The Coot, the Wizard, and the Cauldron

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In the end Barty Crouch Jr. became a snake for the sake of hatchlings. It had taken Tom and Harry a week to discover that Nagini could only have hatchlings if someone transfigured a man to be her mate. Crouch was of course returned to his original state once they were sure Nagini was with hatchlings. A few weeks later at exactly midnight on Yule, Tom was also returned to his original state minus the pieces of soul still inside Harry and Nagini. As he rose out of the cauldron he was stunned and taken to Gringotts for a full in-depth cleanse. Crouch was not far behind him. Both men spent the rest of Henry's forth year in a magical coma at Gringotts as they healed. Over the summer the boys spoke to their parents about spending the school year traveling the world with Remus and Sirius. Harry would stay behind at the Marauders Den so he could check on Tom and Crouch every so often. He would meet up with them each twice every week, but other than that they would only contact each other through the mirrors. Harry wanted his small family to stay far away from England until Dumbledore was gone. On August 10th a few weeks before they were due to leave, Remus gave birth in the Marauders Den. Two twin girls were welcomed happily into the small family. One was given the name Lily Blaithin and Kiley Rose Black. "You know you just name your daughters Lily Flower and Beautiful Rose, right?" Harry asked Sirius as he declared the girls' names. "I did not in actually know that. I just thought they sounded nice together. Remus suggested them." Sirius answered before looking down at Remus. "Kiley Rose was what Lily was going to name Henry if he was a girl. I thought it was fitting. I didn't know Blaithin meant flower. I just saw it an knew we should use it, but I'm glad we named our daughter after your mother. She was an amazing woman." Remus told Harry before he started crying. Harry stepped up and gently kissed Remus on the head. "Yes, she was and I'm sure she would love having such a beautiful namesake. She's probably rubbing it in dad's face at this very moment." Remus let out a watery laugh and smiled down at his oldest daughter. "We wanted to know if you would be their god father and blood adopt them before we leave." Sirius said stepping up next to Harry. Harry looked him straight in the face and said, "You want me to blood adopt my nieces/cousins/siblings so I can become their Uncle-daddy-cousin-brother?" "Technically, since you time traveled and had your blood rearranged with a potion so you'd only be biologically their Uncle-daddy-cousin and their adoptive brother." "That's not that much better. Honestly, I get confused enough being an Uncle-brother to Henry." "You're biologically his Uncle-cousin and his adoptive Daddy-brother." Harry went cross-eyed before glaring at Remus. "Remus, that is not helping." "He does have a point though. You are already someone's Uncle-daddy-cousin-brother. Why not three someone's?" Sirius said frowning in confusion. "What even is this conversation? How about this, Henry sibling adopts them and Remus blood adopts him. While I become godfather. That way I'll just be their Uncle-cousin and they will be Henry's full blooded siblings and we can all be Potter-Blacks." "That makes a lot more sense." Henry said from behind them, causing everyone to jump. "By the way can I call you Uncle-cousin from now on, it's fun to say." "No!" All three men shouted making the babies cry. "While you two get them calmed down, I'm going to finally have that talk with the twins." Harry said leaving the room. "Aww, but I wanted to have the talk with the twins." Sirius pouted. Remus shook his head and quickly got the girls settled down. A few weeks later on September 1st Remus, Sirius and the boys left England. As the first week passed, Harry quickly fell into a routine. Monday spend the day with the family. Thursday spend the day at Gringotts with the goblins and checking on Tom. Wednesday check on Nagini and her hatchlings Thursday take a day trip to a different country or one of the Potter properties. Friday spend the day with the family. Saturday gather information on Dumbledore. Sunday check on Tom and do odd jobs for the goblins. Months passed like this and by April Tom was finally well enough to be removed from his coma. It would take him a little while before he was actually up and about. Sleeping for that long weakens the muscles and his have never been used before considering it was a brand new body, so Harry wasn't planning on him coming home any time soon. Harry kept is scheduled and by June Tom was ready to leave the hospital wing of Gringotts. Crouch who was a little ahead of Tom in the healing game was already relaxing on the private island. Tom choose to stay in England while he finished healing and sorting through his mind. On Harry's 30th birthday Tom took him how on a date after a day spent celebrating with the rest of the family on the private island. At the same time Dumbledore and Snape were in Diagon searching for clues about the darkening of Snape's mark when Dumbledore spotted them leaving a shop. "There he is Severus. That the Dark Lord. I don't know how he appears 32 but I will find out." Before Snape could stop the man, Dumbledore attacked Tom and Harry. They defended themselves until Amelia and her aurors showed up. Before this Harry had been sensed the woman all the evidence he had uncovered about Dumbledore to her, so she was just itching to dumb truth serum down his throat and make him confess. Dumbledore didn't even make it to the ministry holding cell. His shock at being arrested was enough to give him a heart attack. With his death Fawkes was set free and Mcgonagall was automatically promoted to headmistress. Life moved on rather smoothly from there. Tom and Harry got married and had a son named Caomh Blathma Potter-Black meaning lovable sun flower. Fred and George opened their shop, Marauders Mischief Makers, and began dating Henry. They ended up marrying and having a set of triplets named James Hjörtur (meaning stag or hart), Sirius Conan (meaning dog or hound), and Remus Faelan (meaning wolf) Potter-Black. Neville opened up his own herbology and potions shop with Draco Malfoy and ended up marrying him. They had two children four years apart, Alice Narcissa and Scorpius Frank Malfoy-Longbottom. Lee went on to become a famous quidditch commentator and Wizarding wireless star. He married a woman of all things and had a daughter named Charis (KARE-iss) Aria Jordan. She was named after his favorite teacher, Harry and her name meant graceful lioness. Lily and Kiley followed their older brother's example and never went to Hogwarts. Instead they learned while traveling around the world. It was in Japan that Kiley met her husband Rain. Lily met her wife, Jasmine, shortly after in Italy. They sisters continued to travel with their spouses and would meet up with the rest of their family every Monday and Friday just as Harry did. As they lived happily Lily and James watched them from above waiting for the day when their family would be reunited once again.

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