Chapter XXIII

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Hey guys. I know I don't do this A/N at first but I just wanted you, all to know that I never thought I would reached this kind of thing. The reads, the votes, the comments, and the fans. Guys thank you so much.

You don't know how much it means a lot or maybe you do but I know I couldn't thank you enough but really Thank so damn much.

If you have time can you guys check out my new book. Its a 'Taylor Swift fanfic' its actually called 'The Other Side of the door'. It would really mean a lot if you guys would check it out. Feel free to read and vote. Thanks.

Anyways hope you guys would like this chapter. Until next time.


The last few days came faster than I thought. My bump is getting bigger. Sometimes it makes me hard to sit up so I always had Harry on my side even if I told him I was fine. Our friends were happy for us. Even our fans. Theres not much hate than before making Harry and I happy and relieved that the hate was not as much as it was before.

So now the lads are going back on tour. I was wrapped in Harry's arms as I wrapped mine on his waist. I looked up at him, trying to blinked back tears.

He lifted my chin with his forefinger and leaned in to kiss my lips gently. My hands running up to cup his cheek as the other stayed at his waist. Caressing my cheek with his thumb. A tear fell down my cheek.

"Please don't cry"Harry mumbled on my lips. I nodded "I wont" I said, reassuring myself more that him. He kiss me on the forehead before hugging me once again.

"I really don't want to leave yet"I nodded in agreement and hugged him tighter to me. Our little embrace was interrupted when someone knock on the door.

"Sorry to break it to you guys, but Harry, we meed to go"Zayn said as he poked his head in. Nodding his head, Zayn gave us a sad smile before shutting the door behind him.

"If only I could go with you"I said. He shook his head at me.

"I know, but you cant. It'll give you too much stress"I nodded and sighed before pecking his lips once more and letting go of our hug.

"I'll text you once I arrived okay?"I nodded as he kissed my forehead before clutching his carry on bag and pulling his suitcase out of the house.

"We'll see ya soon love"Niall hugged me as I hugged the Irish lad back.

"Okay"hugging the rest of the boys, I was left with Louis.

We nodded at each other, none of us said a thing or even hugged. We just nodded as it was the only way we can communicate.

"We'll see you, before the baby comes"Niall said cheekily and I giggled, nodding my head at him before waving at them as the car that they were in disappeared in thin air.

I sigh and closed the door behind me before looking down at my 3 month old bump.

"I guess its just you and me, guys"



I was sitting on the couch on the hotel room we were staying at. I just texted Taylor that we landed safely and I promised to Skype her later after the show. We talked a bit until she texted me that Karlie, her best friend, wanted to go out for lunch.

So now, Im sitting here doing nothing but staring of at space. Then, I felt someone sat next to me. Looking over to see who it was, as expected, Louis was sitting next to me, head down while he played with his fingers. Knowing that he has something to tell me I asked "is there something wrong?", he sighed then looked up at me. Shaking his head he said, "I don't think I can move on, Harry",

I know this would come. But I never thought it would be too soon. I sigh and looked at the vulnerable lad, sitting beside me.

"Lou, I trust you I do, believe me. But knowing you still have feelings for Taylor kinda breaks my heart"I said, picking the right words carefully, careful not to hurt him.

"I know, I'm sorry"he hangs his head down and I sigh.

"Why wont you go out and have some fun?"I attempted to cheer him up. Which I successfully did. He smiled a little and nodded his head at me, he said "yeah, that would be a great idea. Thanks Harry", he hugs me and I hugged back, patting his back in the process.

"Maybe, I could move on, and find someone I'm finally looking for"He said and I nod. He grabs his jacket and keys before bidding me goodbye and runs out of the hotel room.

"Is he really gonna move on?'I jumped from my seat when I heard Niall talked behind me with a bag of chips on his hand.

"God, Niall you scared me shitless"he chuckled and sat down next to me, where Louis sat earlier.

"Sorry mate, but do you really think he can move on?"I nodded at him, as Niall ate his chips.

"Yeah, I think he can"I said nodding my head once more. He smiles then pats me on the back before saying "he already did", confused I asked "what do you mean?", he said "he was seeing someone, his just testing if Taylor really have feelings for him, turns out she doesn't. And of course we know why because she is madly in love with you"Niall pulls a face and I laugh lightly.

"So now, he's going out with someone who, well I guess we knew perfectly well"Niall shrugs and walks out to his room beside mine. Did I mention that we all live in one hotel room? Well we are.


Hours later Louis came back with a brunette on his side. I gasp at the sight of the smiling couple.

"Louis is that....."

Cliffhanger!!! Yay!! This actually made my mind go a tad bit crazy But I hope guys will like it. Don't forget to




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