Chapter III

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After everyone agreed to play we move the furnitures and sat down in circle. So heres our formations. Louis, Liam, Perrie, Zayn, Eleanor, me, Harry, Niall and Sophia.

"Who wants to go first?"Louis asked. No one said anything

"Fine, i'll go first"he looks around the group and stops his gaze at Harry and turn to me then at Harry before smirking to himself

"Harry, truth or dare?"Harry pretends to think

"Dare"he says and Louis smirk

"I dare you to take off your shirt for the rest of the night"Harry shrugged and took off his shirt revealing his abs. I blush and look away from him

"Someones blushing"Louis says to Liam but for all of us to hear. The rest laugh as Harry smirk beside me

"Harry, your turn"

"Oh right, um....Liam truth or dare?"


"I want you to make out with.....Perrie"Harry says and Liam was about to protest when Perrie cut him off by making out with him. Zayn seems fine with it and so is Sophia but you can see her turning a light shade of red when she watches her boyfriend make out with her friend

"Ok, thats enough"Zayn pulled Perrie off of Liam. Liam wiped the lipstick off his mouth and smile before pecking Sophia on the cheek

"Hmmm.....Taylor truth or dare?"Liam asks me and i gulp

"Dare"i stutter. Liam smirk and Louis whispers something to Liam. Liam nodded his head agreeing with Louis

"I want you to strip off your shirt"Liam and Louis smirk and i hesitantly took off my shirt and put it beside me. I see Harry gulping in the corner of my eye and i smirk slightly. The game went on and on until it Niall declared that he was hungry. We were all to lazy to cook so we ordered pizza. The pizza came a few minutes later and we all took a slice and continuing the game

"I wanna watch a movie"Eleanor says leaning her head on my shoulder. I lean my head on hers. All of is girls agreed with Eleanor and the boys couldn't do anything but agree.

"We wanna watch 'Love Actually'"me, Sophia, Perrie and Eleanor protest. The boys wanted to watch 'Annabelle' because they want us to scream in horror and laugh in our faces. After protesting we decided to watch 'Love Actually' first then 'Annabelle'

"I hate chick flicks"Louis groan earning a smack from Eleanor. Eleanor and Louis were cuddling on the love seat. Sophia and Liam were cuddling on the couch across from Eleanor and Louis. Perrie and Zayn were cuddling opposite from Sophia and Liam while me and Harry were cuddling on the couch beside beside Niall who was sitting on a bean bag with chips between his legs. We have our own bowl of popcorn per couple so we don't have to pass it over. I scooted closer to Harry so my head was resting on his chest. Harry kept whispering sweet things on my ear every now and then and i kept giggling just the two of us can hear so we wont attract the others attention


We were halfway through 'Annabelle' when i hear soft snores. I looked down and saw Taylor sleeping peacefully on my chest. I smile and kiss the top of her head before drifting off beside her

*Next day*

I woke up the next morning on the...floor. I remember sleeping beside Taylor on the couch not on the floor and thats when i realized i fell off the couch so that explains why my back hurts. I looked around and everyone is still asleep either on the couch or the floor. I stood up quietly and went upstairs to take a shower. After taking a shower, i head down to the kitchen to make us breakfast. I was trying to keep quiet but i failed when i hear footsteps coming from living room. Taylor went in the kitchen rubbing her eyes and sitting on the stool. I laugh at her. Her hair was sticking everywhere. Her shirt was pulled up a little that i can see her midriff.

"Did i woke you up?"i asked getting some eggs out of the fridge. She shook her head and smiled lazily at me

"Nope, i just woke up"she pop the 'p' as she slurred with her words sleepily

"Here ya go"i gave a plate of bacons, eggs, and pancakes with orange juice. She murmured a quiet thank you before eating her breakfast. Soon enough the rest woke up and ate their breakfast


"Bye, see ya again"the girls bid their goodbyes and taylor did the same promising them to visit when she has time. Taylor left a few minutes later saying that she has an interview and photo shoot in London. I volunteered to come with her at the airport before she flys off. She disagreed and left without another word. She was being strange lately since she woke up and i wonder why shes being like that


I quickly got in my private jet with tree following behind. I gave out a sigh and plopped down beside mom

"Whats wrong honey?"mom asks putting a hand on my shoulder and i started crying

"Whats wrong?"mom asks again

"Its just, i cant take it anymore mom. Going of public telling them that your single when your not and keeping a relationship to my fans is just hard"i sob. She pulled me in a hug and comfort me with her soothing words like she use to when i was little.

"Don't worry honey. After this everything is gonna work out just fine beside your fans love you they would understand"she says and i nodded my head wiping my tears with a handkerchief that tree handed and wipe my tears off

"Thanks mom"i say

"Anytime"She kisses my cheek before standing to get something

I lean my head back and plug in my earphones before drifting off to take a nap

Heres chapter three hope you like it





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