Animagus Names and New Maps

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As soon as they arrived they went to check on Ludwig and Hedwig. They found the owls cuddling on Hedwig's perch. Harry laughed softly and fixed it so that Ludwig's perch was big enough for the two of them and placed in it the living room. He then put away all the supplies and set up a food and water dish for Ludwig near his perch. By the time this was finished the two owls had moved to the bigger perch and Harry went about adjusting Hedwig's so they could share it as well. When he was finished he collect Henry and they flooed to home in Japan. There they each got a katana and another wand. As they were leaving the market place they felt drawn to shop that sold pets and housed familiars. A sign in the door explained that familiars were not sold, instead if you bonded with a familiar it was given to you along with supplies and books about your familiar. Inside Harry and Henry both felt a pull towards the familiar section. Harry found himself standing in front of a pterolycus cub or a winged wolf as many called it. The one infront of him was black with blue markings and intelligent grey eyes. It stood and grew in size until it was even with his waist. Then it circled around him from a distance and met his eyes. After a short staring contest the pterolycus returned to it's original size and ran happily to Harry. Without a moments hesitation Harry picked up his new familiar and went in search of Henry. Henry had ended up infront of a kitsune kit. The kitsune was a startling blood red with a black underbelly, ear and tail. It's eyes were golden and Henry could tell it was a fire kitsune. The kitsune looked Henry over before hopping onto his shoulders and curling up. Harry and Henry met up in the middle of the store before approaching the register. "Welcome. I see you have found yourselves a familiar each. It is rare for people to have more than one familiar, but I sensed that you both already had one when you entered my shop. That means you two are very powerful. Congratulations." The old woman spoke rapidly in Japanese. Harry smiled at her and accepted the books and supplies she shoved at him. While he shrunk his the woman went around gather stuff for Henry. "Here you are little one. Take good care of your kitsune. They are rare these days. Don't forget to finish bonding with your familiars and have a nice day" "Thank you and have a nice day." The boys called back in unison as the woman ushered them out of her shop. Harry shrunk Henry's supplies and placed them in his other pocket. "Two familiars each, huh? Looks like we are special people Henry." Henry giggled at his brother's mischievous look. "Harry do you know any Japanese names for my kitsune? I think she'd like something that means fire." "Hmmm, well Hina means sun. Tatsu means dragon, Akahana means bright red flower, and Akari means light." Henry looked at the kitsune on his shoulder for a moment. "I think Akahana suits her best. What are you naming yours?" "We'll his element is water and he has wings so I figured Kaito would be a good name. It means to fly over the sea." Henry nodded. "It suits him. Are we going home now?" Harry nodded and they went went back to their home in Japan where they flooed directly to the Shrieking Shack. The next day Remus and Sirius returned with all of Henry's school supplies. Harry immediately dragged them off to explain who he truly was. Sirius took it a lot harder than Henry or Remus. He was in tears by the time the memories of Harry's past ended and it took a four hour family cuddle session for him to finally calm down. Later at dinner Sirius looked over to his youngest son in worry. "Are you absolutely sure you want to go to Hogwarts? From what it sounds like, Dumbledore is already attempting to have you kidnapped. And after what happened the first time around, I don't want to send you there." "It's alright Papa, I am as prepared as I can be. Not to mention we have a secret passage way to the school and you three are already making a new and improved Marauders map with all the new places Harry found." "Yes, and now that I am Lord Gryffindor I have a real map of the school made by The Founders themselves. In fact it has a bunch of parseltongue passage ways and includes the Camber of Secrets. That means the other Founders knew about it the whole time." Harry said the last part looking confused. "Well then what are we waiting for. Let's make a map." It took them five days to completely copy the Founders map and turn it into something similar to the Marauders map. This new and improved map would allow you to see what was happening in a location if you asked politely. Harry and Henry who had already mastered the animagus transformations were added to map, along with Lily and James to honor them. So the introduction read as follows: Messrs Moony, Padfoot, Bagheera, and Talon are proud to present the Marauders Map in loving memory of Prongs and Lilyflower. "Why am I being called Bagheera?" Remus looked over at Harry stunned. "Have you never watched the Jungle Book? Lily loved that movie and made us watch it the first time we wnt to the muggle world. Anyway, there is a black panther in the movie with the name, so I figured it'd work." Harry nodded and looked over at Henry who was still chasing Padfoot in his hawk form. "I think he wanted something more original than Talon, but I think it suits him." Remus nodded and he watched Henry's talons grab onto Padfoot's tail. "You know, I'm glad we have a house in India. If he hadn't have met that guru guy we'd have never unlocked our animal forms the way we did." Harry nodded. "Being able to change into any type of feline I want has it's perks and you being able to turn into a wolf like an animagus must be nice." "Yes, and the fact that all that meditation allowed me to unite with my wolf and learn to work together helped a lot. No more crazed Moony every full moon. It's a relief." Harry nodded his agreement. "Let's make copies of the map for each of us and maybe and extra for Henry. You know he always loses things." Remus agreed and they went back to work.

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