No Time To Mourn

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When James and Lily arrived in Godric's Hollow, none of their belongings remained. The entire cottage was as bare as the day they bought it. James gently took Lily's hand and lead her to the stairs. They sat there, talking about their children and the rest of the family. At exactly midnight the door was blasted off it's hinges. In that moment they knew they had been right all along. Peter had betrayed them. They would die tonight. "Lily! Go to Harry! Run! I'll hold him off! Don't worry about me! I love you!" James yelled as he pushed his wife up the stairs. Lily took off intending to grab the emergency portkey hidden in the nursery and return for her husband. She only made half way before she heard a hissed killing curse and the sound of her husbands body hitting the ground. "JAMES!!" She shouted knowing he was gone. Ignoring the pain in her chest she continued her journey. Throwing open the door of the nursery, she called Dobby. "Here, Dobby. These are my last precious things. Go to James, collect his ring and wand. Then take everything to Harry. He'll know what to do." She said handing him her wand, rings, and a necklace Severus had given her. As Dobby popped away Lily positioned herself in front of the empty crib. The door was blasted open. "Step, aside you foolish girl, you need not die tonight." Lily shook her head. "You will not harm my sons." "I said step aside." "No." "This is your last chance, girl. I only need the child." "Over my dead body." Lily snarled at the thing in front over her. "As you wish. Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort shouted. Lily's body slid down the side of the crib. As the man moved to step into the room, the wards flared to life. Voldemort was caught in one of the most vicious wards he had ever encountered. His screams echoed throughout the small village as his body slowly disintegrated. The magical backlash caused by the wards destroyed most of the small cottage. A small part of Voldemort's soul split off from the main soul piece and merged with it's counterpart inside Harry's scar. What was left of Voldemort fled the cottage. Dobby appeared moments later and collected anything of value from the Dark Lord's robes, including his wand. Harry had spent most of the night pacing. He knew he would not see his parents again. When Dobby appeared in front of him clutching what was left of his parents valuables and the Dark Lord's wand, he knew what had happened. There was no time to waste. "Dobby, do not leave Henry's side. I will return shortly." He commanded after gently putting away his parents things. The Dark Lord's belongings were placed in a box that Harry would put in one of his vaults. A short time later Harry apparated to Gringotts to claim the Potter lordship and to legally adopt Henry as his son and heir. He also made sure that his parents wills were read and submitted to the Ministry as public record. Two letters written by James and Lily each, explaining the real identity of their secret keeper, were sent to Amelia Bones. A letter that doubled as a portkey was sent to Frank and Alice Longbottom requesting they, along with their son, come to Gringotts immediately. Harry may not have been able to save his parents, but he'd be damned if Neville's parents ended up like they had last time. Once that was finished Harry had Irongrip place the Dark Lord's belongings in his oldest vault, before he returned home. As usual, Harry's timing was impeccable. Just as he returned home, Albus Dumbledore announced to the wizarding world, that Voldemort was defeated by Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived. Moments later the Longbottoms appeared in Irongrip's office with Neville clutched to their chests. The had just decided to take the portkey when Death Eaters burst through their door. They made it out completely unharmed, thanks to the portkey. Around the same time Sirius was being dragged into the Ministry by his fellow aurors. After finding out that the Potters were betrayed, Bartemius Crouch Sr. was ready to throw the now crazed man into Azkaban, no trial needed. He was stopped by Amelia Bones, who presented him with the letters she was sent. Looking them over Crouch ordered Sirius questioned under veritaserum. An hour later Sirius was released. Sirius was in no state to go anywhere or be alone. Amelia apparated the distraught man to her home, Bones Manor, before sending a patronus message to Remus Lupin. When he got the message Remus was having dinner with an American wolf pack. He had been sent their by Dumbledore two weeks prior in an attempt to get aid. "Remus Lupin, your presence is required at Bones Manor immediately. Sirius Black is quite distraught and I fear for his safety. I will explain when you arrive." Remus sat frozen before in a flurry of movement he packed his trunk and got ready to leave. "Remus? Is it an emergency?" The alpha of the pack, Beckett Riggs, asked. "Yes, Sirius is my mate. This can only mean that my pack is in danger." Remus said shrinking his things and shoving them in his pocket. Riggs froze. He had assumed that Remus was a loner and without a mate. "Very well, use my personal floo." "Thank you!" Remus called out as he flooed to Bones Manor. When he got there he immediately hunted down his mate. Sirius was sobbing on a couch in a large sitting room. Amelia Bones sat off to the side looking uncomfortable. "Padfoot, what happened?" Remus said running to his husband's side. "They're gone Moony. I had a bad feeling and I went to go check. The the whole cottage was in shambles. The d..door was blasted in and Prongs was.... he was...." Sirius broke into sobs again, unable to finish. Remus' eyes widened as he realized was Sirius was trying to say. Lily and James were dead. Suddenly another realization hit him. "Padfoot, where is Harry?" Sirius' sobs stopped suddenly and his eyes glazed over. Amelia approached the pair in concern. "Black? Are you alright?" They didn't get a response. "Padfoot? Hey, are you ok? Sirius?" Remus tried. After a few seconds of nothing, Remus grabbed Sirius and shook him. "SIRIUS BLACK!" This seemed to snap Sirius out of whatever trance he was in. "They wanted me to tell you that they loved you." Sirius said, gently cupping Remus' cheek. "What? Siri you're not..." "The last time I saw them. James and Lily said goodbye. They made me promise to tell you that they loved you." Sirius said as tears streamed down his face. "I.. I don't understand Padfoot. Did.... did they know?" Sirius pulled Remus up off the ground and held him close to his chest. "Yeah, Moony. They knew." Amelia backed away to let them comfort each other. The moment didn't last long. "Come on Moony we have to get to Gringotts." "What? Why now?" "We need to make sure no one interferes with James and Lily's wills. That is if Harry hasn't already fixed everything." "Sirius, what are you talking about? Harry's only a baby." Sirius shook his head. "You'll understand when we get there. Thanks Amelia." Sirius called before they left.

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