Train Rides and Toads

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After Harry snuck into Hogwarts to talk to the elves about making sure they prevented anyone from slipping potions into Henry's food. Just in case, Remus taught Henry how to test his food and drinks for potions wandlessly. After that they spent the rest of the of the week relaxing on the beach it was finally time for Henry to go to school. All four of them arrived as early as possible. No one was at the station besides the conductor and trolley lady. They talked to the trolley lady about a little used compartment that they could ward against those that sought to harm Henry. She pointed them to a slightly smaller compartment at the very end of the train. They warded it and told Henry to keep of his belongs in his pockets at all times. They had sent Ludwig ahead to Hogwarts and Akahana would be traveling with Henry. "You have your map so you can sneak out to see us at anytime. Here's your bento. It's bigger than usual if you want to introduce a new friend to japanese food. Here are some snacks for Hana. Be sure to write to us and visit, ok?" Remus said going all mother hen on Henry. "Yes, I promise I will. Love you Abba. I'll see you soon." Henry hugged Remus and then moved on to Sirius. "We love you too, pup. Be sure not to get caught and cause as much chaos as you can." Henry laughed as Sirius kissed the top of his head. "My turn." Harry said snatching Henry away from from Sirius. "Remember what we discussed about Quirrelmort. Don't get in his way, ok? I don't want you playing hero and getting yourself hurt. You've seen my memories and you know he can't get the stone by himself, so leave him alone. I love you and have fun. Don't forget to make friends with Neville, ok?" "Yeah, I get it. Love you Harry. Love you Papa." "We love you, cub. If you need anything you know where to find us. Goodbye." Remus said hugging Harry again. Once they were finished saying their goodbyes they left Henry and went back to the Marauders Den. Henry watched them until they apparated away. After they had left people began pouring into the station. Henry was quick to spot the Granger girl that had hurt Harry. If he was being honest with himself, Henry wanted nothing to do with her. He knew she would be attacked by a troll later in the year and he hoped to be able and inform a professor that she was missing, but he wouldn't chase down a troll for her. The next person he spotted was Neville and his grandma's vulture hat. Neville had finished saying goodbye to his parents and grandma and was making his way to the train. Henry could see he was having issues with his trunk so he left Akahana, or Hana for short, in the compartment so he could go help Neville. When he got there the Granger girl was already telling him how he should lift the trunk instead of actually helping. Henry flicked his wrist to levitate the trunk onto the train. Neville watched it with wide eyes before running after Henry and his trunk. By the time Neville caught up Henry had already shrunk the trunk and left it on the seat across form him. "Where'd it go?" Neville gasped out as he entered the compartment. "I shrunk it and placed it on the seat infront of me so you could put it in your pocket when you sat down. By the way, didn't you have a toad a few minutes ago?" Neville froze before patting his pockets. "Oh no I've lost Trevor." Henry simply smiled and summoned the toad. Trevor came flying through the air and landed right in the palm of Henry's hand. "Here you go, one Trevor the toad. I would conjure you a terrarium for him, but I'm still working on glass. How about I conjure a box with holes in it instead?" Neville stared at Henry with wide eyes before nodding. A few moment later Trevor was happily snuggling into the warm, damp dirt and leaves that filled his new wooden box. Neville placed Trevor's box carefully in the corner of the compartment and pocketed his trunk. "I'm Neville Longbottom by the way. What's your name?" "Nice to meet you Neville, I'm Henry Potter." Neville blinked. "Don't you mean Harry Potter?" Henry shook his head. "No, Harry is my uncle. My name is Henry. You know it's surprising how many people get our names confused. I mean they sound the same and we look a lot alike, but I don't have a scar and my uncle is 26. I figured the height difference would clear up any confusion, but it doesn't." Neville looked as if he needed some time to process Henry's words, so Henry went back to looking out the window. Outside he say the Malfoy's still saying goodbye to there son and the Weasleys rushing into the station. Almost everyone else was on the train by the time the two families got their children on-board. "Henry?" Neville's soft voice made him turn to face him. "Yes, Neville?" "What's your family like?" Henry grinned and lunched into a story about his three uncles and their travels. Neither of them had noticed the Weasley twins and their friend Lee open the compartment door. When they opened it Henry was in the middle of a tale about how his uncle Harry had to fight a  Shaolin monk for a bowl of rice. The three pranksters were immediately captivated by the tale and found themselves sitting in the compartment with the two first years. When Henry finished describing his family Neville began to talk about his own. He talked about his auror parents and how they took him around the world to find new and exciting plants. He described how they had found a new type of Devil's Snare that tickled it's victims and all the other plant adventures they went on. By the time the two first years were finished with their story the train ride was halfway over. "Lunch break?" Henry asked. "Love to, but our mom only had corned beef this morning and we hate corned beef." Fred and George said in unison. Henry looked rapidly between them for a moment before calming down. "You're Fred and you're George, right? The Weasley twins." Fred shook his head. "Sorry but he's Fred..." "And he's George." George finished for his brother. Before he left Harry had made sure Henry could spot all the differences between the twins. They had been good friends when he was a kid, so he wanted to make sure that Henry could have a close relationship with them. Henry shook his head and turned back to Neville. "Anyway, my uncle Remus packed me a bento. He saud it would be big enough to share if I wanted. How do you feel about trying Japanese food?" Henry asked. Neville shrugged. "I am kinda hungry. My name is Lee Jordan by the way." Lee said waving at Henry. "Hi, I'm Henry Potter and this is my friend Neville Longbottom." "Hi." Neville chirped. "So what exactly...." " in this bento?" "More importantly..." "...what is a bento?" Fred and George asked watching Henry. "A bento is a Japanese lunchbox and I have no idea what's in it. Where'd be the fun in that?" Henry said pulling the bento from his pocket and resizing it.

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