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I was woken up at 2am when I heard one of the twins whimpering on the baby monitor we had on our room. Harry was peacefully sleeping and I kissed his cheek before standing up and going to the twins room. Opening the door, I noticed Ali was awake while Tom was peacefully sleeping like his father. I smiled and picked Ali out of the crib before settling myself on the rocking chair as I laid Ali's head on my head, tracing circles on her back as I make her a bottle. After testing the milk on my wrist I popped the bottle on Ali's mouth as she sucks away. Holding her hand in mine as she looked up at me with her big blue eyes. I smiled and kissed her tiny hands.

Ali started to droop as she finished the last bit of milk and wiped her mouth with a bib after burping her. Pushing play on the jukebox, the 1D lads voices echoed in the room as their song 'Irresistible' played. Hearing their voices made me smile then when it was Louis turn. I slightly frown. I know I shouldn't be upset but Louis was a great man with a good heart. I just..still don't get why he have to do this to us. I shook my head as the song ended and came next was 'Safe & Sound'. I smiled and looked down at Ali and she was fast asleep in my arms. I gently tucked her in beside her brother as I let the jukebox play. I admired Ali and Tom. They really do look exactly alike me but Tom has Harry's features while Ali got mine except for he lips.

Arms wrapped around my waist and I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. "I was looking for you." His raspy voice whispers in my ear, sending goosebumps on my skin. I slightly lifted my head to look at Harry and peck his lips so gently and lovingly. "Ali woke up. I didn't want to bother you. Your were peacefully sleeping." I said and looked back at the twins. Harry rested his chin on my shoulder and kissed my neck lightly as I leaned my head back. "Lets go to bed." I nodded and we walked hand in hand back to our room.


I froze in my spot. Processing the words in my head.

Did he just say that he loves me?

I shook my head thinking that maybe I was hallucinating but I wasn't. He said it again.

"I think I love you." Niall's words echoed through my mind and I find myself almost crying from the words that left he's mouth. I looked at Niall and stopped pacing and was standing a few meters away from me. I stood up from my position and grabbed Niall's hands in mine. "Niall..I.." I started to say but was cut off.

"I know you don't feel the same way and I-"


"-And that everything will changed from us. You would hate m-"

"I love you too."

"-And that you maybe you don't love me and I'm seriously gonna walk away and..wait!....did you just say I love you too?" I giggled and nodded, I swear he's face looks priceless. It was like he won a lottery. "Adrienne..I" I cut him off by smashing my lips on his. His lips were soft and tasted like fruit. He was surprise at first but kissed me back, holding my hip as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Hmm" I hummed as Niall licked my bottom lip. Opening my mouth to him, he slipped his tongue and started playing with mine. After what seems like an eternity we finally pulled away, gasping for air. Resting our foreheads on the other, we both smiled. My eyes still close and when I opened them I was met with ocean blue eyes and a bright smile on his face.

"I love you, Adrienne Scott." Niall whispered and pecked my lips once more. I smiled "I love you, Niall Horan." I said back.


Im so happy right now. I got the girl of my dreams. Well not really but still. I have found my soulmate and the woman I would spend the rest of my life with. I smiled widely and peck her lips before cuddling with her on the bed. We got to know each other as we laid there wrapped up in each others arms. I was the happiest man alive. Then I saw a glimpse of someone staring at us at the window. I stopped talking as I stared at the figure of a man on a tree. Adrienne looked at me and forced me to look at her. I did and was caught off guard at the piercing brown eyes that was staring at my blue ones. I smiled and peck her lips before looking back at the window and the man wasn't there anymore.

It was strange that someone was watching us. But I just shake it off and started talking to Adrienne before drifting off to sleep.


I was staring out the window when my eyes landed on a familiar blue ones. I know who it was but I just ignored it. I sighed and closed the blinds before laying down on the bed. I was about to drift off when I heard someone knocking on the window. I groaned and rolled over the bed. Pushing the pillow on my head to block out the noise but the sound become louder and louder so I decided to check who it was. Standing up from my comfortable position and opened the window and was surprise to see Louis with his hood on.

"Lou?" I asked, my eyes wide as I gaped at him. He nodded and motioned for me to step aside as I let him in. "What are you doing here?" I asked, sitting on the bed. Louis pushed back his hood before looking at me with a sly smile on his face.

"To check up on all of you." He's voice deep and I almost cried. I must admit I missed Louis back in 1D but knowing him he wouldn't come back anyway.

"What? Why?" I asked, confusion written on my face. He sighed and looked at me.

"This is my job right now. To look after everyone." He said. I nodded. Then he pushed his hood back before opening the window once again.

"Leaving so soon." I said, he nodded. Before he could finally got out of the window. He turned one more time.

"Please tell my family I'm not coming back and so is the fans. Tell them I needed space and I'm leaving One Direction for real. Thank you for the great memories. I'll surely miss you. Goodbye" He said and before I can say anything else. He jumped out of the window and run away.

He's words echoed through my head and I smiled. Louis's might not come back but I know he's always there even if its just a few yards away from us.

He's looking after us. After all his done. But that's his job now. And no one can stop him.

Hey guys I updated. Sorry if this is a little weird. My mind is just everywhere. So yeah. Hope you guys like this chapter. Don't forget to




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