Chapter IX

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And the drama begins!!


I was changing on my clothes when i heard Taylor scream and plates dropping on the floor making a loud crash. I quickly run and open the door but it wont open. I banged the door a few times till my knuckles bleed. It was no use. I quickly called the police and the lads.

A few minutes later i heard the front door banged open and the bedroom door opened. I looked up to see Liam breathing heavily with the boys behind him

"Harry, what happened?"Liam asks as i cried on my hands

"Harry, what happened?"Liam repeats and i looked up at him

"I....Taylor...she..door...screams.....i..."i couldn't even complete a sentence because of my sobs and my mind was not set to anything but Taylor

"Harry, i don't understand, please calm down lad"

"How am i supposed to calm down when my fiancé is..."i stop mid sentence when i realised about Taylor is not here anymore

"Taylor, where is she?!"i stood up and ran out of the room pushing past Liam and the lads down the stairs. My heart drop when i walked in the kitchen. Shattered glasses everywhere, Taylor's phone was on the floor, broken into pieces but then my heart shattered more into pieces when i saw her engagement ring lying on the floor

Ignoring the broken pieces of glass. I walked on it and picked up the ring ignoring the complaints of officers and the glasses tearing my flesh out of me

I flip the ring on my finger and looked at engraved written

I Love You, Harry Edward Styles

I clenched the ring on my hand and closed my eyes

Whoever the hell you are, who took my wife. Im going to beat the hell out of you for stealing her from me. & You my friend is going to pay for what you done

I felt a tap on my shoulder and a middle age man stood in front of me suiting in his uniform. Taking off his glasses he stretch his hand for a handshake. Shaking his hand he introduce himself

"Im officer Riley and i would be one of the people who's going to investigate about your wife and this unexpected scene"Officer Riley introduce. I smiled weakly at him and introduce myself

"Harry Styles, nice to meet you"nodding my head on his direction and letting of the handshake

"What do you think happened?"i asked

"Well Mr. Styles. Its seems like the kidnapper broke in your house without any of you noticing and by the looks of it his good. There are no traces about him entering your house

"Observing this. He seemed to know that your wife is not alone. He put a chair and taped it with thick rope on the other side of the door that you were in

"Mrs. Styles must be washing the dishes right?"i nodded and waited for him to continue

"It seems like she was drug and the guy is not alone while doing all this"

I was shock to say the least of all people why Taylor? Why my wife who got nothing to do with their all shitty things? Why does it have to be Taylor?

"And all we found is your wife's phone on the floor and this picture"he gave me the picture and i froze

This is the picture i took with Taylor a few moths ago before her album release. I don't remember sending the photo to anyone to be clearly honest but how did he got this picture

"Mr. Styles, we have let you stay in another house so we can investigate without much distraction"Officer Riley says and i nodded in agreement

"I think i'll stay with the lads until you finish investigating"i said without emotion. He nodded sadly at me and i walked out of the living room and pack some of my clothes and left with the lads to their flat


We arrived at the flat and I'm still not the same Harry a few days ago. I mean what do you expect when someone kidnaps your wife all of a sudden and blocking out your way? I mean what is their problem anyway? If they needed money, i would give as much as they want other than giving off your life.

"Harry, lad. You should take a rest"Niall puts a hand on my shoulder and gave me a sad smile. Even though i was upset and angry about the fact that my wife has been with some hypocrite then i would lose my mind when i found a single scratch from Taylor. Niall was as upset as me, he and Taylor were best friends since we first started because of their passion on foods and i know that I am not the only one who's miserable for about a few hours without her presence. Liam and Zayn were with their girlfriends telling them what had happened and stayed for the night before coming back the next day. Eleanor drove here because she doesn't want an emotional Louis driving to get her to come here. I looked up at the irish lad who was staring at me intently and nodded at him before standing up and giving him a hug before walking up the stairs to take a rest

I twist and turn on my bed. I tried to sleep but i cant. I was restless to say the least. When i decided that theres no way of point of sleeping. I stood up and carefully walked down the stairs so i wouldn't wake up the others. I quietly step in the kitchen to warm up some milk to calm my nerves

"Couldn't sleep too?"i jump at the sudden presence behind me. I turn around to see Niall with a tired look on his face

"Yeah, i suppose you cant sleep either"he nodded and warm up his own milk

"Yeah, i just cant stop thinking about the fact that Taylor got kidnapped with some prick"his voice was soft at first but then turn sour at the end. I slightly flinch at the change of tone

"Its just complicated without her here you know"i nodded at him understandingly as i sip on my cup.

"Same here"after that was said. We fell into a silence. The only sound was us sipping our cup of milk



I woke up and i was met with a sudden headache. My head hurts as hell. I tried to stand up and thats when i realized i was tied up to a chair. My arms and ankles were tied up and so is my waist. I try to break free but it was too tight to even move.

"Help!"i called out but my voice just echoed to the dim light room. The only source of light was a bulb hanging from the ceiling as it sways left to right

"Help!"i called again but still no answer. I try to looked around me but i cant see a door or any source of escape

"I guess you just woke up now huh?"a voice said behind and i froze in my tracks. The voice was familiar but i cant put a finger to it

"Don't remember me huh, Swift?"his voice was hoarse and thick.

He walked in front of me but i still couldn't see his face due to the fact that he is wearing a mask. The only thing you can see is his eyes and nose

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"i asks. He bent down just my sitting position and rest his hands on my knee

"What do i want from you? well the answer is simple. All i want is you too be mine and not with some curly haired bitch that took you away from me"he spat and i flinch at that

"What do you have against Harry?"

"Its because he took you away from me"then he slowly pulled his mask away and my blood ran cold. Is that........

Cliffhanger!!! yay!!! Sorry if i just updated now. I just had a little problem with some certain person which is that you guys don't want to know but anyways i hope you like this chapter and please don't forget




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