Chapter XXXIII

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Everything went out quite well with Adrienne and Niall working on the plan to get my family back. Of course, I'm helping as well. The plan was to get them at the cabin were Adrienne stated that where Louis kept Taylor and the kids. We agreed to go there at night time so it wouldn't be obvious. We haven't contacted Louis yet. But were getting on it. Liam came by as well helping us out with the plan. Zayn came by too a couple hours ago and now he's here explaining why he agreed to help Louis in the first place. Zayn was threatened that Louis would kill Perrie and his family when he said a single word about the kidnapping, so Zayn was forced to agreed and help out. It was a tough one for Zayn and I would be doing it too if I was in his shoes let alone my girlfriend and family die because I didn't followed him.

So now we were on our way to the cabin. Its past 7 so we still have time. We sneaked out easily and avoided the paparazzi's as much as possible. We called our managers and said that we would be gone for a while and wouldn't comeback in a few weeks or so. Who knows how long we'll stay there. We all got in the black van as Adrienne sat at the drivers seat while Zayn on the passenger seat. Niall, Liam and I sat at the back as we all buckled in and drove to our destination.


Hours of chatting and sleeping, we arrived at the cabin safely and unnoticed. The place was secluded and hard to find. I wonder how Louis found this place. Considering he always got lost so easily. I shook my head as we all got out of the car with our weapons. All of us had a pocket knife with us in case Louis had company. Adrienne had a gun with her. Liam had a baseball bat in hand. Niall had chips on his vest since he reasoned out that he doesn't want to starve while on the drive. Zayn also had a baseball bat with him. As I had a pocket knife with other equipments we would use to defend ourselves.

We walked slowly towards the house that looked rather nice. Adrienne cursed when she opened the door with a spare key that Louis gave her when she was helping him out and she never gave it back to him.

We all walked in the house and the house was..empty. I looked around the house and it feels weird but familiar in the strangest way. We walked around the house. Adrienne flip the lights on but it seems like the lights were cut out. So we used our flashlights we had on our pocket. I walked around the living room and was looking around and thinking how similar it looked with Taylor's apartment back in New York. I trudged down the kitchen and its the same as Taylor's kitchen at her apartment. I walked around the house and everything is the same. Everything the furnitures that were left and unmoved, the fact that I knew my way around even though I haven't got to this place at all. Then I realized that this place was a replica of Taylor's house.

"Harry! Adrienne! Liam! come up here!" Niall shouted from upstairs and we all raced up the stairs to where Niall was. We all got in the room and I gasp in surprise and horror.

I looked around the room and its the same room where the twins were supposed to slept in.

The nursery

Everything's the same. Even the furnitures where the same. The jukebox even. I leaned on the drawer for support. It seems like my world was spinning. I couldn't hear what they were saying around me as they grouped up in front of me. Telling me to stand up and don't freak out. Then the next I knew everything went black.


We arrived at the house in pure bliss and happiness. Louis was really a great man and husband. The house or more like a mansion was bigger than my house in La and Rhode Island. I got out of the car excitedly as I got Marie out who was squirming in her car seat waiting to get out and walked in the new house. As I got Marie out, I got a sleeping Tom out on his car seat as Louis got out a sleeping Alison as well. Louis and I held hands as we got the bags and the kids out of the car. Louis opened the door with one hand as the other carried Alison. Marie was running around in circles when Louis opened the door to our new home.

I smiled wide as we entered the house. Louis and I dropped our bags on the floor as Louis locked the door behind him. Marie run around the house as she explored the brand new house where we would live for the rest of our lives but not exactly since we had houses around America and Europe.

The house has 8 bedrooms with bathrooms in each room. A swimming pool out at the backyard for us to relax and swim since Marie begged us to teach her how to swim. The living room contained of a large flat screen tv in the middle as red velvet sofa sits on the center facing the tv with two arm chairs on each side facing each other. The kitchen was big enough to fit more than 10 people. A dining room just beside the kitchen which had a path way to it. When you walk upstairs, Marie had her own room as the twins slept just beside the master bedroom.

Marie's room was incredible and suit her personality well. Her bed was in the center of the room with a vintage drawer in each side of her bed. A walk in closet at the right as her bathroom was on the left. A desk sitting on the left corner of the room. A bookshelf hangs on the other wall of facing the bed with a lot of books in it since Marie is a bookworm. Marie squealed as she saw her room and hugged Louis and I as she thanked us over and over again. We laugh at her as we hugged her back saying it wasn't a big deal and we would do anything for our little girl.

The twins room was simple with cribs on either of the room so the twins crib were facing it other sidewards. A jukebox on the middle and center of the room. I looked at Louis and he had the biggest smile on his face. I hugged him as we changed the twins clothes and set them down for a nap.

Next was the master bedroom. I gasp looking at our room. A king sized bed stays in the middle as a flat screen tv faces in front of the bed. A large walk in closet for Louis and I's clothes as we share in one closet at the right side. The bathroom just beside the walk in closet.

I turned around and tackled Louis with a bear hug. He catch he me as soon as I wrapped my legs on his waist and kiss him passionately on the lips. He responded without hesitation as we pulled away with big smiles on our faces.

This is it. This is our home. Our home. My home.


As soon as we walked in the house. I was left confused and shattered. Seeing the look on Harrys face as he looked around was awful. The house was almost empty with a few furnitures here and there. Then we heard Niall shouted from upstairs. We all dashed up and hurried as we came in the room where Niall was. I watched as Harry walked around with a hand on his mouth as he wondered around the room. We watched him as he leans himself at the drawer beside him and we rushed beside him as his eyes flutter shut. Liam and Zayn supported him back downstairs as they let him rest on the couch which was covered with plastic.

Harry was out for a couple of hours when he woke up confused. We all got back once Harry knew where he was and we searched the house for any evidence and clues. But we found none. I frowned and pulled my hair in frustration and defeat and guilt. I screamed at the top if my lungs as the boys jumped in horror at my sudden outburst.

Niall hesitatingly walked towards me and wrapped me in his arms as my body shook and tears falling down my cheeks as I hugged Niall back thankful he was here to comfort me.

Harry gave me a pity look and I hated it. I hated the fact that they were pitying me not Harry. I should be the one comforting them not the other way around.

After a few minutes of crying and comforting I finally pulled away from Niall and thanked him for comforting me. He responded with a reassuring smile as he kissed my forehead that I instantly melted at the touch of his lips on my forehead.

We went back to searching for clues when I saw Harry looking at a room with a blank expression on his face.

I furrowed my eye brows and slowly walked towards him and peeked through his shoulder. My eyes widen at the scene in front of me. Then everything went black.


Hey guys sorry for the delay of the update. I was busy this past few weeks and my phone was a wreck. Anyways, hope you guys like the chapter. I made it a bit longer to make it up for it. I'm really sorry.

Don't forget to




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