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Harry was anxious. What if he couldn't find a time turner or worse? What if he found one but it wouldn't let him go back that far? What if he couldn't save Sirius? Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, Harry focused all his attention on the window. Across from him Hermione and Ron were flirting. After a whole summer of ignoring him, they continued to pretend he wasn't there. Harry wasn't stupid, he'd seen the way they'd started acting after second year. Even though he had saved Ginny, Ron somehow became more jealous and demanding. It had got to the point that if anyone, even the twins, wanted to talk they had to practically kidnap him. Not even Harry's "rival" Draco Malfoy could get a word in before Ron was yelling at him and dragging Harry away. Hermione was just as bad. She wouldn't let him read or even do is own school work. Everytime she saw him with a book in his hand, she'd snatch it away and start lecturing him. They had basically cut him off from both his education and other students. Harry knew what they were doing and he understood who was really to blame. During his third year he had overhead a conversation between the Headmaster, Ginny Weasley and his friends. Let's just say it didn't paint them in a good light. The three of them even did their best to cut Harry off from Molly and the rest of the Weasley family, claiming that he should spend time with his friends. Fred and George knew what they were doing but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't free Harry from either of his prisons. Hermione and Ron monitored his every move. When he went to the bathroom, when he slept, every little thing he did. They had begun dictating what Harry ate, only giving him a few slices of bread and a salad. He knew they were trying to keep him weak and subservient. The only thing Harry didn't know is how to escape, but he would. Tonight after the welcoming feast, he would be free of them and hopefully back in the arms of his godfather. Suddenly the compartment door was thrown open. Draco Malfoy flanked by Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini stood in the entrance. Hermione and Ron immediately stood and began shouting about who knows what, but Harry remained seated. Parkinson went to town sneering and snarling right back at the two, but Malfoy and Zabini had focused in on him. Harry's eyes widened when he saw this. Frantically he began to mouth, Help me, hoping they understood. When all they did was frown, Harry grew desperate. He looked Malfoy directly in the eyes and entered his mind. Instead of rifling through his memories, Harry projected his own. Clips of the abuse he suffered at the Dursley's, bits and pieces of what he went through at the Weasley's and most importantly the prison he was kept in at school. Once he's done that he projected his own emotions along with one simple thought, help, please help. And then he retreated to his own mind. Parkinson was still in a shouting match with his prison guards and Zabini was giving Malfoy a worried look. Malfoy was still staring at Harry, but he was paler and sweating. With a quick reassuring look Malfoy dragged his friends away and Harry's friends returned to ignoring him. When they arrived at school Harry found the three slytherins sending him confused and worried looks every chance they got. Hermione and Ron had grown careless since the development of their relationship. Harry was able to snag a piece of meat and an apple during the feast and they left him to trail behind them on the way to the dorms. This gave Harry the chance he needed. He let himself fall behind enough that they wouldn't notice him slip behind a suite of armor. He planned on staying there for a few minutes but his plan was ruined by the appearance of three figures in front of the armor. Harry was terrified, they had noticed his escape attempt. "Potter?" Malfoy's voice brought Harry out of his panic. Slipping forward enough to get a better look at the three he realized it was Malfoy and his friends. "What are you three doing here?" Harry spoke softly, doing his best not to be heard by others. "We had planned on kidnapping you so we could talk, but we watched you slip away." Malfoy answered in an equally soft voice. Harry looked the slytherins over. At this point the unknown was a far better option then his pathetic excuse for a life so he slipped out from behind the armor. "I'll talk to you, but not here. Follow me and we'll go to the kitchens." "Kitchens?" "Yes, I'm starving and I need the house elves to gather my things. I'm leaving tonight. This is my only chance to escape." Zabini gave him a startled look. "What do you mean leaving?" Malfoy whispered as they reached the kitchens. "Not here. The walls have ears." Harry hissed at him. Soon Harry had convinced a young house elf by the name of Twinkie to gather everything he owned in the castle. She came back with his trunk, Hedwig and her cage, and an assortment of books he had seen in the Headmaster's office. Harry almost snarled when he saw them. Instead of losing his temper he packet the books away along with a months worth of magically preserved foods. Harry then expanded a part of his trunk and hit it with all kinds of cooling and preserving charms. He requested the house elves to make him enough ready made meals to last him another month. With two months worth of food and all his belongings packed, it was time to move. Harry had already shrunk all of Hedwig's things and treats and packed them, so she was perched on his shoulder. He then shrunk his trunk and placed it in his pocket. The head house elf, Nilly, presented him with a featherlight basket full of muggle water bottles and other drinks so he wouldn't become dehydrated. Harry smiled at the elf and shrunk it down to go in his other pocket. Dobby, who'd been working at Hogwarts since he was freed, begged Harry to bond with him so that he could take care of him. Harry agreed and the bonding ritual was done quickly. Harry sent Dobby with Hedwig to the R.O.R. with strict instructions to leave Hedwig there and find a time turner that would take him back at least a year. By the time he was finished in the kitchens only 15 minutes had passed. He grabbed the shocked slytherins and led them through a series of secret tunnels until they reached the R.O.R. He only had another 20 minutes max, before his disappearance was noticed. He had to leave and soon.

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