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Author's Pov

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Author's Pov

The stars in the sky were non-existed as the dark clouds arose. They blanketed the sky, hiding the full moon in its glory behind them. There were vivid flashes of lightning.

A happy family of three were heading back to Mumbai after the celebration of Janmashtami unaware of what the destiny had in store for them. They are about to see the cruel face of their fate.

Soon enough it started raining making the person who was driving the car to have difficulty in seeing the view out. The weather was getting worse as they drove through the road between the dark forest. It seemed like the nature was well aware of the happenings that are gonna happen.

"Dad do you want me to drive. Its been 2 hour since you started driving." Juhi asked worried.

"No need baby. Its nothing new for me to drive at night time. You take a small nap if you want. You must be exhausted. " He suggested not wanting to trouble his daughter.

"Sweetie if you want you can take a small nap. I will wake you up when we reach there and moreover if your dad gets tired of driving I am there na I will drive the car." Sonakshi said smiling at her daughter.

Juhi leaned her head against the car window and closed her eyes letting the exhaustion consume her body.  She felt extremely lucky to have such an amazing parents. They never let her do any work. She never once felt they were over protective. She had her own share of freedom and she never once felt the need to over use her freedom.

Juhi was a miracle in Sonakshi's and Mohit's life. Even after 10 years of marriage they were unable to have children. All the Doctors they have consulted declared that it was impossible for Sonakshi to become a mother. They lost all hopes of having a child. It was a shock for the couple when they got the news of Sonakshi's pregnancy.

The pregnancy was a complicated one. The chances for a normal delivery was very low. After nine months of struggle a beautiful baby girl was born to the couple. She was their lucky charm. She became the apple of their eyes. She was the their little bundle of joy. She was a papa's baby but she loved them equally.

After the birth of Juhi, Sonakshi left her job as a collage lecturer just to make sure her child has a secure future. Mohit is a sincere police officer. Being a sincere police officer has its own troubles. Making enemies was one of them. But that didn't stop him from making many. Even in his police busy job he made sure to spent quality time with his family. Juhi was his princess. They never restricted her from doing what she want.

Juhi's pov

I opened my eyes as I felt the car coming to an halt. I saw two to three cars blocking our way. A few men dressed in black came out of the cars and were standing in front of the cars. There faces were not clear due to the headlights being on and blinding us with that light.

"Do not get out of the car. If anything goes wrong over there just run. Do not worry about me just run. Am I clear." Dad said as he picked his police riffle.We both nodded. He kissed mine and Moms forehead and whispered he loves us.

He got out of the car. Mom started whispering that everything will be fine. I don't know they were talking but by the look it was only getting worse. After a few minutes gun shoots were heard. We saw dad fall down and blood splashed on our car's windshield.

"DAD" "Mohit"

We both got out of the car and rushed towards dad. We are all drenched due to the rain. Dad was lying in the pool of his own blood. Breathing was becoming difficult for him.

"Sonakshi, Juhi run" were his last word.

"Dad" I shaked him to wake up even though I knew he was not going to wake up.

"Look what do we have here" said one of the goons.

"Don't come near us" Mom said.

"Poor souls you two also have his same fate but no before we have our way with them." said another one as he moved to the front. I felt completely disgusted by his words.

In no time mom took hold of my hands and started running. The sound of the firing was only heard other than that of the rain's pitter patter sound.


Mom screamed falling down on her knees as a bullet wounded her knees. There is no way she can run. The goons were approaching us.

"Juhi leave me and run. Save yourself sweetie."

I shook my head telling her that I am not leaving her alone.

"Please Juhi run from here. If you ever truly loved me and dad run from here." She let go of the hold she had in my hand. They were almost near to us. With one last look at mom's face I started running. The sound of firing was heard from the place where I left mom.

Tears that was running down my face were washed off by rain. I don't known where I was running off to. I ran into the dark forest. I don't know for how long I have been running and they were chasing me.

I reached the edge of a cliff. I closed my eyes as helplessness consumed me. There is no escape for me. I have two options either jump from the cliff and die or die in the hands of those goons.

"I love you mom and dad" I said as I jumped off the cliff.

A scream escaped my mouth as I realised I am falling off the cliff. I could see some people standing on the cliff that a few minutes before I was standing.

I felt suffocation in my breathing. All the events that happened in my life till today flashed before my eyes. I felt all the energy draining off my body. My eyelids started closing on their own wish not letting me have a say on it. My parent's smiling faces was the last thing I remember before I lost my consciousness.

Author's pov

The body of the girl fell into the river of Ganga that was flowing just beneath the cliff. A small commotion occurred  under the river as her body hit the cold water. It looked like a somewhat like a whirlpool. As soon as the body of the girl entered the whirlpool it disappeared from Ganga like it was never there in the river.

As soon as the whirlpool disappeared the dark clouds covering the moon started drifting away, drenching the nature with the soft lunar light.

The atmosphire was silent except for the pitter patter of the rain and the melodious sound of the flute that was travelling throught the night air.


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