Chapter VXIII

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We were sitting here for hours and theres no word about Louis. Zayn and Liam got here minutes ago with their girlfriends. Niall was sleeping on the bench across from where me and Harry were sitting. We were all silent. No one was talking. Just pure silence except Niall's soft snores and our foot tapping on the cold hard ground, impatiently waiting for someone to come up and tell us about Louis. But no one came. Just doctors and nurses passing by. Some of the visitors of the patients would stop and stare at us but then decided to give us space. Which is a relief. They know that were not in a good mood.

Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming towards us. We all looked up to see who was approaching us. It was a middle aged man. He's wearing his lab coat with a pen clip on his coat pocket. A tag right just above the pocket of his coat. Dr. Anderson was written on it. He was holding a clip board as he gave us a smile.

"Family?"he asks. We all stood up and nodded. He gave us another one of his smile then looked at his clipboard. Perrie was shaking a sleeping Niall who was still sprawled out on the bench. Once he heard the word doctor, he immediately stood up.

"Sorry"he mutters groggily as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Im Dr. Anderson. Im Louis's doctor"we shook his hand and greeted him with a weak smile.

"So lets start shall we?"he says then starts explaining about Louis's condition. Harry gripped on my hand as we both stood side by side. I looked at him and smiled weakly, squeezing his hand back reassuringly. He gives me small smile and kiss on my forehead before averting his eyes back to the Dr. Anderson as we listen intently at him. .

"Louis's cuts were deep so we have stitch it up. He loss a lot of blood. And his also suffering from depression"the words slip out of his mouth and I stood there frozen.

He was suffering from depression and he cuts? Then it hit me. Ever since me and Harry came out as a couple and were happily engage. He stops wearing T-shirts and would wear long sleeve or a sweater but I'm still slightly confused as to why he cuts.

"He have to go to therapy"he continues, my eyes glued to the floor as my brows scrunched up in confusion.

Why does he cuts? Why was he suffering from depression? Why does he have to do this to himself? Why? What's the reason behind this? Why of all the things he have to do us cut? So he can be relieved from to much pressure and stress? Or it has something to do with me?

Too many questions left unanswered. But he should be the one to answer my questions.

"I don't understand"I murmured to myself I guess I said it a little too loud cause Harry looked at me and squeeze my hand before kissing it reassuringly.



The moment my eyes closed. I was in another world. It wasn't the world I was living in. It wasn't the reality. It was kind of place where no one knew but me. It was quite and peaceful. Trees were surrounding me. Birds chirping happily. Flying around with their partners. I looked at them in awe. I was happy. But then I saw a girl just a few feet away from me. Her back was facing me so I couldn't see her face. Her blonde hair flying softly from the cool breeze. She was wearing a white dress, barefoot on the sand. I walked closer to her. Just as I was inches away from her. I was tackled by two kids laughing hysterically at me.

"Ahhh!"I screamed. The two kids who tackled me were laughing. The girl who was facing the sea turned around and looked at us with a wide smile on her face and giggled.

"Daddy!"the little girl looked at me with her big blue eyes. She has a dirty blonde hair. She was also wearing a white dress like the girl who was looking at us intently. The boy beside her was the opposite of the little girl. He has brown hair just like mine but the same blue eyes as the little girl.

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