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Author's pov

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Author's pov

Seven days have passed since the day Karna had walked out on Juhi. Seven days since they had a proper conversation. Seven days of pain and Agony. Seven days of ignorance and avoidance. Seven days of torment. Seven days that they never wished to live again.

Karna had been avoiding Juhi for the past seven days. His heart knew the reason behind her not revealing about the events happened in Varnavart was quite right but his mind was not able to digest it. His heart and mind told him two different thing making it quite hard for her to decide on whom to follow and whom not to.

At the end of the day his mind overpowered his heart like his grief and pain overpowered his love for her. He wanted the past few days to be a nightmare but all one can do is wish. He became selfish in his pain. So selfish that he gave blind eye to Juhi's pain and sufferings. He only thought about himself and forgot about the girl, who left her whole family behind to start a family with him.

As for Juhi, Karna's ignorance has hurted in a way words can't express. She now looked like a walking death body. The only person for whom she is living for is, despising her and ignoring her whole existence. He accused her for the death of his family. He accused her of faking her love for his family. He questioned her loyality towards him and his family. His accusations and ignorance are suffocating her.

Once again she found herself in the clutch of depression. Once she had escaped the clutch of depression with the help of her parents. Their love and care brought her out of the dark phrase of her life. Now again she is facing the same situation but this time she doesn't have her parents with her to save her. Nowadays she felt all alone and that made her depressional mind to gain more control over her senses. She was at the verge of giving up her own life but there was something that was preventing her from doing it.

Varchas was also aware of their sufferings. He was not blind to miss the apathy of Karna towards Juhi. One side it was his sister and the other side it was his best friend he didn't know whom to support and whom not to. It pained him to see his beloved ones suffering for no fault of theirs. He could see the damagable effects of Karna's act in Juhi. The once cheerful and happy Juhi is now silent and sad and he felt his heart breaking at the mere sight of her now. He felt his little sister slipping away from everyone and moving towards the world of darkness. He felt like he was loosing her once again to the game of fate.

Even the dassis of the palace too were aware of the indifferent behavior of their Maharaj towards the Maharani. Many unwanted and inadequate rumors were spreading inside the walls of the Anga palace unknown to the King but know by the Queen. This had become one of the reasons for the daasis to gossip about in their working time and one day unknowingly Juhi heard it.

"Seems like Maharaj got wearied of Maharani. I think he is planning to marry again and bring another Maharani to Anga." A daasi spoke drawing the attention of others.

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