Chapter XXVII

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I couldn't believe what I just read, I was stressed yet a little overjoyed. I don't know what I'm suppose to do when I found out about this. The fact that the kid might stay with us or not. The thought of her staying with Taylor and I makes me happy and nervous at the same time but the thought of her staying at an orphanage is making me sick to the stomach.

I put my phone down and went out of the room to look for Taylor.

I was about to walk down the stairs when I decided to check on the guest room where Marie was sleeping at.

I slowly opened the door and saw a small figure wrapped in a larger figure as they both lie there, sleeping peacefully.

I slowly walked towards them and smiled at the scene in front of me.

Marie was wrapped up in Taylor's arms as her back was facing and pressed on Taylor's large belly. The covers barely covering their bodies so I pulled the duvet just above Marie's shoulder and just above Taylor's collarbone.

Marie shift in her sleep as she snuggled her face on the crook of Taylor's neck. I so badly wanted to take a picture of the both of them but I don't want to disturb their peaceful slumber so I just kissed them both on their foreheads and left the room quietly.


I awoke at the feeling of Harry kissing my forehead, and hearing the door closed shut.

I sigh and opened my eyes, only to feel Marie snuggled next to me. I smiled at the little girl on my arms as I pulled her close to me since my bump was getting in the way. Kissing her forehead, I finally felt myself drift into another peaceful slumber.


The next day, I was woken by a little girl crying and saying that she wants her mommy. My heart ached for the little girl as I pulled her closer to me and hugged her as I whispered soothing words into her ear to calm her down. She was still crying hysterically when Harry opened the door to the room, hair disheveled on top of his head, his shirt wrinkled a bit, his eyes wide and his skin tone was paler than usual.

Harry quickly walked towards us without hesitation and hugged Marie and I since Marie was still in my arms. Harry started singing and Marie started to calm down as her sobs turned into tiny hiccups.

"I'm like a crow on a wire

You're the shining distraction that makes me fly home

I'm like a boat on the water

You're the raise on the waves that calm my mind

Oh, every time

And I know in my heart, you're not a constant star

And yeah I've let you use me from that day that we first met

But I'm not done yet

Falling for you

Fool's gold

And I knew that you turn it on for everyone you met

But I don't regret

Falling for you

Fool's gold" Marie eventually fell asleep as Harry finished the song. He was looking at me the whole song as he sing Marie to sleep.

I laid Marie down as Harry unwrapped his arms around us. Pulling the covers up to her small frame, I kissed her forehead before standing up from the bed and going down the stairs. Harry trailing behind me as we both walked out of the room.

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