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"Who are you?" the voice made her stop in her tracks

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"Who are you?" the voice made her stop in her tracks.

Frightened by the voice Juhi turned around. The swift moment made her lose her balance and she closed her eyes tightly afraid of the falls impact. She waited for the pain to consume her body but it did not happen.

He had his hands wrapped around her waist preventing her from falling. She slowly opened her eyes and found staring at the most handsome guy she had ever meet.

Karna was walking to his chamber in Hastinapur after his long day journey. He had left Anga to clear a few political issues of the kingdom. That was when he found someone standing in the garden. His first guess was that person to be a enemy but when he got a little closer he understood that it was a girl. Her back was facing him. She turned around only to fall into his arms.

The moonlight fell on her face making her face more clear for him. His heart skipped a beat. Her lotus like eyes made him forget all his all about the surroundings. His gaze then fell on her pink lips making him wonder what it would taste like. He couldn't take his eyes away from her face. Her skin was felt so soft.

"Beautiful." the words left his mouth without his own knowledge. He cleared his throat coming out of the la la world.

"Who are you devi? What are you doing here at this hour?" he asked her as he made her stand properly.

"I am vasudev krishna's sister Juhi. Who are you?" She asked looking at the handsome man in front of her.

"I am Angraj Karna. What are you doing here alone at this time of night?"

"I...um..was...um ..star gazing." she stammered. She bite her tongue as she realized how stupid her excuse sounded. Karna did not seem to believe it but did not ask further which she was thankful for.

"Come I will accompany you till your chamber it is not safe for a young maiden to walk alone at night." Juhi wanted to argue that she is completely capable of taking care of herself but decided to keep her mouth shut.

They started walking back to her chamber. Both stole glances without the other noticing.

"Can you slow down a little." she asked as tried to catch up with him. He slowed down a little letting her catch up with him. Not a single was exchanged between them other than stealing glances.

"Thank you" she said as they reached her chamber.

"Don't roam around the palace at night it is not safe." She nodded her head looking down.

That night both slept thinking about the other. Well it was just the start of something beautiful and we should trust the magic of beginning.


The following morning Juhi woke up with a smile. Finally she met the person she wanted to meet. From today she will start her mission of uniting the brothers.

"Angraj has returned from Anga. I hope you all remember our talk." Juhi said. The five brothers to looked at each other before nodding their head.

"So what are you waiting for, go and apologize. After apologizing if you want to meet me then I will be with Subhadra and Dushala." with that she left the chamber.

That was the reason as to why the pandavas are now standing in front of Karna's chamber.

"Come on just go and apologize. The sooner the better." Yudishtir said.

"But is it necessary?" Bheem winned.

"Yes, it is necessary. We have promised Juhi that we would apologize for our behaviour Now like good children go and apologize."

"Ahem ahem" a cough made the five of them to stop in their tracks. Slowly they turned around only to meet the person they were searching for.

"How can I help you?" Karna asked as he eyed the five brothers.

"Angraj we would like to apologize for our ill behavior towards you." Yudhitir started.

"We are sincerely sorry for insulting you the other day." Bheema said with his head down.

"We are sorry for everything bad we had done to you." Arjun said with guilt evident in his voice.

"We are sorry angraj." the twins said simultaneously.

All five pandava's had their head bowed. Karna looked at them amused. What happened to them. Even during his last visit to hastinapur they had a fight. He did not have any enmity towards them. It is just his loyalty towards Duryodhana that made against the pandhavas.

"Its ok guys apologize accepted." Karna said with a smile. The pandavas could not believe it. He accepted their apologize without any question. Maybe Juhi is right Karna may not that bad. Soon a smile broke out in the faces of the brothers.


This was all seen by Kunti who stood behind the piller. She couldn't be more happier. Her heart skipped a beat when looked at her sons. She thanked all Gods above for sending Juhi in their lives. If it wasn't for her then she would have never witnessed the scene in front of her. All her sons standing together smiling at each other this is all she want. Tears blurred her vision.

Kunti didn't know whether she will be able to forgive herself for what she had done to karna. She was helpless. She abandoned Karna for the reputation of her father. She let go of karna for her selfishness. She was afraid of the consequences of her actions. Not even a single day had gone by for her life without her thinking about her first child whom she had abandoned.

Will her sons hate her if they came to know about the truth? Will they leave her? Will Karna forgive her for abandoning him? These were the questions she had asked herself everyday.

She wish she could share her sorrows with someone. She closed her eyes letting the tears to flow freely. Suddenly Juhi's face appeared on mind.

But will Juhi judge her for what she did. Will she see her differently? Is she trust worthy? Many more questions were there in her mind with no answer. Looking at her sons one last time she left from there. She went to the only place where she will get some peace admist of all the chaos in her heart.


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