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Author's Pov

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Author's Pov

Days passed painfully slow for the liking of Karna and Chandini. Since the day their marriage got fixed both of them couldn't seem to keep their excitement and happiness in control. Not only the young couple but also the whole of the devlok were excited for the wedding. 

Their marriage was written in their eyes the first day they met, not a thing of human-kind nor laws, yet existed as if the universe had brought together two souls that were already betrothed for the next seven lives. Two souls molded to be together through thick and thin for the next seven lives.

Both Suryalok and Chandralok had started the preparations for the wedding of their young prince and princess. It was a festival mood for everyone. All devas and some asuras too were invited to the wedding of the young couple among one of them was Akop.

Chandini was surprised to see Akop in their palace. She seemed to have forgotten about the wedding proposal sent by him until the moment her father introduced her to Akop few days back.

"Putri Chandini come here for a minute." Chandra called out to Chandini.

Chandini looked at her father and found him talking to someone, who had his back faced to her. Smiling softly, Chandini made her way towards her father, "Yes pitashree, do you need anything?"

"I don't need anything putri. I called you to introduce you to someone special. Putri this is Akop, Asurraj. And Akop this is my putri Chandini." Chandra said with a smile. 

She looked at Akop for the first time since the moment she arrived there. Her twinkling eyes met his stone cold ones. She shivered inwardly seeing the emotions pooled in his eyes but what scared her most was the dark luscious look in his black orbs.

"Pranipaat." Chandini greeted with folded hands.

"Pranipaat devi Chandini." He said while looking at her from head to toe. 

Chandini felt disgusted seeing his lustful gaze on her body but decided to keep quite in front of her father. She felt very uncomfortable standing next to him. She felt negativity radiating from him making her happiness to vanish slowly. 

Making a mindless excuse she walked away from the duo. Though Chandra didn't want her to leave yet she was adamant on leaving making Chandra smile. With a polite yet forced smile at Akop, she left from there. She felt his eyes watching her moments till she had disappeared around the corner. 

Never have ever Chandini felt this intense hated for someone whom she just met like she felt for Akop. 

She could always feel Akop's eyes on her body throughout every rituals that were carried out. His gaze alone was powerful enough to make her feel disgusted about herself. His dirty gaze on her made her feel unsafe in her own house. She felt unprotected in her own house. 

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