Oh, That Makes so Much Sense

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Harry lead Henry off to the pensive. "After you view mum and dad's memories, I've decided to show you mine. No one, but the goblins and I know this. I don't if I should be telling you, but I want you to know the whole truth. I will tell Sirius and Remus when they get back so they know everything. It's been difficult to keep this a secret for so long and I know that Remus and Sirius already suspect something. Mum and dad did too. Now I know this many be a lot for an 11 year old to take in, which is why I'm telling you now so you have time to process it be for you go to school, ok?" "Ok, I understand Harry." Harry smiled at his younger self and ruffled his hair. "Come on then, let's watch." Together they went trough all of their parents memories and then they went through Harry's. "So you're me." Henry said looking at his older brother. "I was once,but not since September 1st 1981. That's when our paths diverged and you became Henry while I became your brother, uncle, and caregiver. The goblins used a potion to rearrange my blood, so I am in fact biologically your uncle. I stopped being you the day I traveled back in time. Do you understand?" "Yeah, I get it. I'm glad you're here with me now." Harry smiled at him. "Me too. Now, let's go to bed I'm exhausted." Henry giggled and led the way to their rooms. "We have a lot to do tomorrow, don't we?" "Yes, we do so don't stay up. Goodnight Henry." "Night, Harry. Love you." "I love you, too. Now off with you." Henry laughed as they hugged before going to bed. The next day Henry and Harry arrived at Gringotts early. Inside they found Albus Dumbledore leading a herd of redheads to Dragonheart's station. Moving quickly Harry picked up Henry and placed him on his hip. "Why do I have to be carried?" Henry grumbled as they moved through the bank. "Look around, who do you see?"   Henry looked around and noticed a lot of people from Harry's memories. There was Dumbledore and the redheads, and Severus Snape glaring at a teller. On the other side of the room stood Minerva McGonagall with the Granger girl and her family. Closest to them off to the side of the entrance in a little group stood Hagrid with Tonks and her parents. "Are they looking for us?" Henry whispered uncertainly. "I don't know Ri, but it's best if I carry you so they can't snatch you away. By the way I heard on our way here something about some new Boy-Who-Lived books. If they used our name in anyway we get to sue them for everything they have. Sound like fun?" Harry asked grinning mysteriously at his little brother. Henry giggled and nodded. "Siri's right. You are turning into quite the little snake. I blame myself." Henry laughed harder as they arrived at a teller next to Snape. Harry figured he would be the best to be near because there was less chance of him causing a scene. In front of them sat Ironfist, Irongrip's youngest son. Subtly Harry signaled for him to speak in english. He wanted to see how Snape would react. "Mr. Potter, you're earlier than expected." Snape's head snapped to the side to look at them. When he saw Harry his eyes went impossible wide. Harry smiled at the goblin. "Sorry about that Ironfist. I hope your father is not to busy to see us early." Ironfist grinned, having noticed Snape's reaction. "Not at all, Mr. Potter. Follow me." Irongrip said and turned to lead Harry the long way around and past Snape. Harry dutifully followed made a show of looking around. Snape was still openly staring, so Harry made sure to meet his eyes with a confused look on his face. The reaction he got from Snape when their eyes met was hilarious. The already pale man became a deathly shade of white, his mouth dropped open, and his eyes looked to be on the verge of popping out of their sockets. If Harry had been a better man he would tried his best to stifle his giggles, but unfortunately for Snape, Harry wasn't so inclined. Henry turned to see what his brother was laughing at met the eyes of an already shocked Snape. The man fainted on the spot. Harry had already placed a notice-me-nit spell on them, so no one other than the goblins reacted when Snape fainted. Ironfist ordered a few goblin guards to bring Snape with them to Irongrip. While Snape was unconscious on the couch, Henry claimed all of his heirships, activated his bracelet, and they had collected their knives. As they went over the details of the Shrieking Shack's secret entrance, which had been heavily modified, Snape began to wake up. "Ah, Mr. Snape it seems you have decided to once again join the world of the living." Irongrip called making the man jump. Turning to the side the first thing Snape noticed was the identical sets of green eyes watching him. The same green eyes as Lily, his sister in all but blood. His heart clenched painfully and he focused on the other features of the two males in front of him. They were carbon copies of each other, both a perfect combination of Lily, Potter, and Black. He had always known Lily and Potter would have beautiful children, but seeing the two infront of him was surreal. Their were some differences between the two. For example, the older one had longer hair and a lightning bolt scar on the right side of his face. "Who are you?" Snape breathed out. "I'm Harry and this is my nephew Henry." Snape shook his head. "You can't be Harry Potter. Harry Potter just turned 11." "No he didn't silly. Uncle Harry just turned 26." Henry said with a soft giggle. "But....but... you're Harry Potter." Henry shook his head. "Nope, my name is Henry. Harry is my uncle's name. Well, his nickname. His real name is too hard to say, so he's been called Harry since he was a baby." Snape blinked. "Your telling me that all this time we've been using the wrong name for Wizarding Britain's national hero?" Snape said slowly as if couldn't quite understand. "No, I don't know how you people came to believe that a baby named Harry Potter destroyed the Dark Lord, but that never happened." Snape looked angry now. "Then how exactly do you explain what happened, hmm? Do you want me to believe that he turned to dust on his own?" Harry and Henry shared an exasperated look. "Look Mr. I don't know who you are and frankly you can believe whatever you want. But, I'm only gonna say this once, Henry and I were not there that night. Lily got a bad feeling and had the house elves pack everything up and move us to a separate location in September. Unlike us they couldn't leave because of a charm cast on the house that made it impossible. All that was left in that house was them and a crib. A crib that was an emergency portkey to where we were staying. The whole nursery was warded against anyone not blood related to Henry and would act in defense by vaporizing those entered with the intention of harming Henry." "That's quite true. I installed the wards myself." Irongrip said in agreement. "But Dumbledore said..." "Look I don't personally know this Dumbledore guy, but I do know that he's the reason Lily and James were trapped in that house. On top of that I know for a fact that he didn't go anywhere near the house until after the aurors had ransacked the place. If you want I can show you the property logs that list who and when the property is entered. Which reminds me. Can you have the place restored and a new set of wards put up. The same as the other if you please." Irongrip nodded and pulled out some forms along with the property log. "You can't do that the Ministry has claimed that house as a national monument and built a statue in it's front yard." Harry froze and looked at the property logs. "Is that why all that activity started up? Irongrip get rid of the statue. I'm glad these fuckers haven't attempted to deface their graves and instead have vandalized Potter property." Henry giggled off to the side. "Can we sue them too?" Harry shook his head with a fond smile. "Where would be the fun in that kiddo? Let's just see how long it takes them to notice the whole place as disappeared." Henry pouted. "Do we still get to sue the guy who wrote those creepy books and made dolls of you?" Harry laughed and ruffled Henry's hair. "Absolutely, I can't wait to see the look on their face. Here Mr. You can look at the property logs for that September and October of that year." He said tossing them on the couch next to Snape. Snape immediately picked up the logs and looked them over.

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