Chapter X

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(Guess first who the mystery guy is comment before you read)

















The moment he took off his mask. My blood runs cold. I cant believe its...................Conor Kennedy my ex boyfriend who broke up with me for another girl

"Conor?"i stutter out of shock. Of all people it has to be him. No offense i did 'loved' him but he was the one who ended it after telling me that he found someone else and i was broken but not that kind of broken but then i met Harry and he might broke my heart a few times but he mended it and stayed with me through thick and thin

"Yes Taylor, its me Conor the guy you left"

"Your a liar, you left me with someon-"i was cut off mid sentence when i felt something sting on my left cheek and thats when i realize i was slapped hard on the cheek. I was trying to fought back tears from the impact he had when he slapped me

"Whats wrong Taylor huh? You gonna cry? Why won't you run with your Romeo? Oh right his not here to save his damsel in distress"Conor says in a high pitched voice and slapped me across the face again and again as tears mix with the blood dripping from my cheeks and lips that were swollen from hitting too much.

When he stopped hitting me, he slapped me one last time he got out of the door without another word and thats when i release a breathe that i didn't know that i was holding and cried and cried until theres no more tears to shed then blackness took me

*Weeks Later*


I woke up from my dreamless dream and looked around. I forgot i slept here after Niall walked up to his room to take a rest. I heard footsteps then came Eleanor

"Hey Harry, good morning"Eleanor greeted

"Good morning"i replied and rubbed the sleep out if my eyes

"You just woke up?"Eleanor asks as she pour two cups of coffee. I nodded
"Yeah, i think i fell asleep here on the kitchen island"i point at the counter were i was sleeping awhile ago and chuckled

"Well someones happy"Eleanor smiled, i shook my head lightly and smile weakly at him

Eleanor sighed moments later after she drank half of her coffee and put it down

"I wish shes okay and nothing bad is happening to her right now, i hope"she quietly says the last part and looked down at the ground

"Taylor?"i scoff and crossed my arms around my chest

"Taylor is the most bravest girl i have ever seen in my entire life and i bet that she doesn't want us to stress over her but we all know its too hard bot to think about her. She will have to fight back. She has to"I say with confidence and reassurance.

I hugged Eleanor and wipe her wet cheeks with my thumb as i kiss the top of her head brotherly way.

"Shes going to be fine"i reassure one last time before going out of the kitchen leaving her alone and giving her space then my phone rang


"Is this Harry Styles?"the guy on the other end asked


"Mr. Styles its me Officer Riley, i have good news to tell you"Officer Riley said with a little enthusiasm

My heart was pounding on my chest. Eleanor came out of the kitchen and glance me a confused look.

"What is it?"i asks a little more worried and excited

"We found were Your wife is located"

I sigh in relief when i heard that they found her location so that means that she would be back home then someone knock on the door. Eleanor opened the door but when i lift the phone on my ear the line was dead

"Harry!! Officer Riley is here"

"Sorry to hang up on you Mr. Styles"he gave an apologetic smile but i wave it off

"We need you to come with us to where your wife is located sir"i nodded and grabbed my jacket since i change out my clothes before i slept stepped out of the house and followed Officer Riley to his car and we drove off to where Taylor is.


I was screaming in pain when Conor hit me repeatedly. It was like a routine for him to hit me. I bet my body is covered with bruises and cuts. He stopped suddenly as i choked out sobs. I looked up from my bruised face and saw Conor being pulled away by a cop. Then i saw Harry

"Taylor!! Oh my god. Did he did this to you?"before i can utter a reply. He was taking off the rope on my wrists, waist, and legs. He finally took off the rope. I tried to stand up but i was too weak so Harry carried me bridal style.

I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as i sobbed on his chest as he carry me out of the house and setting me down on a stretcher. I tightly wrapped my arms on Harrys neck as he try to pull away from me

"Shhh....babe i wont leave you, i'll be here"Harry kept whispering to me as the paramedics helped him out to put me on a stretcher and putting a mask on me so i can breathe properly and hooking an iv on my arm. They pulled the stretcher up the ambulance as Harry and the paramedics followed suite.

Harry took my cold hands on his warm ones making me relax a bit

"Were almost there, were almost there"Harry whispered as a female paramedic cleaned my cuts



They wheeled her to an emergency room as nurses tried to push me away from the room

I tried to protest but they sat me down in the bench and i know that theres no way of fighting back so i sat on defeat

I called up everyone telling them that we found Taylor and shes in a surgery right now

Moments later the lads and their girlfriends came rushing in the waiting room.

The surgery went on hours and hours more like an eternity then a doctor burst out the room wearing his surgery suit and mask

We all stood up at the sight of him

"Family?"he asks

"I am"i said. He turned to me and smiled and i smiled back confused but nervously

"Taylor is........"

Another cliffhanger i know. Sorry for the late update. Im just a little busy because i have to review for exams next week anyways i hope you guys lie it even though its a little boring anyways don't forget to




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