Bronagh the Basilisk

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Languages read as follows-

"Any other human language"

For the last one I'll specify what it is before or after the dialogue.
After Henry's uncles had moved in everything went rather smoothly. Henry began taking classes with his Uncles after Mcgonagall was informed. Dumbledore attempted to protest this new development but gave in the moment he heard Sirius tell Henry to pack his belongings. When school finally ended they were able to get Henry's friends to come over daily. As soon as they flooed over they began studying and even went on trips to different countries to help with their studies. Remus always made sure that the boys were back home before dinner. By the time school rolled around again Remus had convinced all the boys parents to let them do early testing. All four boys passed both their O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S with flying colors. Mcgonagall was informed and they joined Henry in his classes although they were a bit behind as Henry had already taken any other O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S he wanted over the summer. Now Henry was working on his Masteries. That October when the Mrs. Norris was petrified Harry took Salazar's portrait down to the Chamber of Secrets and had a long talk with Bronagh. Apparently she was named after Salazar's first love and Godric's younger sister, a fierce woman with a gentle heart. Bronagh the Basilisk was a lot like her namesake, if not slightly more insane. 'So, let me get this straight. You attacked people the first time around on accident?' Harry asked the giant snake. 'That is right, little speaker. The young heir and I were simply trying to find me an alternative route to the forest so I could feed. The tunnel within the chamber is blocked by strange magic. The young heir could not undo it, so we attempted to work around the problem. Unfortunately, the children of this school do love to wonder about at night. So we tried to do it during dinner one night and that girl just happened to be there. The young heir was devastated and sent me back into the chamber. I heard him speaking to a professor in the bathroom and a loud thud. The next day he did not remember that it had been an accident. He thought he had ordered that girl's death. So, put me back into hibernation and I have not seen him since. Recently a girl with hair of fire has been visiting. She speaks in the young heir's voice. To him no time has passed and he is still helping me attempt to get back into the forest. Occasionally the girls eyes will glaze over and the young heir's voice will say strange things. I believe he is once again being poisoned and the girl with him.' Harry nodded and turned to Salazar. 'So, what are we going to do?' Salazar looked thoughtful. 'We should approach this in a Slytherin manner. We steal the book and set a trap here in case the book is somehow returned to the girl. Before that we will have to look at the tunnel leading to the forest. If we can fix it, Tom will no longer have a reason to look for another route with Bronagh.' Harry agreed and the three of them went to check out the tunnel. A set of heavy duty wards were in place on the exist of the tunnel to keep everything in. The magic reeked of Dumbledore. Shaking his head, Harry put to work all his knowledge of curse breaking to modify the wards. He didn't want to remove them in case  it would alert the old coot, so it was modified. Bronagh was keyed in so she could pass through it whenever she wanted and Harry made it mimic an intent ward. Nothing could get in if it would cause harm and nothing could get out unless they felt they were in danger. Harry, his small family, and Dumbledore were of course exceptions to this. Harry made it so that he and his family could use this passage at anytime and Dumbledore was completely barred from from it. In fact, if he attempted to get near the tunnel he would be forcibly portkeyed into the black lake. That bit had been Salazar's wonderful idea that Harry had enthusiastically implemented. Once that was finished they set a trap for Ginny and went back to the Founders Wing, as Sirius liked to call it. Remus and Sirius were put in charge of the book theft and Harry sat back with the founders to watch them plot. It was a heartwarming experience to say the least. Harry could just see their younger selves along side his father and Wormtail plotting a prank. Suddenly a thought struck Harry so viciously that he physically fell over. "Wormtail." He said causing Remus and Sirius to look at him confused. Hurriedly, he pulled at one of their Marauder Maps. Scanning it he found exactly who he was looking for. "Change of plan. I'll get the book and Remus will be getting something else. Sirius..... Papa I need you to stay here. I'll send Henry's friends to keep you company. Ok?" Sirius looked confused. "Does this have something to do with the rat?" Harry nodded. Sirius looked between the worried faces of his husband and his son. "Alright, but I'm watching the map." Harry smiled, hugged him and yanked Remus out of the room. In the hallway they found Henry and the boys already making their way to the Founders Wing. "You four go ahead. We are going to borrow Henry for a bit." Remus said stealing his son form the clutches of the twins he always seemed to be surrounded by. There was definitely something going on there. Shaking that thought away Harry pulled his little brother and pseudo father into an empty classroom. Once a plan was set they made their way to the Gryffindor common room. Remus under Harry's cloak and Harry as a kitten. Harry's plan was simple. Convince one of the kneazles to steal the book from the girls dorm room and bring it to Henry's dorm. Harry would transform back into a human long enough to put it in his pocket before turning back into his animagus form. The book should stay with him when he shifts. Much like his wand. Remus on the other hand was going to sneak into the boys dorm using Harry's cloak. Once there he would stun the rat and make it to where he couldn't escape before meeting back up with Harry and Henry. The three of them would then head back to the Founders Wing, where Sirius will floo to Amelia with the rat and the rest would figure out what to do with the diary. Their plans went surprisingly smoothly. When they returned they sent the boys out to prank people and sent Sirius off with the rat. "Well, that went better then I'd hoped." Harry commented an hour after Sirius had left. "Let's hope everything continues to go well." Remus said as they studied the diary. 

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