig. It's german like Hedwig and it means famous warrior. What does Hedwig mean?" "Hedwig has many meanings. It was based off the words hadu, which means battle or combat, and wig, which means fight or duel. Many just say the name means warrior and leave it at that. You know the name Ludwig is based off the name Hludwig if you want both their names to start will H like us." Henry frowned and looked at his owl. "What do you think? It's your name after all." The owl hooted and fluffed up his feathers. "Hludwig?" The owl looked away from Henry. "Ludwig?" The owl hooted and flapped it's wings a little. "It seems he likes Ludwig better." Harry mused and Henry nodded in agreement. "Alright Ludwig, why don't you wait for us at the Shrieking Shack. Hedwig is already should already be there so be sure to be polite when you introduce yourself." Ludwig hooted and took off. "Can we go to Japan now?" Henry murmured as they watched Ludwig fly off. "Yeah, let's get out of here." As they approached the apparition point Tonks tripped over air and landed in front of them. Henry and Harry looked  at the teen who was slowly picking herself up off the ground and each other. Henry shrugged and Harry rolled his eyes before they simple walked around her and kept walking. "Hey, you're not even gonna help me up?!" Tonks shouted after them, but they ignored her and kept moving. Hermione attempted something similar by dropping her large stack of books in front of them, which they simply walked over. Eventually they were stopped when the Weasley family got in their way. Ginny had apparently dropped her ice cream and was having a tantrum while the twins were picking a fight with Ron. Harry was becoming more irritated the longer the family blocked the street as were some of the other shoppers trying to get home. Having reached his limit Harry whistled loudly getting everyone in the street's attention. "Would you be kind enough to get the fuck out of the middle of the road?" Harry all but growled making people behind him call out in agreement. "Yeah, we've been trying to get home for 20 minutes, but your blocking the path." A man called out from beside Harry. Arthur Weasley flushed in embarrassment and ushered his shocked family off to the side. This got cheers from the crowd making Arthur grow even more red. Shaking his head at the family Harry apparated to the Shrieking Shack with Henry.

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