Harry VS Henry

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Harry and Sirius came to a stop just behind Remus where he was being introduced to the the Weasley children. "And this is Percy, he's going to be a prefect this year. We are very proud of him. These are the twins, Fred and George. They will be third years this year. Ron here is our youngest boy. This will be his first year at Hogwarts. I am so excited for him to make friend with young Harry. I'm sure they'll get along famously. And this is our youngest. Ginny dear don't be shy. Come say hello to Mr. Lupin." This made Ginny hide more behind Bill after she gave Remus a shy wave. Harry sighed and tapped Remus' shoulder. "Rem, I know your having fun talking to your old friends, but we really do have to go. At the very least I have to get Henry home. He passed out an hour ago and my arms are killing me." Harry said making all the redheads turn to him. "Alright let's go. I don't want you to drop Henry." Remus agreed and started leading them away, but Molly grabbed his arm. "Wait, why don't you come to the Burrow and Harry can nap there while we chat." She said with a bright smile. "Look lady, I don't know about you, but I don't make a habit out of napping at other people's houses." Harry said giving her a weird look. "Yeah, stranger danger." Henry mumbled, blinking sleepily at Molly. Sirius laughed and gently patted Henry's back. "That's right kiddo. Stranger danger." Henry smiled at Sirius before passing back out in Harry's arms. "That's not what I meant. I was simply suggesting Harry can nap while we get to know each other better. For example, I don't know your name." Molly said looking directly at Harry. "That's funny, you seem to enjoy using it." Harry said raising an eyebrow at her. "Harry." Remus said sternly giving him a reprimanding look. "What? It's true." Remus shook his head. "Molly this is Harry Potter, James' half-brother." Remus said motion to Harry who waved back. "Hi, how ya doing? Love, to stay and chat, but I'm quite sure I'm running late for something." Harry flashed them a charming smile before speed walking away. "Siri, I think you should catch up with them. Harry's arms looked like they were about to give out." Remus said and shoved a snickering Sirius after Harry. "Sorry about that Molly. I'd like to tag along and catch up with you, if you don't mind." Molly looked between Remus and the place where Harry had been standing. "Yes, come along." She agreed and ushered everyone back to the Burrow. "So Remus, who exactly was that boy you introduced." Arthur asked confused. "He was exactly who I introduced him as and he's not much of a boy anymore Arthur. He just turned 26 after all." Molly frowned. "I didn't know James had a younger brother." Remus laughed. "Neither did he, until after Henry was born. Harry was the result of an affair and you know how pure-blood families get about illegitimate children. Harry's guardian died, so Lily and James took him in." Remus said easily. "But I thought that James and Lily named their son Harry, not Henry." Molly said giving Remus a look. "Who told you that? They chose the name Henry long before he was born. If you ever heard them talk about a Harry, they were talking about James' brother. I can see how people would get confused. Their names are similar and no one really knows about Harry. But they are two separate people, no matter how much they look alike. Harry Potter is 26 and the younger brother of James, while Henry Potter is his 11 year old nephew." Arthur and Molly nodded. "Are you staying for dinner Remus?" Remus shook his head. "No, Siri is probably worried about me. Have a nice night." Remus said before flooing to the Marauders Den where he knew his family would be waiting. "What do we tell Albus?" Molly asked Arthur when Remus was gone. "Nothing, he's the one who got Henry and Harry confused. He even said that Henry was the one with a lightning bolt scar. Let him figure out who is who." Molly nodded in agreement. "You're right love, if he got those two that badly confused he must be going senile." Arthur nodded and they went on preparing for dinner. Back at the Marauders Den, Sirius had somehow convinced Harry that he needed to watch the Jungle Book and Remus was just in time to join them in having a movie night. A week later their solicitor sent a letter. "Looks like book publishers are trying to get us to reach a settlement. Apparently they made a lot of money off the books and would like permission to keep printing them for half of the proceeds. The company who released the toys wants the same. Rita Skeeter has been issued a restraining order. The Daily Prophet has been forced to pay us 6,000 galleons as compensation and a 3,000 galleon fine to the Ministry. Witch Weekly has also been forced to pay us 4,500 galleons and a 2,500 galleon fine. They have also been forced to discontinue the Potter Spotter column. The magazine and paper have both been warned that if they use our name without permission again there will be further repercussions. What do you think we should do about the publishing companies and the toy manufacturers?" Harry asked as they sat around the kitchen waiting for Remus to finish making lunch. "By the time they started production our family name was already protected do to that old pure-blood law, right?" "Yes, a few weeks after I claimed my lordships Walburga took me to the goblins and we enacted an old pure-blood law. No one can use any family name belonging to the Lord who enacted the law without permission from said Lord. Those that break this law can be punished in three ways. They pay a fine and pay compensation to the Lord, their own family name is stripped from them and added to the Lord's, or they are sentenced to life in Azkaban. Family names are very important amoung wizards, to use someone's after they have enacted the law is frowned upon. In other words the publishers and toy manufacturers don't have a leg to stand on, especially since they knowingly profited on someone else's family name." Henry nodded. "I think you should force them to recall and destroy any unsold stock and then pay us half of the proceeds as compensation. The Ministry can decided how much the fine is." Henry said nodding to himself. Both Remus and Sirius agreed. So Harry wrote a letter to their solicitor outlining that course of action. "Well now that that is finished I would like to remind you that we have a week until Henry starts school and we've been in Britain since our birthday." Looked over at Harry horrified. "That means we've been in Britain for nearly a month and it's not even October. Remus did you know about this?" Remus shook his head looking surprised. "I vote we go to the private island until the day before school starts. I miss the beach." Henry said and Sirius nodded frantically beside him. "Wait, before we do that. Doesn't Harry have to sneak into Hogwarts to talk to the elves?" "I'll do it after lunch so we can be on a beach by morning." Henry and Sirius cheered while Remus and Harry rolled their eyes.

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