Bentos are a Boy's Bestfriend

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The bento was packed with a variety of fresh food. And there was enough for all five of them to split it evenly. Henry had to teach the others how to use chopsticks because those were easier to duplicate than it was to conjure silverware. When everyone had they're food they dug in. "Tell your Uncle Remus, that from the bottom of my heart, I love him." Lee said seriously. Henry laughed. "I don't think his husband would appreciate your declaration of love very much." "He's married? Man that's disappointing." Lee said making everyone laugh. Suddenly the door was opened. "I've searched all the other compartments, but no one could tell me if if was true or not. This is the last compartment on the train, so tell me. Has Harry Potter really come to Hogwarts?" Henry blinked, Draco Malfoy had entered his compartment. "Uncle Harry is an adult, why would he come to Hogwarts?" Henry blurted out without thinking. Draco blinked and frowned at Henry. "What do you mean?" "Oh, sorry. Hi, I'm Henry Potter it's nice to meet you. My uncle Harry is 26 so I don't understand why he would be going to Hogwarts." "You're name is Henry Potter as in H E N R Y, not Harry as in H A R R Y?" "Yes, my name is Henry. What's your name?" "Oh, sorry. I'm Draco Malfoy. Are you sure it's not Harry?" Henry nodded. "Yes, I'm sure but don't worry. Everyone seems to get us confused for some reason." "Oh, ok. It was nice meeting you." Draco said as he fled the compartment. "Do you really think mixing my name up is that embarrassing?" Henry asked looking at the others who had watched Malfoy run in embarrassment. "Well, I was pretty embarrassed when I got it wrong." "Yeah, and our mom was mortified." Fred said. "Wait, you didn't do that twin speak thing." "Well, somehow you've gotten our names right from the moment sat down next to you, so we figured we'd be ourselves." George explained to Henry. "Really? I'm glad you can be yourselves with us then." Henry smiled brightly at the twins. "Don't expect us not to do twin speak on occasion and don't except us not to do it infront of everyone else." Fred warned which made Henry giggle. "You two still realize that even without twin speak, you still trade off and kinda speak like you're the same person?" Neville asked them with an inquisitive look. "Really?" They both asked in unison and everyone else nodded. "Anyway let's finish our food so you four can get changed." "That reminds me, Henry why are you already wearing your robes?" George asked yanking gently on Henry's outer robe. "My uncles said it was a waste of time to change last minute. It also gives extra time to have fun on the train." The twins looked at each other and nodded. "We should do that too. Though we have to come into the station the muggle way, so we'll have to leave the outer robe until we get on the train." Fred said. "Yeah, it really would save us time." Lee said and the other boys agreed. A few moments later Henry had packed away his bento box and was unshrinking Neville's trunk. "Can you shrink ours down when we're done?" "Sure, but I'm teaching you all the charm when we get to school so I won't have to do this latter." Soon after they were all seated again and their luggage was stored away in their pockets. "Alright, it's your turn to tell us about your family." Henry said eyeing the older boys. They agreed and they spent the rest of the train ride talking the Weasleys and Lee's parents. Later that night Henry did his best to keep Neville calm as the sorting ceremony started. "Don't worry Neville, I'm pretty sure your parents will be proud of you no matter what house you're in." "You think so?" "I know so." Neville nodded and stood up straighter. Shortly after that Henry's name was called. This caused a confused murmur to spread through the crowd. Henry walked up to the hat, when he sat down Professor McGonagall gently placed it on his head. "Well look who we have here. A Potter. Oh my, I can see why your uncles think you should be a Slytherin, but afraid there is not a single ambitious bone in your body. Although, your cunning may out weigh the need for it. But you have many other traits. You are very loyal and hardworking, but I think you'd eat the rest of the Hufflepuffs alive. You value knowledge and are very smart, but I'm afraid you mischievous side will cause the Ravenclaws to revolt. Lastly we have the Gryffindors. You are brave and you are definitely bold. I think you would do well there, especially given that you are the heir of Gryffindor. Just be sure to watch out for the old coot's lackeys." "I wouldn't mind Gryffindor. My uncle Harry has already warned me about who I should most avoid." "Very well. Enjoy yourself." "GRYFFINDOR!!" The hat shouted. Henry immediately made is way over to sit between the twins. Not Long after Neville was sitting across from him next to Lee. The feast was as great as Sirius promised it would be. Henry made sure to test all his food and drinks and showed the twins how to do it when they asked. "Why do you test your food, anyway?" Fred whispered softly. "I'll explain later. Remind me to show Neville and Lee how to do it at breakfast." "Ok, but you definitely have to tell us later." George responded. Henry nodded in agreement and the feast continued. Later that night they arrived at the portrait leading to the common room. Instead of asking for a password the portrait swung open. The Prefects were confused, but Henry figured it had to do with him being at the front of the crowd. Henry grabbed Neville's hand and lead him into the common room. As soon as they entered the portrait swung closed behind them. Another portrait above them called out. "This way young heir. I shall escort you to your room. Your friend may room with you if you wish." Henry nodded and dragged Neville with him as he followed the portrait down to a bookcase. The bookcase slid to the side revealing a hidden hallway. Down the hallway were seven rooms. One was a library, one was a sitting room, one was an extravagant bathroom and the rest were bedrooms. The bedroom at the end of the hall had the names Gryffindor, Peverell, and Potter engraved elegantly on it. "You see the names , Neville?" "Yes." "Those are the names my family has had through the ages. We started out as Gryffindor, but Godric only had two daughters. The oldest married a Peverell and the youngest died before she could marry. Later on the Peverell name gave way to Potter when only a single daughter was born. Before that only one of the main brothers, Ignotus, lived long enough to have a son so the Lordship passed to him." "Wow, so that's your room?" "Yeah, you can pick one of your own as well. Just not the one with the bathroom attached. I have a feeling we are going to have a girl move in with us and she'll need her privacy." Henry said thinking of Luna and of all the bullying she put with. Henry snapped his fingers and Dobby appeared next to him. "Hey Dobby. Can you put name plaques on these doors for me? This one is the one with the extra bathroom, so put the name Luna Lovegood on it. This one is big enough for the twins so put Fred and George Weasley on it. This one is Neville's so put Neville Longbottom on the door and the Last one should say Lee Jordan. Once your done with that can you put a sign on the bathroom that changes from a green vacant sign to a red occupied sign when someone enters." "Dobby be doing this Young Master Henry Sir. Dobby also bes moving Young Master Henry Sir's friendzes stuff to their new rooms." "Thanks Dobby. I'll go tell them and set up a password for the bookcase." A few minutes later Henry was showing his friends how to unpack using a spell and how to repack the same way. Then he taught them how to shrink and resize their things. "There, now you can practice on your own when you want and I can go set up Hana's bed. I think she's already upset with me." "Night" the boys called out as Henry slipped into his room. He quickly fixed Hana's bed and fell fast asleep.

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