This ISN'T Confusing At All

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Soon Harry found himself once again in Irongrip's office. This time it was about a custody meeting between Walburga Black, Sirius, and his parents. He honestly didn't know if his parents and Sirius would risk coming. As they waited Harry discussed his parents with Irongrip. "My parents died when I was little, Irongrip. Do you think I can save them?" Irongrip frowned and leaned forward. "Harry, there are things that you won't be able to change. In my experience with time travelers, if they are unable to talk about an event then that is something they can't change and it will happen exactly as it's supposed to with very little change no matter what they do." Harry frowned. "My parents are" Harry physically couldn't get the words out, so he changed tactics. "Volde......attac.....hollow......ber" Harry was left gasping for breath from the strain of trying to say what he desperately wanted to change. He looked up at Irongrip as tears filled his eyes. "I can't say it." He whispered heartbroken. Irongrip sighed sadly and gently took Harry's hand. "It will be alright Harry. Why don't you spend as much time as possible with them while you can. Then you have to focus on what you can fix. Focus how you are going to save yourself." Harry nodded as tears continued to stream down his face. "Thank you, Irongrip. Since I have already claimed some of my Lordships would I be able to take custody of myself?" Irongrip nodded. "I will make the arrangements when the time comes." Harry nodded as a knock sounded out the door. Irongrip shouted for them to come in as Harry wiped his tears away. Lily stopped in the doorway when she saw the boy who'd obviously been crying. He looked like a perfect combination of Sirius, James and herself. This is exactly what she imagined her son would like at sixteen. "Harry." She called out without thinking, knowing her son was in the arms of her husband behind her, but also wholeheartedly believing he was the boy crying in front her. When the boy's eyes shot open and he gave her an absolute heart broken smile before answering with a soft, hi, Lily almost had a heart attack. "Lils?" James' voice snapped her out of her daze. She moved swiftly out of the way only for both James and Sirius to freeze in the same way she had. Instead of calling out they both looked rapidly between Harry and the boy. "Please, come in and sit." Irongrip said with a kind smile. Lily sat first, examining the boy out of the corner of her eye, only then did she notice the large lightning bolt scar on the right side of his face. Sirius and James sat on either side of her, cutting off her line of sight. "Hello, Irongrip." James said uncertainly. "Hello, Mr. Potter. We are still waiting on Lady Black so I will wait to make introductions until she arrives. Should I have some refreshments brought up while we wait?" "Actually, Irongrip, I was wondering if I could take an inheritance test." "Of course, Mrs. Potter." The inheritance was done within minutes. Lily was going over the results with James and Irongrip by the time Walburga arrived. "Ah, Lady Black. Now that everyone is here let's get started. Let me start my introducing you all to Theocharis Potter-Black. H..." "Harry." Lily blurted out before flushing in embarrassment and looking at the ground. "Lily wha..." James began at the same time the boy next to him spoke. "Yes?" Harry blurted out himself before flushing in embarrassment and quickly looking away. James looked between the two, shocked by their similarities. Meanwhile Sirius, who was holding baby Harry, burst out laughing. Irongrip cleared his throat making both Harry and Lily look up at him identical shameful looks on their faces. This only made Sirius laugh harder and James more startled. "As I was saying, Harry this is your half brother, James Potter. He is the son of your biological father. This is his wife, Lily Potter neé Evans. She is the daughter of your blood adopted father, Admon Sallow. The man with the baby is your full brother, Sirius Black. He is the son of your blood adopted parents Orion and Walburga Black. The baby in his arms is James', Lily's, and Sirius' son, Henry Potter-Black. At the end is your blood adopted mother Lady Walburga Black." Irongrip finished just in time for Lily to blurt out Harry's name again. "Yes?" Harry responded immediately. James cleared his throat. "I think what your mother.... I mean sister. Yes, umm... I think what your Lily sister is trying to point out is that, both our son and you seem to have the nickname Harry and you look remarkably alike. In fact, I'm quite certain that Harry will look like you when he's older, Harry." Harry went cross-eyed and Lily barely had enough time to grab baby Harry before Sirius fell to the ground in laughter. James turned bright red and began mumbling  'Lily sister' under his breath like he couldn't believe he had actually said something so weird. Walburga, much like her son, had dissolved into laughter. Lily looked at Irongrip, eyes pleading for help. "So...what mum....uh...sister mum....Lily! What you're trying to say is we are both known as Harry Potter-Black." Harry rushed out, turning bright red and then hiding his face in his hands. Sirius and Walburga had ended up clutching each other in hysterics. It was James turn to be cross-eyed and Lily's pleading took on a hint of desperation. Baby Harry began squealing happily and reaching for his larger counter part. "I think I'm just going to sit in this corner and pretend I don't exist." Harry mumbled to himself before doing just that. Baby Harry, who'd been quite good all day, slipped from his mother's grasp and went to sit in the corner with...well.... himself. Both Harry's stared at each other for what seemed like forever. Moving in complete sync Big Harry opened his arms at the exact same time baby Harry crawled into his lap. "Well, this ISN'T confusing at all. You gonna sit and pretend you don't exist with me, aren't you Harry?" Harry spoke softly to his younger self. Baby Harry nodded determinedly and turned to place his back against Harry's chest. Harry instinctively wrapped his arms around the baby in his lap. There they sat until they fell asleep, forgetting about everyone else in the room.

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