A Tournament of Sorts

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The summer before Henry's fourth year was spent preparing him for the Triwizard Tournament. The boys were also happily joining in on Henry's training, though they didn't know what it was for. They simply found the change to pace to be interesting. When the twins informed them of their extra tickets to the World Cup Henry opted for a night in with Remus. Neville and Lee also decided against it so the offer was extended to some of Ron's friends. To cheer up the twins Harry and Sirius offered to help fund their joke shop. The boys were thrilled and they began planning for their shop. On the night of the World Cup the twins called them for help. Sirius and Harry had been watching a movie in a muggle town not too far away so they went to help. The boys and their siblings were pretty banged up, but Harry and Sirius managed to get them to the Burrow. They returned to help out the aurors until it was all over. Before they went home they went back to the Burrow to check on the twins again. Molly offered them food, but the declined, wishing to go home. They spent the rest of the night cuddled on the living room couch with Henry and Remus. Soon after they checked in with the Founders about the ritual. Things were progressing smoothly. So the spent the rest of their summer relaxing. Occasionally the boys would join them but their parents kept them home more often due to events at the World Cup. By the time the school year started everyone returned to normal, it was almost like nothing had happended at the World Cup. "I didn't know wizards could be so fickle." Henry mumbled as they boarded the train. "Believe me when I say that they can be a whole lot worse than this." Harry whispered into his ear and Henry remembered all the times he had seen them flip on Harry faster than a switch in his memories. "Yeah, you're probably right." Henry said looking upset. "Hey, don't be upset." "Yeah, that turn that cute frown into a beautiful smile." The twins said wrapping their arms around Henry. "Definitely gonna have to have a talk soon." Remus muttered to himself, but both Sirius and Harry heard him. "We have some news that might cheer you up." Fred said taking Henry's hand and gently guiding him to a seat. "Oh definitely, I'm sure this news will bring a smile to that lovely face of yours." George agreed. "I see what you mean." Sirius whispered to his husband as the twins put their arms around Henry. "What do you say, Princess?" "Wanna now our secrets?" They said leaning in close to Henry. "I think I might just have a heart attack." Harry said suddenly making Remus and Sirius burst out laughing. The boys looked at them weirdly before returning to their conversation. "Just tell me already so I can go make sure my family aren't going insane and Harry isn't about die of a heart attack." "He does look awfully pale." Neville commented from where he and Lee were playing exploding snap. "Alright, alright. We heard our dad talking to our mum about the Triwizard Tournament." "It's being held at Hogwarts this year." The twins said happily getting the attention of their other friends. "Really?" Neville called excitedly. Lee looked just as excited. Henry, on the other hand, looked as if he had just been informed that the world was ending. Fred and George were so busy talking to Lee about the tournament that they didn't notice Henry's reaction. "Are you ok?" Neville asked when he noticed his friends horrified expression. The twins whipped back around to check him over. "Are you hurt or something?" George asked frantically. "People died." Henry whispered. The boys looked confused but Harry sighed and gently moved to pull Henry over to him. "Yes, people died, people also died at the World Cup but you see how it is being treated." Harry said as he ran his hand through Henry's hair. "Don't worry kiddo. None of you can enter because you're not actually students anymore." Sirius offered. Soon Henry fell asleep and Harry took that opportunity to explain the history of the Triwizard Tournament. By the end of the explanation the boys were just as pale and shaky as Henry was when he found out. The boys decided that didn't want anything to do with the main body of Hogwarts for the rest of the year. This was mostly to protect Henry from the excited gossip about the Triwizard Tournament. So, aside from when they arrived at Hogwarts no one saw afterward. The boys had all moved into the Founders Wing, which housed their classroom and an eating area so they would have to leave. It also had a hidden stairway that lead to a hidden garden. They also had a floo so the boys would often floo to Hogsmeade or any of the Potter houses with Sirius, Harry, or Remus. Sometimes they would all go out together for a few days. That is exactly what happened during the last week of October. They had gone on a trips Egypt, Rome, and Greece so the boys could study the history and creation of runes. While they were gone the other schools arrived and the Goblet of Fire was brought out. The choosing of champions also occurred. The name Harry Potter shot out of the Goblet of Fire and Dumbledore yelled his name in vain. When they all adjourned in the Headmaster's office Professor Snape was the first to comment. "Why would someone go through the trouble of putting Harry Potter's name in the Goblet of Fire under Hogwarts name as a participant?" He mused from of to the side making all eyes including the champions' turn to him. "Now, Severus we can't assume someone put young Harry's name in the goblet until we are able to find the boy." Dumbledore said in a patronizing manner. "Albus, I assure you someone is trying to kill the boy." Moody said as he stepped forward from the shadows. Severus groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Albus, I understand that to you everyone who is younger seems like a child, but sweet Harry is no longer a lad." Mcgonagall commented causing everyone, but Snape and Cedric Diggory to get confused. "It seems he has forgotten in his old age Minerva." Snape whispered to her softly. Giving him a stern look Minerva looked back at the rest of those in the room. "Oh for Heaven's sake, Henry Potter is a 14 year old bit currently pursuing his Masteries. You heard me right, the boy's name is HENRY. Harry Potter on the other hand is his uncle. A 29 year old man who already possess 12 Masteries ans is working on two more. Neither Potter is currently a student here at Hogwarts and Henry hasn't been since November of his first year when he took his tests early and graduated Hogwarts at age 11. And I know for a fact that Harry has taken his nephew and other students to Egypt. They've been their since Monday." She snapped when she realized that the old man had actually forgotten. "That's true. I ran into Fred and George in the kitchens two weeks ago any they were super excited about the trip. Henry is currently mastering in Defense while everyone else is mastering in Runes and Herbology. Remus, one of their other teachers, said they get better hands on experience with all of those if they paid a visit to the curse breakers. They were planning on going to Rome and Greece as well." Diggory commented. Everyone in the room sat in stunned silence. "I thought Henry already had his Masters in Defense." Snape said making Diggory turn to look at him. "No, he already has Runes, Arithmancy, Charms, and Herbology under his belt. The rest are about a mastery each behind. Lee, Fred, and George already have Charms, Arithmancy, and Herbology, so they are working on their Runes Mastery. Neville has Charms, Arithmancy, and Runes and is working on Herbology. Apparently, he wanted to wait until school started so he had extra time to tend to his plants." Snape nodded in understanding, He had checked in on Henry and Harry, whom he learned was in fact Lily's younger brother, enough to have their study schedule for school and summer time down. "That is quite impressive, though I had thought they would start with  Transfiguration." "If I recall correctly Minerva, Harry said they wanted to save the best of last." Mcgonagall smiled brightly at Snape's comment. "Excusez-moi, but aren't we supposed to discuss the tournoi?" The French champion, Fleur Delacour, asked in her accented French. "Oui, mon élève is right." And so they went back to discussing the tournament. It was decided that nothing could be done until Harry returned to Hogwarts that Monday.


Excusez-moi: Excuse me
tournoi: tournament
Oui: Yes
mon élève: My student

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